博主有次在拆卸本身的筆記本電腦後,發現電腦若是靜置時間長了有時會重啓,但奇怪的是當我本身在電腦前工做的時候歷來沒有重啓過。據此推測可能 CPU 徹底空閒的時候風扇徹底停轉了,雖然 CPU 溫度不高,可是其它芯片仍是會發熱,拆卸的時候導熱硅膠墊沒有裝好,致使其它芯片過熱引起系統重置。windows
解決的辦法也很簡單,就是模擬 CPU 工做的狀態,人爲添加少許負載便可。工具
目前市面上也有個比較流行的工具,叫 CPU Killer,惋惜還要破解了才能用。一個這麼簡單的工具都要破解後才能無限制使用實在是不爽,因此博主準備本身開發一個。spa
#ifndef KILLER_H #define KILLER_H void Start(int cores, double load); void Stop(); #endif
#include <windows.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "killer.h" // Private //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static volatile bool running = false; static void Tick(double usage) // One tick is 1000 ms { unsigned int busyTime = (int)(1000 * usage); unsigned int idleTime = (int)(1000 * (1 - usage)); // Busy DWORD t0 = GetTickCount(); while (GetTickCount() - t0 < busyTime) ; // Idle Sleep(idleTime); } struct ThreadContext { int index; // CPU Index (0, 1, 2, ...) double load; }; static DWORD WINAPI WorkerThread(LPVOID lpParam) { ThreadContext *context = (ThreadContext *)lpParam; SetThreadAffinityMask(GetCurrentThread(), 1 << context->index); while (running) { Tick(context->load); } return 0; } // API //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void Start(int cores, double load) { running = true; for (int i = 0; i < cores; i++) { ThreadContext *context = new ThreadContext(); context->index = i; context->load = load; printf("Creating thread %d / %d ...\n", i + 1, cores); CreateThread(0, 0, WorkerThread, context, 0, 0); } printf("Press q to exit\n"); } void Stop() { running = false; Sleep(1100); }
#include <windows.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> #include "killer.h" int GetNumberOfCores() { SYSTEM_INFO si; GetSystemInfo(&si); return (int)si.dwNumberOfProcessors; } void PressAnyKeyToContinues() { printf("\n"); printf("Press any key to continue\n"); _getch(); exit(0); } void main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc != 3) { printf("Command-line CPU Killer v0.1\n"); printf("---------------------------------------\n"); printf("Usage: CPU-Killer {Cores} {Target Load}\n"); printf("Example: CPU-Killer 1 50\n"); PressAnyKeyToContinues(); } int cores = 0; int load = 0; int totalCores = GetNumberOfCores(); sscanf_s(argv[1], "%d", &cores); sscanf_s(argv[2], "%d", &load); if (cores <= 0 || cores > totalCores) { printf("Invalid number of cores!\n"); if (totalCores == 1) printf("There should be exactly one core.\n"); else printf("There should be %d to %d cores.\n", 1, totalCores); PressAnyKeyToContinues(); } if (load < 1 || load > 100) { printf("Invalid target load!\n"); printf("The target load should be between 1%% and 100%%.\n"); PressAnyKeyToContinues(); } printf("Number of CPU cores: %d\n", cores); printf("Target load: %d%%\n", load); Start(cores, load / 100.0); while (true) { int ch = _getch(); if (ch == 'q') break; } printf("Exiting...\n"); Stop(); }
鼠標右鍵拖放 CPU-Killer.exe 創建一個快捷方式,而後在後面加上參數便可。參數一共有兩個:it
好比 CPU-Killer.exe 1 50,就是佔用一個核,該核的 CPU 佔用率約爲 50%。io
注意:程序須要 Visual C++ 2008 運行庫!
將圖片保存到本地,而後把擴展名改成 .rar 再解壓便可。