1. Jquery 取服務器控件的ID問題web
<input type="hidden" id="hidweb" runat="server" />
若將其放入用戶控件中或繼承自母版頁的頁面中,其ID值前面會自動加上其餘值,變成一長串(如:column0_webcontrol_hidweb), 此時得取其ClientID,
document.getElementById("<%=hidweb.ClientID %>");
2. $(this).attr('checked')在不一樣版本的Jquery中選中和未選中返回值的問題
原來Jquery v1.6之後$(this).attr('checked')就返回checked和undefined,spa
v1.6之前返回true和false, v1.6之後能夠使用$(this).is(':checked')或者$(this).prop('checked')來返回true和falsecode
3. JS中動態拼裝JSON對象server
"Name": "aaa",繼承
"Contry": "China",seo
"Area": ["AA", "BB"]
var peoples =[]; var people = {}; var area = []; people['Name'] = "aaa"; people['Country'] = "China"; area.push('AA'); area.push('BB'); people['Area'] = area; peoples.push(people); // JSON 對象轉成字符串
var objectString = JSON.stringify(peoples); // 字符串轉成JSON 對象
var people = JSON.parse(objectString);
4. 關於Response.Redirect的 false 與 true
Response.Redirect(URL, false) : - Client is redirected to a new page and the current page on the server will keep processing ahead.
Response.Redirect(URL, true) : - Client is redirected to a new page but the processing of the current page is aborted.