




<template> <divider>Horizontal</divider> <flexbox style="height:40px;"> <flexbox-item><div class="flex-demo">1</div></flexbox-item> <flexbox-item><div class="flex-demo">2</div></flexbox-item> <flexbox-item><div class="flex-demo">3</div></flexbox-item> </flexbox> <divider>Vertical</divider> <flexbox orient="vertical" :margin-left=0> <flexbox-item><div class="flex-demo" style="margin-left:0">1</div></flexbox-item> <flexbox-item><div class="flex-demo" style="margin-left:0">2</div></flexbox-item> <flexbox-item><div class="flex-demo" style="margin-left:0">3</div></flexbox-item> </flexbox> </template> <script> //引入組件 import {Divider,FlexboxItem,Flexbox} from 'vux/src/components' //創造構造器 export default { components: { Divider,FlexboxItem,Flexbox }, } /*創造構造器的老版本的寫法,編譯的時候會報錯,執行沒有問題。 var MyComponent = Vue.extend{ components: { Divider,FlexboxItem,Flexbox }, }*/ </script> <style> .flex-demo { text-align: center; /*文本居中顯示*/ color: #EEE; background-color: #0077FF; margin-bottom: 16px; border-radius: 6px; /*按鈕的圓角弧度*/ -webkit-background-clip: padding-box; } </style>


<template> <flexbox :margin-left=0 style="height: 200px; " class="vux-1px-tb vux-1px-l vux-1px-r"> <flexbox-item class="vux-1px-r" style="height:200px;"></flexbox-item> <flexbox-item> <flexbox orient="vertical" :margin-left=0> <flexbox-item class="vux-1px-b"></flexbox-item> <flexbox-item style="height: 100px;"><!--height: 100% doesnot work here--> <flexbox :margin-left=0> <flexbox-item class="vux-1px-r"></flexbox-item> <flexbox-item></flexbox-item> </flexbox> </flexbox-item> </flexbox> </flexbox-item> </flexbox> </template>



名字 類型 默認 描述
height String Viewport 高度
lockX Boolean false 鎖定X方向
lockY Boolean false 鎖定Y方向
scrollbarX Boolean false 橫向滾動條
scrollbarY Boolean false 垂直方向滾動條
bounce Boolean true 是否有邊緣回彈
use-pulldown Boolean false 是否使用下拉組件
use-pullup Boolean false 是否使用上拉組件
pulldown-config Object 見下面 下拉組件配置
pullup-config Object 見下面 上拉組件配置
pulldown-status String 雙向綁定,當須要自定義下拉刷新行爲時配置
pullup-status String 雙向綁定,當須要自定義上拉行爲時配置


reset方法,從新渲染,由於scroller並不知道內部內容是否變化,所以須要手動取得ref進行reset, 而且須要在$nextTick中執行。css

this.$nextTick(() => { this.$refs.scroller.reset() })



名字 描述 實例
pullup:loading 上拉加載時觸發的事件,須要在獲取數據後使用$broadcast觸發狀態更新, this.$broadcast(‘pullup:reset’, uuid)
pulldown:loading 下拉加載時觸發的事件,須要在獲取數據後使用$broadcast觸發狀態更新, this.$broadcast(‘pulldown:reset’, uuid)
pullup:disable 禁用上拉加載,當沒有更多數據須要禁用時使用$broadcast觸發禁用, this.$broadcast(‘pullup:disable’, uuid)
pullup:enable 啓用上拉加載,禁用插件後,當又從新須要時使用$broadcast觸發從新啓用, this.$broadcast(‘pullup:enable’, uuid)


默認slot根元素必須有且只有一個, 如git






<template> <tab> <tab-item :selected="demo1 === '已發貨'" @click="demo1 = '已發貨'">已發貨</tab-item> <tab-item :selected="demo1 === '未發貨'" @click="demo1 = '未發貨'">未發貨</tab-item> <tab-item :selected="demo1 === '所有訂單'" @click="demo1 = '所有訂單'">所有訂單</tab-item> <tab-item :selected="demo1 === '1'" @click="demo1" = '6666'>6666</tab-item> </tab> </template> <script> //引入組件 import {Tab, TabItem} from 'vux/src/components' //創造構造器 export default { components: { Tab, TabItem }, data () { return { demo1: '1' } } } /*創造構造器的老版本的寫法,編譯的時候會報錯,執行沒有問題。 var MyComponent = Vue.extend{ components: { Divider,FlexboxItem,Flexbox }, }*/ </script> <style> .flex-demo { text-align: center; color: #fff; background-color: #0077FF; margin-bottom: 8px; border-radius: 4px; -webkit-background-clip: padding-box; } </style>


<tab :line-width="2" active-color="#fc378c"> <tab-item :selected="demo2 === item" v-for="item in list2" @click="demo2 = item"></tab-item> </tab> export default { data () { return { demo2: '美食', list2: ['精選', '美食', '電影', '酒店', '外賣'] } } }



參數 說明 類型 默認值
show 是否顯示 Popup,須要雙向綁定 Boolean false
height 彈出層高度 String auto 若是但願彈出層鋪滿整個屏幕,則可設置height=100%


on-first-show 第一次出現時,用於須要在第一次進行異步數據獲取或者必要的UI渲染(如Popup內有Scroller)web

<template> <div> <group> <switch title="WIFI" :value.sync="show"></switch> <switch title="Full popup" :value.sync="show1"></switch> </group> <popup :show.sync="show"> <div class="popup0"> <group> <switch title="Another Switcher" :value.sync="show"></switch> </group> </div> </popup> <popup :show.sync="show1" height="80%"> <div class="popup1"> <group> <switch title="Another Switcher" :value.sync="show1"></switch> </group> </div> </popup> </div> </template> <script> //引入組件 import { Group, Switch, Popup, } from 'vux/src/components' //創造構造器 export default { components:{ Group,Switch,Popup }, data () { return { show: false, show1: false } } } /*創造構造器的老版本的寫法,編譯的時候會報錯,執行沒有問題。 var MyComponent = Vue.extend{ components: { Divider,FlexboxItem,Flexbox }, }*/ </script> <style> .popup0 { padding-bottom:15px; height:200px; } .popup1 { width:100%; height:100%; } </style> 

Sticky 自動固定在頂部

<template> <!-- <br v-for="i in number">中的number是調節高度的 --> <br v-for="i in 5"> <sticky> <tab :line-width=1> <tab-item selected>正在正映</tab-item> <tab-item>即將上映</tab-item> </tab> </sticky> <br v-for="i in 50"> </template> <script> //引入組件 import { Sticky, Tab, TabItem } from 'vux/src/components' //創造構造器 export default { components:{ Tab,Sticky,TabItem }, data () { return { show: false, show1: false } } } /*創造構造器的老版本的寫法,編譯的時候會報錯,執行沒有問題。 var MyComponent = Vue.extend{ components: { Divider,FlexboxItem,Flexbox }, }*/ </script>


<template> <div> <scroller lock-x scrollbar-y use-pulldown @pulldown:loading="load" enable-horizontal-swiping> <div class="box2"> <swiper :list="list" direction="horizontal" auto :min-moving-distance="20" height="180px"></swiper> </div> </scroller> </div> </template> <script> import { Scroller, Swiper } from 'vux/src/components' export default { components: { Scroller, Swiper }, methods: { load (uuid) { const _this = this setTimeout(function () { _this.$broadcast('pulldown:reset', uuid) }, 2000) } }, data () { return { list: [{ url: '', img: '', title: '如何手製一份秋意的茶?' }, { url: '', img: '', title: '茶包VS原葉茶' }, { url: '', img: '', title: '播下茶籽,明春可發芽?' }] } } } </script>


<template> <div> <group title="default format: YYYY-MM-DD"> <datetime :value.sync="value1" @on-change="change" title="Birthday"></datetime> </group> <group title="YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm"> <datetime :value.sync="value2" format="YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm" @on-change="change" title="start time" inline-desc="select hour and minute"></datetime> </group> <group title="Placeholder"> <datetime :value.sync="value3" format="YYYY-MM-DD" placeholder="Please select" @on-change="change" title="start time"></datetime> </group> <group title="specified min-year and max-year"> <datetime :value.sync="value4" placeholder="Please select" :min-year=2000 :max-year=2016 format="YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm" @on-change="change" title="years after 2000"></datetime> </group> <group title="specified template text in Chinese"> <datetime :value.sync="value5" placeholder="請選擇日期" :min-year=2000 :max-year=2016 format="YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm" @on-change="change" title="Chinese" year-row="{value}年" month-row="{value}月" day-row="{value}日" hour-row="{value}點" minute-row="{value}分" confirm-text="完成" cancel-text="取消"></datetime> </group> </div> </template> <script> import { Datetime, Group } from 'vux/src/components' export default { components: { Datetime, Group }, data () { return { value1: '2016-02-11', value2: '', value3: '', value4: '', value5: '' } }, methods: { change (value) { console.log('change', value) } } } </script>


<template> <div> <group title="Default"> <x-input title="message" placeholder="I'm placeholder"></x-input> </group> <group title="不顯示清除按鈕"> <x-input title="message" placeholder="I'm placeholder" :show-clear="false" autocapitalize="characters"></x-input> </group> <group title="set is-type=china-name"> <x-input title="姓名" name="username" placeholder="請輸入姓名" is-type="china-name"></x-input> </group> <group title="set keyboard=number and is-type=china-mobile"> <x-input title="手機號碼" name="mobile" placeholder="請輸入手機號碼" keyboard="number" is-type="china-mobile"></x-input> </group> <group title="set is-type=email"> <x-input title="郵箱" name="email" placeholder="請輸入郵箱地址" is-type="email"></x-input> </group> <group title="set min=2 and max=5"> <x-input title="2-5個字符" placeholder="" :min="2" :max="5"></x-input> </group> <group title="確認輸入"> <x-input title="請輸入6位數字" type="text" placeholder="" :value.sync="password" :min="6" :max="6" @on-change="change"></x-input> <x-input title="請確認6位數字" type="text" placeholder="" :equal-with="password"></x-input> </group> <group title="驗證碼" class="weui_cells_form"> <x-input title="驗證碼" class="weui_vcode"> <img slot="right" src=""> </x-input> <x-input title="發送驗證碼" class="weui_vcode"> <x-button slot="right" type="primary">發送驗證碼</x-button> </x-input> </group> <group title="check if value is valid when required===true"> <x-input title="message" placeholder="I'm placeholder" v-ref:input></x-input> <cell title="get valid value" :value="'$valid value:' + $refs.input.valid"></cell> </group> <group title="check if value is valid when required===false"> <x-input title="message" placeholder="I'm placeholder" :required="false" v-ref:input02></x-input> <cell title="get valid value" :value="'$valid value:' + $refs.input02.valid"></cell> </group> </div> </template> <script> import { XInput, Group, XButton, Cell } from 'vux/src/components' export default { components: { XInput, XButton, Group, Cell }, data () { return { password: '123465' } }, methods: { change (val) { console.log(val) } } } </script> <style scoped> .weui_cell_ft .weui_btn { margin-left: 5px; vertical-align: middle; display: inline-block; } </style>


<template> <div> <group title="Default"> <x-number name="number" title="Number"></x-number> </group> <group title="listen to change events"> <x-number name="listen" title="Number" :value="0" :min="0" @on-change="change"></x-number> </group> <group title="set width=100"> <x-number title="Number" :width="100"></x-number> </group> <group title="set step=0.5"> <x-number title="Number" :step="0.5"></x-number> </group> <group title="set value=1, min=-5 and max=8"> <x-number title="Number" :min="-5" :max="8" :value="1"></x-number> </group> <group title="fillable = false"> <x-number :value="10" title="Number" :fillable="false"></x-number> </group> <group title="with other element"> <x-number title="Number" :min="-5" :max="8" :value="1" type="inline"></x-number> <x-number title="Number" :min="-5" :max="8" :value="1" type="inline"></x-number> <switch title="Other element" :value.sync="true"></switch> </group> </div> </template> <script> import { Group, XNumber, Switch } from 'vux/src/components' export default { components: { XNumber, Group, Switch }, methods: { change (val) { console.log('change', val) } } } </script>


<template> <div> <group title="switch the type"> <radio title="type" :value.sync="type" :options="['1', '2', '3']"></radio> </group> <panel header="圖文組合列表" :footer="footer" :list="list" :type="type"></panel> </div> </template> <script> import { Panel, Group, Radio } from 'vux/src/components' export default { components: { Panel, Group, Radio }, data () { return { type: '1', list: [{ src: '', title: '標題一', desc: '由各類物質組成的巨型球狀天體,叫作星球。星球有必定的形狀,有本身的運行軌道。', url: '/component/cell' }, { src: '', title: '標題二', desc: '由各類物質組成的巨型球狀天體,叫作星球。星球有必定的形狀,有本身的運行軌道。', url: { path: '/component/radio', replace: false } }], footer: { title: '查看更多', url: '' } } } } </script>