Java Object對象之clone方法


  1. 建立一個對象
  2. 將原有對象的數據導入到新建立的數據中

1. Object的clone()源代碼簡介數組

 * Creates and returns a copy of this {@code Object}. The default 
 * implementation returns a so-called "shallow" copy: It creates a new 
 * instance of the same class and then copies the field values (including 
 * object references) from this instance to the new instance. A "deep" copy, 
 * in contrast, would also recursively clone nested objects. A subclass that 
 * needs to implement this kind of cloning should call {@code super.clone()} 
 * to create the new instance and then create deep copies of the nested, 
 * mutable objects. 
 * @return a copy of this object. 
 * @throws CloneNotSupportedException 
 *             if this object's class does not implement the {@code 
 *             Cloneable} interface. 
protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {  
    if (!(this instanceof Cloneable)) {  
        throw new CloneNotSupportedException("Class doesn't implement Cloneable");  
    return internalClone((Cloneable) this);  
 * Native helper method for cloning. 
private native Object internalClone(Cloneable o);

clone方法首先會判對象是否實現了Cloneable接口,若無則拋出CloneNotSupportedException, 最後會調用internalClone. intervalClone是一個native方法,通常來講native方法的執行效率高於非native方法。ide


2.淺克隆(shadow clone).net


package haust.vk.demo;

public class ShadowClone implements Cloneable{
	private int a;   // 基本類型  
    private int[] b; // 非基本類型  
    // 重寫Object.clone()方法,並把protected改成public  
    public Object clone(){  
        ShadowClone sc = null;  
            sc = (ShadowClone) super.clone();  
        } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e){  
        return sc;  
    public int getA()  
        return a;  
    public void setA(int a)  
        this.a = a;  
    public int[] getB() {  
    return b;  
    public void setB(int[] b) {  
    this.b = b;  


package haust.vk.demo;

public class App {
	public static void main(String[] args) throws CloneNotSupportedException{  
        ShadowClone c1 = new ShadowClone();  
        c1.setA(100) ;  
        c1.setB(new int[]{1000}) ;  
        System.out.println("克隆前c1:  a="+c1.getA()+" b="+c1.getB()[0]);  
        ShadowClone c2 = (ShadowClone) c1.clone();
        System.out.println("克隆後c2:  a="+c2.getA()+ " b[0]="+c2.getB()[0]);  
        c2.setA(50) ;  
        int []a = c2.getB() ;  
        a[0]=5 ;  
        System.out.println("修改後c1:  a="+c1.getA()+" b="+c1.getB()[0]);  
        System.out.println("修改後c2:  a="+c2.getA()+ " b[0]="+c2.getB()[0]);  


深克隆(deep clone)繼承


public class DeepClone implements Cloneable {  
    private int a;   // 基本類型  
    private int[] b; // 非基本類型  
    // 重寫Object.clone()方法,並把protected改成public  
    public Object clone(){  
        DeepClone sc = null;  
            sc = (DeepClone) super.clone();  
            int[] t = sc.getB();  
            int[] b1 = new int[t.length];  
            for (int i = 0; i < b1.length; i++) {  
                b1[i] = t[i];  
        } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e){  
        return sc;  
    public int getA()  
        return a;  
    public void setA(int a)  
        this.a = a;  
    public int[] getB() {  
        return b;  
    public void setB(int[] b) {  
        this.b = b;  


package haust.vk.demo;

public class AppDeep {
	public static void main(String[] args) throws CloneNotSupportedException{  
		DeepClone c1 = new DeepClone();  
        c1.setA(100) ;  
        c1.setB(new int[]{1000}) ;  
        System.out.println("克隆前c1:  a="+c1.getA()+" b="+c1.getB()[0]);  
        DeepClone c2 = (DeepClone) c1.clone();
        System.out.println("克隆後c2:  a="+c2.getA()+ " b[0]="+c2.getB()[0]);  
        c2.setA(50) ;  
        int []a = c2.getB() ;  
        a[0]=5 ;  
        System.out.println("修改後c1:  a="+c1.getA()+" b="+c1.getB()[0]);  
        System.out.println("修改後c2:  a="+c2.getA()+ " b[0]="+c2.getB()[0]);  


  1. 克隆方法用於建立對象的拷貝,爲了使用clone方法,類必須實現java.lang.Cloneable接口重寫protected方法clone,若是沒有實現Clonebale接口會拋出CloneNotSupportedException.
  2. 在克隆java對象的時候不會調用構造器
  3. java提供一種叫淺拷貝(shallow copy)的默認方式實現clone,建立好對象的副本後而後經過賦值拷貝內容,意味着若是你的類包含引用類型,那麼原始對象和克隆都將指向相同的引用內容,這是很危險的,由於發生在可變的字段上任何改變將反應到他們所引用的共同內容上。爲了不這種狀況,須要對引用的內容進行深度克隆。



