select * from test_pinyin order by name
Using Binary Sorts One way to sort character data is based on the numeric values of the characters defined by the character encoding scheme. This is called a binary sort. Binary sorts are the fastest type of sort. They produce reasonable results for the English alphabet because the ASCII and EBCDIC standards define the letters A to Z in ascending numeric value. When characters used in other languages are present, a binary sort usually does not produce reasonable results. For example, an ascending ORDER BY query returns the character strings ABC, ABZ, BCD, ÄBC, when Ä has a higher numeric value than B in the character encoding scheme. A binary sort is not usually linguistically meaningful for Asian languages that use ideographic characters數據庫
- 方法一:語句級別設置排序方式
select * from test_pinyin order by NLSSORT(name,'NLS_SORT = SCHINESE_PINYIN_M')
- 方法二:設置數據庫的排序參數
-- 修改系統設置 alter system set nls_sort='SCHINESE_PINYIN_M' scope=spfile
- 方法三:修改session
-- 修改session alter SESSION set NLS_SORT = SCHINESE_PINYIN_M
-- 查字典,找到關於NLS(National Language Support)的表 select * from dict where TABLE_NAME like '%NLS%' -- 查session的NLS排序參數 select * from NLS_SESSION_PARAMETERS WHERE PARAMETER = upper('nls_sort')
1.Oracle中針對中文進行排序 2.Oracle® Database Globalization Support Guide 11g Release 2 (11.2)ui