phaser2小遊戲基本沒什麼什麼問題,能夠下常開發遊戲.若是遇到什麼問題, 能夠提出來共同討論.javascript
import './lib/weapp-adapter'; import Phaser from './lib/phaser'; let systemInfo = wx.getSystemInfoSync(); let {windowWidth, windowHeight, pixelRatio} = systemInfo; var config = { width: windowWidth * pixelRatio, height: windowHeight * pixelRatio, renderer: Phaser.WEBGL, antialias: true, multiTexture: true, resolution:1, canvas:canvas } let game = new Phaser.Game(config); game.state.add("boot", Boot, true); function Boot() { } Boot.prototype.preload = function() { game.input.scale.x = pixelRatio; game.input.scale.y = pixelRatio; this.load.baseURL = "assets/"; game.load.image("crate", "crate.png"); } Boot.prototype.create = function() { // adding P2 physics to the game game.physics.startSystem(Phaser.Physics.P2JS); // setting gravity game.physics.p2.gravity.y = 250; // adding event listener for mousedown/touch event game.input.onDown.add(this.addRemove, this); } Boot.prototype.addRemove = function(pointer){ // checking for bodies under the mouse var bodyClicked = game.physics.p2.hitTest(pointer.position); if (bodyClicked.length==0){ // creation of physics body and its graphic asset var crate = game.add.sprite(pointer.position.x, pointer.position.y, "crate"); game.physics.p2.enable(crate); } else{ // destruction of physics body and its graphic asset bodyClicked[0].parent.sprite.kill(); } };
import './lib/weapp-adapter'; import Phaser from './lib/phaser'; let systemInfo = wx.getSystemInfoSync(); let {windowWidth, windowHeight, pixelRatio} = systemInfo; let width = 640; let height = 640 * windowHeight / windowWidth; var config = { width, height, renderer: Phaser.WEBGL, antialias: true, multiTexture: true, resolution:1, canvas:canvas } let game = new Phaser.Game(config); game.state.add("boot", Boot, true); function Boot() { } Boot.prototype.preload = function() { game.input.scale.x = config.width / windowWidth; game.input.scale.y = config.height / windowHeight; this.load.baseURL = "assets/"; game.load.image("crate", "crate.png"); } Boot.prototype.create = function() { // adding P2 physics to the game game.physics.startSystem(Phaser.Physics.P2JS); // setting gravity game.physics.p2.gravity.y = 250; // adding event listener for mousedown/touch event game.input.onDown.add(this.addRemove, this); } Boot.prototype.addRemove = function(pointer){ // checking for bodies under the mouse var bodyClicked = game.physics.p2.hitTest(pointer.position); if (bodyClicked.length==0){ // creation of physics body and its graphic asset var crate = game.add.sprite(pointer.position.x, pointer.position.y, "crate"); game.physics.p2.enable(crate); } else{ // destruction of physics body and its graphic asset bodyClicked[0].parent.sprite.kill(); } };
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