Go if object_ID('[up_CreateTable]') is not null Drop Procedure [up_CreateTable] Go /* 生成建表腳本(V4.0) Andy 2017-3-28 */ Create Proc up_CreateTable ( @objectList nvarchar(max)=null ) as --With ENCRYPTION /* 參數說明: @objectList 對象列表,對象之間使用","隔開 存儲過程生成的建表腳本,包含Column,Constraint,Index,extended_properties Modify: andy 2017-3-28 增長了擴展屬性 */ Set Nocount On Declare @sql nvarchar(max), @objectid int, @id int, @Rowcount int, @ObjectName sysname, @Enter nvarchar(2), @Tab nvarchar(2) Select @Enter=Char(13)+Char(10), @Tab=Char(9) Declare @Tmp Table(name sysname) If @objectList>'' Begin Set @sql='Select N'''+Replace(@objectList,',',''' Union All Select N''')+'''' Insert Into @Tmp (name) Exec(@sql) Set @sql=null Select @sql=Isnull(@sql+',','')+name From @Tmp As a Where Not Exists(Select 1 From sys.objects Where type='U' And name=a.name) If @sql>'' Begin Set @sql='發現無效的表名: '+@sql Raiserror (50001,-1,-1, @sql) Return(1) End End If object_id('tempdb..#Objects') Is Not Null Drop Table #Objects If object_id('tempdb..#Columns') Is Not Null Drop Table #Columns Create Table #Objects(id int Identity(1,1) Primary Key,object_id int,name sysname) ;With t As ( Select Object_id,Convert(int,0) As LevelNo,name As object_name From sys.objects a Where Type='U' And is_ms_shipped=0 And Not Exists(Select 1 From sys.foreign_keys Where referenced_object_id=a.object_id) Union All Select a.referenced_object_id As Object_id,b.LevelNo+1 As LevelNo,c.name As object_name From sys.foreign_keys a Inner Join t b On b.object_id=a.parent_object_id Inner Join sys.objects c On c.object_id=a.referenced_object_id And c.is_ms_shipped=0 where a.referenced_object_id<>a.parent_object_id ) Insert Into #Objects(object_id,name) Select a.object_id,object_name From t a Where Not Exists(Select 1 From t Where object_id=a.object_id And LevelNo>a.LevelNo) And Not Exists(Select 1 From sys.extended_properties Where major_id=a.object_id And minor_id=0 And class=1 And Name=N'microsoft_database_tools_support') And (Exists(Select 1 From @Tmp Where name=a.object_name) Or Not Exists(Select 1 From @Tmp)) Group By object_id,object_name,LevelNo Order By LevelNo Desc Set @Rowcount=@@Rowcount If @Rowcount=0 Begin -- Raiserror 50001 N'沒有能夠生產腳本的表!' Raiserror (50001,-1,-1, N'沒有能夠生產腳本的表!') Return(1) End --Column Select a.object_id, a.column_id As Seq, Cast(1 As tinyint) As DefinitionType, Quotename(a.name)+Char(32)+ c.name + Case When a.user_type_id In (231,239) Then '('+Case a.max_length When -1 Then 'Max' Else Rtrim(a.max_length/2) End +')' When a.user_type_id In (62,165,167,173,175) Then '('+Case a.max_length When -1 Then 'Max' Else Rtrim(a.max_length) End+')' When a.user_type_id In (106,108) Then '('+Rtrim(a.[precision])+','+Rtrim(a.scale)+')' Else '' End + Char(32)+ Case a.is_rowguidcol When 1 Then 'Rowguidcol ' Else '' End + Case a.is_identity When 1 Then 'Identity('+Cast(d.seed_value As nvarchar(10))+','+Cast(d.increment_value As nvarchar(10))+') ' Else '' End+ Case a.is_nullable When 1 Then 'Null ' Else 'Not Null ' End+ Isnull('Constraint '+Quotename(e.name)+' Default('+e.definition+')','') As definition Into #Columns From sys.columns As a Inner Join #Objects As b On b.object_id=a.object_id Inner Join sys.types As c On c.user_type_id=a.user_type_id Left Outer Join sys.identity_columns As d On d.object_id=a.object_id And d.column_id=a.column_id And a.is_identity=1 Left Outer Join sys.Default_constraints As e On e.object_id=a.default_object_id And e.parent_column_id=a.column_id Create Nonclustered Index IX_#Columns_object_id On #Columns(object_id Asc) --Constraint Insert Into #Columns Select a.parent_object_id As object_id, Row_number() Over(Partition By a.parent_object_id Order By Case a.type When 'PK' Then 1 When 'C' Then 2 Else 3 End)As Seq, 2 As DefinitionType, 'Alter Table '+Quotename(object_name(a.parent_object_id)) +' Add Constraint '+Quotename(a.name)+ Case a.type When 'PK' Then ' Primary Key '+Case When Exists(Select 1 From sys.indexes Where object_id=a.parent_object_id And is_primary_key=1 And type=1) Then N'Clustered ' Else N'Nonclustered ' End+ '('+Stuff((Select ','+Quotename(c1.Name)+Case a1.is_descending_key When 1 Then ' Desc' Else ' Asc' End From sys.index_columns As a1 Inner Join sys.indexes As b1 On b1.object_id=a1.object_id And b1.index_id=a1.index_id And b1.is_primary_key=1 Inner Join sys.columns As c1 On c1.object_id=a1.object_id And c1.column_id=a1.column_id Where a1.object_id=a.parent_object_id For Xml Path('') ),1,1,'')+ ')' When 'F' Then ' Foreign Key ('+Stuff((Select ','+Quotename(b1.Name) From sys.foreign_key_columns As a1 Inner Join sys.columns As b1 On b1.object_id=a1.parent_object_id And b1.column_id=a1.parent_column_id Where a1.constraint_object_id=a.object_id Order By a1.constraint_column_id For Xml Path('') ),1,1,'')+ ') References '+(Select Quotename(object_name(referenced_object_id)) From sys.foreign_keys Where object_id=a.object_id)+ ' (' +Stuff((Select ','+Quotename(b1.Name) From sys.foreign_key_columns As a1 Inner Join sys.columns As b1 On b1.object_id=a1.referenced_object_id And b1.column_id=a1.referenced_column_id Where a1.constraint_object_id=a.object_id Order By a1.constraint_column_id For Xml Path('') ),1,1,'')+ ')' When 'UQ' Then ' Unique'+(Select Case a1.type When 1 Then ' Clustered' Else ' Nonclustered' End From sys.indexes As a1 Where a1.object_id=a.parent_object_id And Exists(Select 1 From sys.key_constraints Where object_id=a.object_id And parent_object_id=a1.object_id And unique_index_id=a1.index_id) )+ '('+Stuff((Select ','+Quotename(c1.Name)+Case a1.is_descending_key When 1 Then ' Desc' Else ' Asc' End From sys.index_columns As a1 Inner Join sys.indexes As b1 On b1.object_id=a1.object_id And b1.index_id=a1.index_id And b1.is_unique_constraint=1 Inner Join sys.columns As c1 On c1.object_id=a1.object_id And c1.column_id=a1.column_id Where a1.object_id=a.parent_object_id And Exists(Select 1 From sys.key_constraints Where object_id=a.object_id And parent_object_id=a1.object_id And unique_index_id=a1.index_id) For Xml Path('') ),1,1,'')+ ')' When 'C' Then ' Check' +(Select definition From sys.check_constraints Where object_id=a.object_id) Else '' End As definition From sys.objects As a Where a.type In('PK','F','C','UQ') And Exists(Select 1 From #Objects Where object_id=a.parent_object_id) --Index Insert Into #Columns Select a.object_id , a.index_id As Seq, 3 As DefinitionType, 'Create '+Case a.is_unique When 1 Then 'Unique ' Else '' End+ Case a.type When 1 Then 'Clustered ' Else 'Nonclustered ' End+ 'Index '+Quotename(a.name)+' On '+Quotename(b.name)+ ' ('+Stuff((Select ','+Quotename(b1.Name)+Case a1.is_descending_key When 1 Then ' Desc' Else ' Asc' End From sys.index_columns As a1 Inner Join sys.columns As b1 On b1.object_id=a1.object_id And b1.column_id=a1.column_id Where a1.object_id=a.object_id And a.index_id=a1.index_id And a1.is_included_column=0 For Xml Path('') ),1,1,'')+ ')'+ Isnull(' Include('+Stuff((Select ','+Quotename(b1.Name) From sys.index_columns As a1 Inner Join sys.columns As b1 On b1.object_id=a1.object_id And b1.column_id=a1.column_id Where a1.object_id=a.object_id And a.index_id=a1.index_id And a1.is_included_column=1 For Xml Path('') ),1,1,'')+ ')','') As definition From sys.indexes As a Inner Join #Objects As b On b.object_id=a.object_id Where a.type>0 And Not Exists(Select 1 From sys.key_constraints Where parent_object_id=a.object_id And unique_index_id=a.index_id) --extended_properties Andy 2017-3-28 添加擴展屬性 insert into #Columns select b.object_id, a.major_id as Seq, 4 as DefinitionType, case a.minor_id when 0 then 'execute sp_addextendedproperty ''MS_Description'','''+convert(nvarchar(max),a.value)+''', ''user'', ''dbo'', ''table'', '+quotename(b.name,'''') else 'execute sp_addextendedproperty ''MS_Description'','''+convert(nvarchar(max),a.value)+''', ''user'', ''dbo'', ''table'', '+quotename(b.name,'''')+',''column'','+quotename(c.name,'''') end from sys.extended_properties a inner join #Objects b on b.object_id=a.major_id inner join sys.columns c on c.object_id=b.object_id and c.column_id=a.minor_id where a.class=1 --Print /* Print 'Use '+Quotename(db_name())+@Enter+'Go'+@Enter+'/* 建立表結構 Andy '+Convert(nvarchar(10),Getdate(),120)+'*/'+@Enter Set @id=1 While @id<=@Rowcount Begin Select @objectid=object_id,@ObjectName=name From #Objects Where id=@id Set @Sql=@Enter+'--('+Rtrim(@id)+'/'+Rtrim(@Rowcount)+') '+@ObjectName+@Enter+'If object_id('''+Quotename(@ObjectName)+''') Is Null'+@Enter+'Begin'+@Enter+@Tab+ 'Create Table '+Quotename(@ObjectName)+@Enter+@Tab+'('+@Enter Select @Sql=@Sql+@Tab+@Tab+definition+','+@Enter From #Columns Where object_id=@objectid And DefinitionType=1 Group By Seq,definition Order By Seq Set @sql=Substring(@sql,1,Len(@sql)-3)+@Enter+@Tab+')'+@Enter Select @Sql=@Sql+@Tab+definition+@Enter From #Columns Where object_id=@objectid And DefinitionType>1 Group By DefinitionType,Seq,definition Order By Seq Print Substring(@sql,1,Len(@sql)-2)+@Enter+'End' Set @id=@id+1 End */ --Modify Nr:20100510 Start Declare @MaxRow int if object_id('tempdb..#Print') Is Not Null Drop Table #Print Create Table #Print(Row int Identity(1,1) Primary Key,Sql nvarchar(4000)) Print 'Use '+Quotename(db_name())+@Enter+'Go'+@Enter+'/* 建立表結構 Andy '+Convert(nvarchar(10),Getdate(),120)+'*/'+@Enter Set @id=1 While @id<=@Rowcount Begin Select @objectid=object_id,@ObjectName=name From #Objects Where id=@id Insert Into #Print(Sql) Select @Enter+'--('+Rtrim(@id)+'/'+Rtrim(@Rowcount)+') '+@ObjectName+@Enter+'If object_id('''+Quotename(@ObjectName)+''') Is Null'+@Enter+'Begin'+@Enter+@Tab+ 'Create Table '+Quotename(@ObjectName)+@Enter+@Tab+'('+@Enter Insert Into #Print(Sql) Select @Tab+@Tab+definition+','+@Enter From #Columns Where object_id=@objectid And DefinitionType=1 Group By Seq,definition Order By Seq Set @MaxRow=Scope_identity() Update #Print Set Sql=Substring(sql,1,Len(sql)-3)+@Enter+@Tab+')'+@Enter Where Row=@MaxRow Insert Into #Print(Sql) Select @Tab+definition+@Enter From #Columns Where object_id=@objectid And DefinitionType>1 Group By DefinitionType,Seq,definition Order By Seq if @@ROWCOUNT >0 Set @MaxRow=Scope_identity() Update #Print Set Sql= Substring(Sql,1,Len(Sql)-2)+@Enter+'End' Where Row=@MaxRow Set @id=@id+1 End Set @id=1 While @id>0 Begin Set @sql='' Select @sql=sql From #Print Where row=@id If @sql>'' Begin Print @sql Set @id=@id+1 end Else Set @id=0 End --Modify Nr:20100510 End Print 'Go' Drop Table #Columns Drop Table #Objects Go