在HTML / CSS中將圖像轉換爲灰度 - Convert an image to grayscale in HTML/CSS


Is there a simple way to display a color bitmap in grayscale with just HTML/CSS ? 有沒有一種簡單的方法能夠用HTML/CSS顯示灰度的彩色位圖? this

It doesn't need to be IE-compatible (and I imagine it won't be) -- if it works in FF3 and/or Sf3, that's good enough for me. 它不須要與IE兼容(我想它不會) - 若是它在FF3和/或Sf3中工做,這對我來講已經足夠了。 spa

I know I can do it with both SVG and Canvas, but that seems like a lot of work right now. 我知道我能夠用SVG和Canvas來作,但如今看起來不少工做。 .net

Is there a truly lazy person's way to do this? 有一個真正懶惰的人這樣作的方法嗎? code


參考一: https://stackoom.com/question/2YUz/在HTML-CSS中將圖像轉換爲灰度
參考二: https://oldbug.net/q/2YUz/Convert-an-image-to-grayscale-in-HTML-CSS