weblogic 1036的Dockerfilenode
[root@k8s-node-1 weblogic1036jdk1.6]# cat Dockerfile #CENSE MIT License 2015 # # GIBAHOLMS DOCKERFILES PROJECT # ----------------------------------------- # This is the Dockerfile for a default installation for Oracle WebLogic Server 11g (10.3.6) Generic Distribution # # IMPORTANT # ----------------------------------------- # The resulting image of this Dockerfile DOES NOT contain a WLS Domain. # For that, you must to create a domain on a new inherited image. # # REQUIRED FILES TO BUILD THIS IMAGE # ----------------------------------------- # (1) wls1036_generic.jar (Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3.6 Generic Installer) # # (2) jdk-7u79-linux-x64.rpm (Oracle Java SE Development Kit 7 for Linux x64 RPM) # # HOW TO BUILD THIS IMAGE # ----------------------------------------- # Put all downloaded files in the same directory as this Dockerfile # Run: # $ sudo docker build -t gibaholms/weblogic:10.3.6 . # # AUTHOR # ----------------------------------------- # Gilberto Holms <gibaholms85@gmail.com> # https://gibaholms.wordpress.com/ # ----------------------------------------- # Pull base image # --------------- FROM oraclelinux:7 # Maintainer # ---------- MAINTAINER ericnie <niejian437> # Environment variables required for this build (do NOT change) # ------------------------------------------------------------- ENV JAVA_RPM jdk-6u45-linux-x64.bin ENV WLS_PKG wls1036_generic.jar ENV JAVA_HOME /u01/jdk1.6.0_45 # Setup required packages (unzip), filesystem, and oracle user # ------------------------------------------------------------ RUN mkdir -p /u01/oracle && \ chmod a+xr /u01 COPY $JAVA_RPM wls-silent.xml /u01/ # Install and configure Oracle JDK # ------------------------------------- WORKDIR /u01 RUN /u01/$JAVA_RPM && \ rm /u01/$JAVA_RPM WORKDIR /u01 ENV PATH $PATH:/u01/jdk1.6.0_45/bin # Installation of WebLogic COPY $WLS_PKG /u01/ RUN /u01/jdk1.6.0_45/bin/java -jar $WLS_PKG -mode=silent -silent_xml=/u01/wls-silent.xml && \ rm -rf /u01/$WLS_PKG && \ rm -rf /u01/wls-silent.xml && \ rm -rf /tmp/* WORKDIR /u01/oracle/ #ENV PATH $PATH:/u01/oracle/wlserver_10.3/common/bin # Define default command to start bash.
[root@k8s-node-1 weblogic1036jdk1.6]# cat wls-silent.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <bea-installer> <input-fields> <data-value name="BEAHOME" value="/u01/oracle" /> <data-value name="USER_INSTALL_DIR" value="/u01/oracle" /> <data-value name="COMPONENT_PATHS" value="WebLogic Server/Core Application Server|WebLogic Server/Administration Console|WebLogic Server/Configuration Wizard and Upgrade Framework|WebLogic Server/Web 2.0 HTTP Pub-Sub Server|WebLogic Server/WebLogic JDBC Drivers|WebLogic Server/Third Party JDBC Drivers|WebLogic Server/WebLogic Server Clients|WebLogic Server/WebLogic Web Server Plugins|WebLogic Server/UDDI and Xquery Support" /> <data-value name="INSTALL_NODE_MANAGER_SERVICE" value="no" /> <data-value name="INSTALL_SHORTCUT_IN_ALL_USERS_FOLDER" value="no"/> <data-value name="LOCAL_JVMS" value="/u01/jdk1.6.0_45"/> </input-fields> </bea-installer>
[root@k8s-node-1 1036domainjdk6]# cat Dockerfile # LICENSE CDDL 1.0 + GPL 2.0 # # Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # # ORACLE DOCKERFILES PROJECT # -------------------------- # This Dockerfile extends the Oracle WebLogic image by creating a sample domain. # # The 'base-domain' created here has Java EE 7 APIs enabled by default: # - JAX-RS 2.0 shared lib deployed # - JPA 2.1, # - WebSockets and JSON-P # # Util scripts are copied into the image enabling users to plug NodeManager # magically into the AdminServer running on another container as a Machine. # # HOW TO BUILD THIS IMAGE # ----------------------- # Put all downloaded files in the same directory as this Dockerfile # Run: # $ sudo docker build -t 1213-domain --build-arg ADMIN_PASSWORD=welcome1 . # # Pull base image # --------------- FROM ericnie/weblogic:10.3.6-jdk6u45v2 # Maintainer # ---------- MAINTAINER Bruno Borges <bruno.borges@oracle.com> # WLS Configuration # ------------------------------- ARG ADMIN_PASSWORD ARG PRODUCTION_MODE ENV DOMAIN_NAME="base_domain" \ DOMAIN_HOME="/u01/oracle/user_projects/domains/base_domain" \ ADMIN_PORT="7001" \ ADMIN_HOST="wlsadmin" \ NM_PORT="5556" \ MS_PORT="7002" \ PRODUCTION_MODE="${PRODUCTION_MODE:-prod}" \ JAVA_OPTIONS="-Dweblogic.security.SSL.ignoreHostnameVerification=true -Djava.security.egd=file:///dev/urandom" \ CLASSPATH="" \ PATH=$PATH:/u01/oracle/wlserver_10.3/common/bin:/u01/oracle/user_projects/domains/base_domain/bin:/u01/oracle/ # Add files required to build this image COPY container-scripts/* /u01/oracle/ RUN mkdir /u01/oracle/application # Configuration of WLS Domain WORKDIR /u01/oracle RUN /u01/oracle/wlst /u01/oracle/create-wls-domain.py && \ mkdir -p /u01/oracle/user_projects/domains/base_domain/servers/AdminServer/security && \ echo "username=weblogic" > /u01/oracle/user_projects/domains/base_domain/servers/AdminServer/security/boot.properties && \ echo "password=$ADMIN_PASSWORD" >> /u01/oracle/user_projects/domains/base_domain/servers/AdminServer/security/boot.properties && \ cp /u01/oracle/setDomainEnv.sh /u01/oracle/user_projects/domains/base_domain/bin/setDomainEnv.sh && \ echo ". /u01/oracle/user_projects/domains/base_domain/bin/setDomainEnv.sh" >> /u01/oracle/.bashrc && \ echo "export PATH=$PATH:/u01/oracle/wlserver_10.3/common/bin:/u01/oracle/user_projects/domains/base_domain/bin" >> /u01/oracle/.bashrc && \ rm /u01/oracle/create-wls-domain.py /u01/oracle/jaxrs2-template.jar # cp /u01/oracle/commEnv.sh /u01/oracle/wlserver_10.3/common/bin/commEnv.sh && \ # Expose Node Manager default port, and also default http/https ports for admin console EXPOSE $NM_PORT $ADMIN_PORT $MS_PORT WORKDIR $DOMAIN_HOME # Define default command to start bash. CMD ["startWebLogic.sh"]
[root@k8s-node-1 container-scripts]# cat create-wls-domain.py # Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # # WebLogic on Docker Default Domain # # Domain, as defined in DOMAIN_NAME, will be created in this script. Name defaults to 'base_domain'. # # Since : October, 2014 # Author: bruno.borges@oracle.com # ============================================== domain_name = os.environ.get("DOMAIN_NAME", "base_domain") admin_port = int(os.environ.get("ADMIN_PORT", "7001")) admin_pass = os.environ.get("ADMIN_PASSWORD") cluster_name = os.environ.get("CLUSTER_NAME", "DockerCluster") domain_path = '/u01/oracle/user_projects/domains/%s' % domain_name production_mode = os.environ.get("PRODUCTION_MODE", "prod") print('domain_name : [%s]' % domain_name); print('admin_port : [%s]' % admin_port); print('cluster_name: [%s]' % cluster_name); print('domain_path : [%s]' % domain_path); print('production_mode : [%s]' % production_mode); # Open default domain template # ====================== readTemplate("/u01/oracle/wlserver_10.3/common/templates/domains/wls.jar") set('Name', domain_name) setOption('DomainName', domain_name) # Disable Admin Console # -------------------- # cmo.setConsoleEnabled(false) # Configure the Administration Server and SSL port. # ========================================================= cd('/Servers/AdminServer') set('ListenAddress', '') set('ListenPort', admin_port) # Define the user password for weblogic # ===================================== cd('/Security/%s/User/weblogic' % domain_name) cmo.setPassword(admin_pass) # Write the domain and close the domain template # ============================================== setOption('OverwriteDomain', 'true') setOption('ServerStartMode', 'prod') # Write Domain # ============ writeDomain(domain_path) closeTemplate() # Exit WLST # ========= exit()