1 #include <iostream> 2 #include "jansson.h" 3 #include <string.h> 4 #include <stdio.h> 5 #include <stdlib.h> 6 7 using namespace std; 8 9 int main() { 10 json_t val; 11 json_type eval = JSON_REAL; 12 bool Judge = 1; 13 int type = json_typeof(&val); 14 Judge = json_is_object(&val); 15 cout << "json_is_object:" << Judge << endl; 16 Judge = json_is_array(&val); 17 cout << "Json_is_array:" << Judge << endl; 18 cout << "The type of val:" << type << endl; 19 20 json_t *array, *integer; 21 array = json_array(); // Create the json array 22 integer = json_integer(42); // Create the json integer 23 json_array_append(array,integer); 24 json_decref(integer); 25 26 /* JSON-STRING */ 27 json_auto_t *value = NULL; 28 value = json_string("Hello"); 29 json_string_set(value, "World!"); 30 size_t len = json_string_length(value); 31 cout << "The len of value:" << len << endl; 32 33 /* JSON-NUMBER */ 34 json_int_t number; 35 number = 100; 36 printf("number is %" JSON_INTEGER_FORMAT "\n",number); 37 number = json_integer_value(integer); 38 printf("value of integer(json_t) is %" JSON_INTEGER_FORMAT "\n",number); 39 integer = json_real(3.1415926); 40 double res = json_real_value(integer); 41 printf("The res is:%f\n",res); 42 43 /* JSON-ARRAY */ 44 json_t *Matrix = json_array(); 45 json_array_append(Matrix,integer); 46 size_t Matrix_Size = json_array_size(Matrix); 47 printf("The size of Matrix:%d\n",Matrix_Size); 48 49 /* JSON-OBJECT */ 50 json_t *obj = json_object(); 51 size_t obj_size = json_object_size(obj); 52 printf("The size of obj:%d\n",obj_size); 53 char *key = "Hello"; 54 int back = json_object_set(obj,key,&val); 55 printf("The json_object_set correct?%d\n",back); 56 57 json_t *json_file; 58 json_error_t error; 59 60 /* Use the abs-route of the file can read the json file crectlly */ 61 json_file = json_load_file("/home/ubuntu-bitmain/workspace/TestCpp/src/cpuminer-conf.json", 0, &error); 62 if(!json_file) printf("No json_file can read!\n"); 63 obj_size = json_object_size(json_file); 64 printf("The size of json_file:%d\n",obj_size); 65 json_t *url,*user,*pass; 66 char *Key_0 = "url"; 67 char *Key_1 = "user"; 68 char *Key_2 = "pass"; 69 url = json_object_get(json_file,Key_0); 70 user = json_object_get(json_file,Key_1); 71 pass = json_object_get(json_file,Key_2); 72 73 Judge = json_is_string(url); 74 size_t str_length = json_string_length(url); 75 cout << "The length of url is:" << str_length << endl; 76 const char *str_res_0 = " "; 77 str_res_0 = json_string_value(url); 78 cout << "The length of url is:" << strlen(str_res_0) << endl; 79 for(int i=0;i<strlen(str_res_0);i++){ 80 cout << *(str_res_0+i); 81 } 82 cout << endl; 83 cout << "The url is string" << Judge << endl; 84 85 return 0; 86 }