Hardware emulation, the use of special purpose hardware to emulate the behavior of a yet-to-be-built system, with greater speed than pure software emulation. A computer simulation (or "sim") is an attempt to model a real-life or hypothetical situation on a computer so that it can be studied to see how the system works. By changing variables in the simulation, predictions may be made about the behaviour of the system. It is a tool to virtually investigate the behaviour of the system under study. 模擬:simulation,是抽象出一個物理的或系統的某些行爲特徵,用另外一系統來表示他們的過程併產生結果,傾向於對抽象系統的設計。 仿真:emulation,是在原來的硬件基礎上,對現實輸入信號的模仿,使系統執行一樣的程序,獲取一樣的結果,傾向於對輸入信號的測試。"仿真"的要求比"模擬"高不少,實現起來的難度也相應大不少。 https://www.zhihu.com/question/47732296/answer/107633792