$ svn list ^/tags/bigsandwich/ // Note that this URL syntax only works when your current working directory is a working copy—the commandline client knows the repository's root URL by looking at the working copy's metadata.
$ svn checkout http://svn.example.com/repos/calc A calc/Makefile A calc/integer.c A calc/button.c Checked out revision 56. $ ls -A calc Makefile button.c integer.c .svn/ //.svn contains meta data that Subversion maintains
$ svn commit button.c -m "Fixed a typo in button.c." Sending button.c Transmitting file data . Committed revision 57.
$ pwd /home/sally/calc $ ls -A Makefile button.c integer.c .svn/ $ svn update U button.c Updated to revision 57.
$ svn list file:///var/svn/repos /trunk /* hold the main line of development *//branches /* contain branch copies *//tags /* contain tag copies */
$ svnadmin create myrepos $ ls -l myrepos/
$ svn import my-project file:///path/to/repository/trunk \ -m "importing my project"
$ svn info // enables you to find information about items in your work- ing copy
$ svn status // It prints out the current status of your working copy, When you run just svn status, with no arguments, it will tell you only about files and directories in your working copy that you’ve modified
$ svn status -v // verbose mode,
$ svn resolved bar.c // resolve a conflict file bar.c $ svn commit --file svn-commit.tmp
$ svn copy FROM TO $ svn move FROM TO $ svn mkdir DirName // DirName not exist $ svn add DirName // DirName exist not under Subversion's control
$ svn delete PATH
$ svn lock unmergable.bin –message 「Working on drawing for the next hour」
The user who locked the file can unlock it by committing or by an explicit svn unlock command:html
$ svn unlock unmergable.bin
$ svn unlock -force http://example/repos/trunk/unmergable.bin
the URL to the file must be providedshell
$ svn propget svn:mime-type index.html // 2 arguments: 1st, the property name, 2nd, file name
$ svn propset svn:mime-type image/png logo.png // property name, property value, file name
$ svn propset svn:ignore "*~" .
$ svn blame file:///Users/usrname/svn/repos/trunk/index.html //svn blame is meaningless when applied to a directory or to a binary file.
$ svn export file:///path/to/repository/tags/release-1.0 release-1.0