每個Event事件對象都有一個EventTarget屬性,這個屬性是一個DOM節點的引用。當事件到達目標DOM節點,在這個DOM節點註冊的任何事件處理程序都會被觸發。事件處理程序的觸發順序是不肯定的。 javascript
事件流在事件的全部處理程序都執行完成以後纔算結束。固然,若是啓用了capture(事件捕捉)或者bubbling(事件冒泡)的話,事件流仍是能夠被修改的。 html
在事件流的執行過程當中,任何事件處理程序拋出異常,整個事件流都將中止。 java
事件捕捉的處理流程是從文檔樹根節點,一直向下處理,直到目標節點才中止。 web
這裏要注意的是,調用Event接口的stopProgagation方法會組織事件流的後續處理。 瀏覽器
事件冒泡是從目標節點先開始出來,而後順着目標節點的父節點,一級一級往上處理,知道文檔樹根節點。 dom
這裏要注意的是,調用Event接口的stopProgagation方法會組織事件流的後續處理。 優化
有些事件是能夠取消的,由於這些事件,DOM實現會生成默認的事件處理程序。一個例子就是web瀏覽器內的超連接。 ui
一個或者多個事件處理程序調用Event接口的preventDefault方法就能取消事件的默認處理程序。 編碼
interface EventTarget { void addEventListener(in DOMString type, in EventListener listener, in boolean useCapture); void removeEventListener(in DOMString type, in EventListener listener, in boolean useCapture); boolean dispatchEvent(in Event evt) raises(EventException); };
這邊值得說明的是dispatchEvent方法。經過這個方法咱們能夠手工觸發w3c的標準標準事件或者自定義事件。 spa
// Introduced in DOM Level 2: interface Event { // PhaseType const unsigned short CAPTURING_PHASE = 1; const unsigned short AT_TARGET = 2; const unsigned short BUBBLING_PHASE = 3; readonly attribute DOMString type; readonly attribute EventTarget target; readonly attribute EventTarget currentTarget; readonly attribute unsigned short eventPhase; readonly attribute boolean bubbles; readonly attribute boolean cancelable; readonly attribute DOMTimeStamp timeStamp; void stopPropagation(); void preventDefault(); void initEvent(in DOMString eventTypeArg, in boolean canBubbleArg, in boolean cancelableArg); };
// Introduced in DOM Level 2: exception EventException { unsigned short code; }; // EventExceptionCode const unsigned short UNSPECIFIED_EVENT_TYPE_ERR = 0;
// Introduced in DOM Level 2: interface DocumentEvent { Event createEvent(in DOMString eventType) raises(DOMException); };
var evt = document.createEvent( 'uiEvt' )
// Introduced in DOM Level 2: interface UIEvent : Event { readonly attribute views::AbstractView view; readonly attribute long detail; void initUIEvent(in DOMString typeArg, in boolean canBubbleArg, in boolean cancelableArg, in views::AbstractView viewArg, in long detailArg); };
NOTE:這幾個事件平常開發並不經常使用的感受。固然,咱們能夠作一個實驗,就是關於DOMFocusIn focus DOMFocusOut blur 以及 DomActivate 事件的觸發順序。
<input type="text" id="t"> <script type="text/javascript"> function onMouseDown (argument) { console.log( 'mouse down' ); }; function onClick (argument) { console.log( 'click' ); }; function onFocusIn (argument) { console.log( 'focus in ' ); }; function onFocus (argument) { console.log( 'focus' ); }; function onFocusOut (argument) { console.log( 'focus out' ); }; function onBlur (argument) { console.log( 'blur' ); }; function onActive (argument) { console.log( 'dom active and argument.detail is ' + argument.detail ); }; var input = document.getElementById('t'); input.addEventListener( 'DOMFocusIn',onFocusIn ); input.addEventListener( 'focus',onFocus ); input.addEventListener( 'DOMFocusOut',onFocusOut ); input.addEventListener( 'mousedown',onMouseDown ); input.addEventListener( 'click',onClick ); input.addEventListener( 'blur',onBlur ); input.addEventListener( 'DOMActivate',onActive ); </script>
mouse down focus focus in click dom active and argument.detail is 1 dom active and argument.detail is 1 blur focus out
// Introduced in DOM Level 2: interface MouseEvent : UIEvent { readonly attribute long screenX; readonly attribute long screenY; readonly attribute long clientX; readonly attribute long clientY; readonly attribute boolean ctrlKey; readonly attribute boolean shiftKey; readonly attribute boolean altKey; readonly attribute boolean metaKey; readonly attribute unsigned short button; readonly attribute EventTarget relatedTarget; void initMouseEvent(in DOMString typeArg, in boolean canBubbleArg, in boolean cancelableArg, in views::AbstractView viewArg, in long detailArg, in long screenXArg, in long screenYArg, in long clientXArg, in long clientYArg, in boolean ctrlKeyArg, in boolean altKeyArg, in boolean shiftKeyArg, in boolean metaKeyArg, in unsigned short buttonArg, in EventTarget relatedTargetArg); };
NOTE: IE中的button屬性與DOM的button屬性有很大差別。
- 0: 表示沒有按下按鈕。
- 1: 表示按下了主鼠標按鈕。
- 2: 表示按下了次鼠標按鈕。
- 3: 表示同時按下了主、次鼠標按鈕。
- 4: 表示按下了中間鼠標按鈕。
- 5: 表示同時按下了主鼠標按鈕和中間的鼠標按鈕。
- 6: 表示同時按下了次鼠標按鈕和中間的鼠標按鈕。
- 7: 表示同時按下了三個鼠標按鈕。
NOTE: Firefox、Chrome和Safari的event對象都支持一個charCode屬性,這個屬性只有在發生keypress事件時才包含值,並且這個值是按下的那個鍵所表明字符的ASCII編碼。IE和Opera則是在keyCode中保存字符的ASCII編碼。
// Introduced in DOM Level 2: interface MutationEvent : Event { // attrChangeType const unsigned short MODIFICATION = 1; const unsigned short ADDITION = 2; const unsigned short REMOVAL = 3; readonly attribute Node relatedNode; readonly attribute DOMString prevValue; readonly attribute DOMString newValue; readonly attribute DOMString attrName; readonly attribute unsigned short attrChange; void initMutationEvent(in DOMString typeArg, in boolean canBubbleArg, in boolean cancelableArg, in Node relatedNodeArg, in DOMString prevValueArg, in DOMString newValueArg, in DOMString attrNameArg, in unsigned short attrChangeArg); };
HTML event是HTML4.0帶來的事件,以及支持DOM LEVEL 0的瀏覽器支持的標準事件。
NOTE:要建立一個HTML event定義事件Event對象,使用'HTMLEvents'做爲DocumentEvent.createEvent方法的參數。
// Event {clipboardData: undefined, cancelBubble: false, returnValue: true, srcElement: null, defaultPrevented: false…} var event = document.createEvent( 'HTMLEvents' ) // NotSupportedError: The implementation did not support the requested type of object or operation. var event = document.createEvent( 'load' )
HTML event包括如下不一樣事件類型: