create directory db_bak as 'D:\ ECIMS_DB'
--查看建立的目錄 select * from dba_directories --刪除已建立的目錄 drop directory DB_BAK 格式: drop directory 目錄名
expdp XXX/XXX@XXX schemas=XXX dumpfile=XXX_20181130.dump logfile=XXX_20181130.LOG DIRECTORY=DB_BAK 語法: expdp 用戶名/密碼@實例名 schemas=用戶名 dumpfile=導出dump文件名.dump logfile=導出日誌文件名.LOG DIRECTORY=DB_BAK
drop user XXX cascade; 格式: drop user 用戶名 cascade;
select username, sid, serial# from v$session where username='XXX' --找到用戶SESSION 格式: select username, sid, serial# from v$session where username='用戶名' --找到用戶SESSION 注:如有多條會員,需批量刪除 alter system kill session '249,57377' --殺掉用戶SESSION 'sid,serial#' alter system kill session '250,57376' --殺掉用戶SESSION 'sid,serial#' alter system kill session '251,57375' --殺掉用戶SESSION 'sid,serial#' 格式: alter system kill session 'sid,serial'
create user XXX identified by XXX default tablespace USERS temporary tablespace TEMP profile DEFAULT; -- Grant/Revoke role privileges grant connect to XXX; grant dba to XXX; grant resource to XXX; -- Grant/Revoke system privileges grant alter any sequence to XXX; grant alter any table to XXX; grant alter any trigger to XXX; grant change notification to XXX; grant create any procedure to XXX; grant create any sequence to XXX; grant create any table to XXX; grant create any type to XXX; grant create any view to XXX; grant unlimited tablespace to XXX; -------------------------------------------------------------- 格式: create user 用戶名 identified by 密碼 default tablespace USERS temporary tablespace TEMP profile DEFAULT; -- Grant/Revoke role privileges grant connect to 用戶名; grant dba to 用戶名; grant resource to 用戶名; -- Grant/Revoke system privileges grant alter any sequence to 用戶名; grant alter any table to 用戶名; grant alter any trigger to 用戶名; grant change notification to 用戶名; grant create any procedure to 用戶名; grant create any sequence to 用戶名; grant create any table to 用戶名; grant create any type to 用戶名; grant create any view to 用戶名; grant unlimited tablespace to 用戶名;
impdp XXX/XXX DIRECTORY=db_bak DUMPFILE=XXX.dump logfile=XXX.log REMAP_SCHEMA=XXX:XXX remap_tablespace=XXX:XXX 格式 impdp 用戶名/密碼 DIRECTORY=db_bak DUMPFILE=備份文件名.dump logfile=備份日誌文件名.log REMAP_SCHEMA=導出用戶名:導入用戶名 remap_tablespace=導出表空間:導入表空間