[2017 - 2018 ACL] 對話系統論文研究點整理

(論文編號及摘要見 [2017 ACL] 對話系統. [2018 ACL Long] 對話系統. 論文標題[]中最後的數字表示截止2019.1.21 google被引次數)html

1. Domain Adaptation:


  (a) data shifts (syn -> live user data; stale -> current) cause distribution mismatch bet train and eval. -> 2017.1express

  (b) reestimate a global model from scratch each time a new domain with potentially new intents and slots is added. -> 2017.4less


 2017.1 adversarial training dom

     [Adversarial Adaptation of Synthetic or Stale Data. Young-Bum Kim. 14]ide

    2017.4 model(k + 1) = weighted_combination[model(1),...,model(k)] post

    [Domain Attention with an Ensemble of Experts. Young-Bum Kim. 17]ui

2. NLG: 


  (a) integrate LM + Affect. -> 2017.2google

  (b) refering expression misunderstand -> 2017.5lua

  (c) neural encoder-decoder models in open-domain: generate dull and generic responses. -> 2017.8idea

  (d) multi-turn: lose relationships among utterances or important contextual information. -> 2017.11

  (e) automatically evaluating the quality of dialogue responses for unstructured domains:  biased and correlate very poorly with human judgements of response quality. -> 2017.12

  (f) deep latent variable models used in open-domain: highly randomized, leading to uncontrollable generated responses. -> 2017.14

  (g) does not employ knowledge to guide the generation -> tends to generate short, general, and meaningless responses. -> 2018.L1

  (h) encoder-decoder dialog model is limited because it cannot output interpretable actions as in traditional systems, which hinders(阻礙) humans from understanding its generation process. -> 2018.L6

  (i) translate natural language questions ->structured queries: further improvement hard. -> 2018.L8


 2017.2  language model + affect info

    [Affect-LM: A Neural Language Model for Customizable Affective Text Generation. 27]

 2017.5  refering expression misunderstand correction - alg:  contrastive focus

    [Generating Contrastive Referring Expressions. 0]

 2017.8  open-domain - Framework - conditional variaional autoencoders 

    pre: word-level decoder

    cur: discourse-level encoder

    [Learning Discourse-level Diversity for Neural Dialog Models using Conditional Variational Autoencoders. CMU. 69]    

 2017.11   muli-turn response selection - sequential matching network (SMN) 

    pre: concatenates utterances in context

      matches a response with a highly abstract context vector

      => lose relationships among utterances or important contextual information 

    current:  matches a response with each utterance on multiple levels of granularity

        distills important matching information -> vector -> conv + pooling

        accumulate vector -> RNN (models relationships among utterances)

        final matching score (calcu with hid of rnn)

    [Sequential Matching Network: A New Architecture for Multi-turn Response Selection in Retrieval-based Chatbots. 北航. 南開.微軟. 48]

 2017.12  auto eval Metric - ADEM 

    [Towards an Automatic Turing Test: Learning to Evaluate Dialogue Responses. 47]

 2017.14  Framework - generation based on specific attributes(manually + auto detected) - both speakers diag states modeled -> personal features

    [A Conditional Variational Framework for Dialog Generation. 20]  

 2017.16  Open-domain - Engine - generation (info retrieval + Seq2Seq) - AliMe chat

    [AliMe Chat: A Sequence to Sequence and Rerank based Chatbot Engine. 27]

  2018.L1  knowledge guide generation - neural knowledge diffusion (NKD) model - both fact + chi-chats

     match the relevant facts for the input utterance + diffuse them to similar entities

     [Knowledge Diffusion for Neural Dialogue Generation. 3]

 2018.L6  encoder-decoder model - interprete- unsup discrete sent representation learning

     DI-VAE + DI-VST - discover interpretable semantics via either auto encoding or context predicting

     [Unsupervised Discrete Sentence Representation Learning for Interpretable Neural Dialog Generation. 8]

 2018.L8  Framework - DialSQL + human intelligence

      identify potential error of SQL  -> ask for validation -> feedback to revise query

     [ DialSQL: Dialogue Based Structured Query Generation. 4]

3. Task + Non-task hybrid 

 2017.3  whether to have a chat - dataset

    [Chat Detection in Intelligent Assistant: Combining Task-oriented and Non-task-oriented Spoken Dialogue Systems. McGill University. Montreal. 7] 

4. E2E


   (a) data-intensive -> 2017.6

   (b) task - interact with KB -> pre: issuing a symbolic query to the KB to retrieve entries based on their attributes. -> 2017.13


      (1) such symbolic operations break the differentiability(可辨性) of the system

      (2) prevent end-to-end training of neural dialogue agents

    (c) only consider user semantic inputs and under-utilize other user info. -> 2018.L4

    (b) incorporating knowledge bases. -> 2018.L7


 2017.6  Framework - HCNs : RNN + knowledge(software/sys action templates) - reduce train data - opt (sup + RL) - bAbI dialog dataset - 2 commercial diag sys

    [Hybrid Code Networks: practical and efficient end-to-end dialog control with supervised and reinforcement learning. Microsoft Research. 87]

 2017.13  KB-InfoBot - E2E - task -multi-turn - interact with KB - present a agent

    replacing symbolic queries ->  induced "soft" posterior distribution over the KB

    integrate soft retrival process + RL 

    [Towards End-to-End Reinforcement Learning of Dialogue Agents for Information Access. CMU. MS. 國立臺北. 82]

  2018.L4  multimodel info (sup + RL) - user adaptive - reduce diag length + improve success rate

     [Sentiment Adaptive End-to-End Dialog Systems. 2]

 2018.L7  Mem2Seq - first neural generative model: combines [ multi-hop attention over memories + idea of pointer network] 

     [Mem2Seq: Effectively Incorporating Knowledge Bases into End-to-End Task-Oriented Dialog Systems. UST.8]

5. NLU


  (a) no systematic comparison to analyze how to use context effectively. -> 2017.15


 2017.7  identity discussion points + discourse relations

    [Joint Modeling of Content and Discourse Relations in Dialogues. 7] 

 2017.15  context utiliztion eval -empirical study and compare models - variant: weights context vectors by context-query relevance

    [How to Make Contexts More Useful? An Empirical Study to Context-Aware Neural Conversation Models. 18]

6. Dialogue state tracking


  (a) have difficulty scaling to larger, more complex dialogue domains. -> 2017.10

    (1) Spoken Language Understanding models that require large amounts of annotated training data

    (2) hand-crafted lexicons for capturing some of the linguistic variation in users' language.

  (b) handling unknown slot values -> Pre: assume predefined candidate lists and thus are not designed to output unknown values. especially in E2E, SLU is absent. -> 2018.L10


 2017.10  Framework - Neural Belief Tracking (NBT) - representation learning (compose pre-trained word vector -> utterances and context)

     [Neural Belief Tracker: Data-Driven Dialogue State Tracking. 63]

  2018.L9  Global-Locally Self-Attentive Dialogue State Tracker (GLAD)

     global modules: shares parameters between estimators for different types (called slots) of dialogue states

     local modules: learn slot-specific features

     [Global-Locally Self-Attentive Encoder for Dialogue State Tracking. 0]

 2018.L10  E2E + pointer nerwork (PtrNet) 

     [An End-to-end Approach for Handling Unknown Slot Values in Dialogue State Tracking. 2]

7. Framework


    (a) pipeline: introduces architectural complexity and fragility. -> 2018.L2


 2018.L2  Seq2Seq + opt (sup / RL) - Task

    design text spans named belief spans ->  track dialogue believes -> allow task-oriented sys be modeled in Seq2Seq

    Two Stage CopyNet instantiation -> reduce para, train time + better than pipeline on large dataset + OOV

    [Sequicity: Simplifying Task-oriented Dialogue Systems with Single Sequence-to-Sequence Architectures. 新加坡國立. 復旦. 京東. 9]    

8. RL


    (a) Training a task-completion dialogue agent via reinforcement learning (RL) is costly: requires many interactions with real users. 

    (b) use a user simulator: lacks the language complexity + biases


 2018.L3  RL - policy learning - Deep Dyna-Q

     first deep RL framework that integrates planning for task-completion dialogue policy learning 

     world model update with real user experience + agent opt using real and simulated experience

     [Deep Dyna-Q: Integrating Planning for Task-Completion Dialogue Policy Learning. 3] 

8. Chi-chat


  (a)  lack specificity

  (b) do not display a consistent personality. -> 2018.L5


  2018.L5  add profile info[i. given + ii.partner]  train to engage ii with personal topics -> used to predict profile

      [Personalizing Dialogue Agents: I have a dog, do you have pets too? 31.]        

9. Others:


  (a) open-ended dialogue state. -> 2017.9


 2017.9 Symmetric Collaborative Dialogue - two agents to achieve a common goal

    [Learning Symmetric Collaborative Dialogue Agents with Dynamic Knowledge Graph Embeddings. 21] 
