第一種是使用camerax進行預覽,android camerax預覽官方文檔,主要經過imageAnalysis,抓幀進行圖片處理,而後經過android自帶的圖片人臉識別FaceDetector判斷是否有人臉,有人臉保存當前抓拍的照片:java
val file = File(filesDir, "head_tmp.png") val create = Observable.create<File> { emitter -> val intArray = IntArray(2) iv_scan.getLocationInWindow(intArray) val createBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap( bitmap, intArray[0], intArray[1], iv_scan.width, iv_scan.height ) //必須是565才能識別 val bitmap1: Bitmap = createBitmap.copy(Bitmap.Config.RGB_565, true) val faceDetector = FaceDetector(bitmap1.width, bitmap1.height, 1) val array = arrayOfNulls<FaceDetector.Face>(1) val faces = faceDetector.findFaces(bitmap1, array) if (faces > 0) { Log.e(TAG, "檢測到臉") val fos = FileOutputStream(file.path) createBitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, 100, fos) fos.flush() fos.close() emitter.onNext(file) } else { Log.e(TAG, "未檢測到臉") emitter.onError(Throwable("未檢測到臉")) } } var disposable: Disposable? = null val observer = object : Observer<File> { override fun onNext(t: File) { disposable?.dispose() isOne = false setResult(Activity.RESULT_OK) finish() } override fun onError(e: Throwable) { isOne = true } override fun onComplete() { } override fun onSubscribe(d: Disposable) { disposable = d } } create.subscribeOn(Schedulers.computation())//指定被觀察者線程 .observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread())//指定觀察者線程 .subscribe(observer)
if (drawInfoList.size > 0) { for (i in drawInfoList.indices) { val rect: Rect = drawInfoList[i].rect val rect1 = Rect() iv_scan.getGlobalVisibleRect(rect1) if (rect1.contains(rect)) { //爲了美觀,擴大rect截取註冊圖 val cropRect: Rect = CommUtils.getBestRect( previewSize!!.width, previewSize!!.height, faceInfoList[i].rect ) cropRect.left = cropRect.left and 3.inv() cropRect.top = cropRect.top and 3.inv() cropRect.right = cropRect.right and 3.inv() cropRect.bottom = cropRect.bottom and 3.inv() headBmp = CommUtils.getHeadImage( nv21, previewSize!!.width, previewSize!!.height, faceInfoList[i].orient, cropRect, ArcSoftImageFormat.NV21 ) headBmp?.apply { cropBitmap(this) } break } } }