一、Fast : ycdb is an mysql database ORM written in c, built in php extension, as we known, database ORM is a very time-consuming operation, especially for interpretive languages such as PHP, and for a project, the proportion of ORM is very high,so here I will implement the MySQL ORM operation in C language, and use the performance of C language to improve the performance of ORM.
二、Safe : ycdb can solve SQL injection through parameter binding.
三、Powerful : concise and powerful usage , support any operation in database.
四、Easy : Extremely easy to learn and use, friendly construction.
五、Data-cache : ycdb supports data caching. You can use redis as a medium to cache database data, but remember that when the update, insert, and delete operations involve caching data, you need to delete your cache to ensure data consistency.
六、Connection-pool : ycdb uses a special way to establish a stable connection pool with MySQL. performance can be increased by at least 30%, According to PHP's operating mechanism, long connections can only reside on top of the worker process after establishment, that is, how many work processes are there. How many long connections, for example, we have 10 PHP servers, each launching 1000 PHP-FPM worker processes, they connect to the same MySQL instance, then there will be a maximum of 10,000 long connections on this MySQL instance, the number is completely Out of control! And PHP's connection pool heartbeat mechanism is not perfect
一、快速 - ycdb是一個爲PHP擴展寫的純C語言寫的mysql數據庫ORM擴展,衆所周知,數據庫ORM是一個很是耗時的操做,尤爲對於解釋性語言如PHP,並且對於一個項目來講,ORM大多數狀況能佔到項目很大的一個比例,因此這裏我將MySQL的ORM操做用C語言實現,利用C語言的性能,提高ORM的性能。
二、安全 - ycdb能經過參數綁定的方式解決SQL注入的問題。
三、強大 - 便捷的函數,支持全部數據庫操做。
四、簡單 - 使用和學習很是簡單,界面友好。
五、數據緩存 - ycdb支持數據緩存,你能夠採用redis做爲介質來緩存數據庫的數據,可是記得在update、insert、delete 操做涉及到與緩存數據相關的數據修改時,須要按key刪除您的緩存,以保證數據一致性。
六、鏈接池 - ycdb經過一種特殊的方式來創建一個穩定的與MySQL之間的鏈接池,性能至少能提高30%,按照 PHP 的運行機制,長鏈接在創建以後只能寄居在工做進程之上,也就是說有多少個工做進程,就有多少個長鏈接,打個比方,咱們有 10 臺 PHP 服務器,每臺啓動 1000 個 PHP-FPM 工做進程,它們鏈接同一個 MySQL 實例,那麼此 MySQL 實例上最多將存在 10000 個長鏈接,數量徹底失控了!並且PHP的鏈接池心跳機制不完善。html
CREATE TABLE `user_info_test` ( `uid` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT 'userid' AUTO_INCREMENT, `username` varchar(64) NOT NULL COMMENT 'username', `sexuality` varchar(8) DEFAULT 'male' COMMENT 'sexuality:male - 男性 female - 女性', `age` int(11) DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'age', `height` double(11,2) DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'height of a person, 身高', `bool_flag` int(11) DEFAULT 1 COMMENT 'flag', `remark` varchar(11) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`uid`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_bin COMMENT='userinfo';
//// path to is your PHP install dir //// $cd ~/ycdatabase/ycdatabase_extension $/path/to/phpize $chmod +x ./configure $./configure --with-php-config=/path/to/php-config $make $make install
$db_conf = array("host" => "", "username" => "root", "password" => "test123123", "dbname" => "userinfo", "port" => '3306', "option" => array( PDO::ATTR_CASE => PDO::CASE_NATURAL, PDO::ATTR_TIMEOUT => 2)); $ycdb = new ycdb($db_conf);
we can start by creating a ycdatabase object (ycdb) from the obove code, db_conf include host,username,password,dbname,port and option, option is a pdo attribution, you can get the detail from For example, PDO::ATTR_TIMEOUT in the above code is specifies the timeout duration in seconds, and PDO::ATTR_CASE is forcing column names to a specific case.
try{ $ycdb->initialize(); } catch (PDOException $e) { echo "find PDOException when initialize\n"; var_dump($e); exit; }
We can directly execute the sql statement through the exec() function,the return value is the number of rows affected by the execution, or return insert_id if it is insert statement, when the table has not AUTO_INCREMENT field, the insert_id should be zero, and execute select statement through the query() function, If $ret = -1 indicates that the sql execution error occurs, we can pass $ycdb->errorCode(), $ycdb- >errorInfo() returns the error code and error description respectively.
$insert_id = $ycdb->exec("insert into user_info_test(username, sexuality, age, height) values('smallhow', 'male', 29, 180)"); if($insert_id == -1) { $code = $ycdb->errorCode(); $info = $ycdb->errorInfo(); echo "code:" . $code . "\n"; echo "info:" . $info[2] . "\n"; } else { echo $insert_id; }
if we execute the following update statement, $ret returns 3 if the current data is the above image.nginx
$ret = $ycdb->exec("update user_info_test set remark='test' where height>=180"); echo $ret; //ret is 3
$ret = $ycdb->query("select * from user_info_test where bool_flag=1"); echo json_encode($ret);
$ret = $ycdb->query("select username from user_info_test where bool_flag=1"); echo json_encode($ret);
Error codes and error messages can be obtained through the errorCode and errorInfo function
$code = $ycdb->errorCode(); $info = $ycdb->errorInfo();
$ycdb->select("user_info_test", "*", ["sexuality" => "male"]); // WHERE sexuality = 'male' $ycdb->select("user_info_test", "*", ["age" => 29]); // WHERE age = 29 $ycdb->select("user_info_test", "*", ["age[>]" => 29]); // WHERE age > 29 $ycdb->select("user_info_test", "*", ["age[>=]" => 29]); // WHERE age >= 29 $ycdb->select("user_info_test", "*", ["age[!]" => 29]); // WHERE age != 29 $ycdb->select("user_info_test", "*", ["age[<>]" => [28, 29]]); // WHERE age BETWEEN 28 AND 29 $ycdb->select("user_info_test", "*", ["age[><]" => [28, 29]]); // WHERE age NOT BETWEEN 28 AND 29 $ycdb->select("user_info_test", "*", ["username" => ["Tom", "Red", "carlo"]]); // WHERE username in ('Tom', 'Red', 'carlo') //Multiple conditional query $data = $ycdb->select("user_info_test", "*", [ "uid[!]" => 10, "username[!]" => "James", "height[!]" => [165, 168, 172], "bool_flag" => true, "remark[!]" => null ]); // WHERE uid != 10 AND username != "James" AND height NOT IN ( 165, 168, 172) AND bool_flag = 1 AND remark IS NOT NULL
You can use "AND" or "OR" to make up very complex SQL statements.github
$data = $ycdb->select("user_info_test", "*", [ "OR" => [ "uid[>]" => 3, "age[<>]" => [28, 29], "sexuality" => "female" ] ]); // WHERE uid > 3 OR age BETWEEN 29 AND 29 OR sexuality = 'female' $data = $ycdb->select("user_info_test", "*", [ "AND" => [ "OR" => [ "age" => 29, "sexuality" => "female" ], "height" => 177 ] ]); // WHERE (age = 29 OR sexuality='female') AND height = 177 //Attention: Because ycdb uses array arguments, the first OR is overwritten, the following usage is wrong, $data = $ycdb->select("user_info_test", "*", [ "AND" => [ "OR" => [ "age" => 29, "sexuality" => "female" ], "OR" => [ "uid[!]" => 3, "height[>=]" => 170 ], ] ]); // [X] SELECT * FROM user_info_test WHERE (uid != 3 OR height >= 170) //We can use # and comments to distinguish between two diffrents OR $data = $ycdb->select("user_info_test", "*", [ "AND" => [ "OR #1" => [ "age" => 29, "sexuality" => "female" ], "OR #2" => [ "uid[!]" => 3, "height[>=]" => 170 ], ] ]); // [√] SELECT * FROM user_info_test WHERE (age = 29 OR sexuality = 'female') AND (uid != 3 OR height >= 170)
LIKE USAGE [~].redis
$data = $ycdb->select("user_info_test", "*", [ "username[~]" => "%ide%" ]); // WHERE username LIKE '%ide%' $data = $ycdb->select("user_info_test", "*", ["username[~]" => ["%ide%", "Jam%", "%ace"]]); // WHERE username LIKE '%ide%' OR username LIKE 'Jam%' OR username LIKE '%ace' $data = $ycdb->select("user_info_test", "*", [ "username[!~]" => "%ide%" ]); // WHERE username NOT LIKE '%ide%'
$ycdb->select("user_info_test", "*", [ "username[~]" => "Londo_" ]); // London, Londox, Londos... $ycdb->select("user_info_test", "id", [ "username[~]" => "[BCR]at" ]); // Bat, Cat, Rat $ycdb->select("user_info_test", "id", [ "username[~]" => "[!BCR]at" ]); // Eat, Fat, Hat...
$data = $ycdb->select("user_info_test", "*", [ 'sexuality' => 'male', 'ORDER' => [ "age", "height" => "DESC", "uid" => "ASC" ], 'LIMIT' => 100, //Get the first 100 of rows (overwritten by next LIMIT) 'LIMIT' => [20, 100] //Started from the top 20 rows, and get the next 100 ]); //SELECT * FROM `user_info_test` WHERE `sexuality` = 'male' ORDER BY `age`, `height` DESC, `uid` ASC LIMIT 100 OFFSET 20
$ycdb->select("user_info_test", "sexuality,age,height", [ 'GROUP' => 'sexuality', // GROUP by array of values 'GROUP' => [ 'sexuality', 'age', 'height' ], // Must have to use it with GROUP together 'HAVING' => [ 'age[>]' => 30 ] ]); //SELECT uid FROM `user_info_test` GROUP BY sexuality,age,height HAVING `age` > 30
select($table, $columns, $where)
table name
Columns to be queried.
The conditions of the query.
select($table, $join, $columns, $where)
table name
Multi-table query, can be ignored if not used.
Columns to be queried.
The conditions of the query.
Fail if -1 is returned, otherwise result array is returned
You can use * to match all fields, but if you specify columns you can improve performance.
$datas = $ycdb->select("user_info_test", [ "uid", "username" ], [ "age[>]" => 31 ]); // $datas = array( // [0] => array( // "uid" => 6, // "username" => "Aiden" // ), // [1] => array( // "uid" => 11, // "username" => "smallhow" // ) // ) // Select all columns $datas = $ycdb->select("user_info_test", "*"); // Select a column $datas = $ycdb->select("user_info_test", "username"); // $datas = array( // [0] => "lucky", // [1] => "Tom", // [2] => "Red" // )
Multi-table query SQL is more complicated, and it can be easily solved with ycdb.
// [>] == RIGH JOIN // [<] == LEFT JOIN // [<>] == FULL JOIN // [><] == INNER JOIN $ycdb->select("user_info_test", [ // Table Join Info "[>]account" => ["uid" => "userid"], // RIGHT JOIN `account` ON `user_info_test`.`uid`= `account`.`userid` // This is a shortcut to declare the relativity if the row name are the same in both table. "[>]album" => "uid", //RIGHT JOIN `album` USING (`uid`) // Like above, there are two row or more are the same in both table. "[<]detail" => ["uid", "age"], // LEFT JOIN `detail` USING (`uid`,`age`) // You have to assign the table with alias. "[<]address(addr_alias)" => ["uid" => "userid"], //LEFT JOIN `address` AS `addr_alias` ON `user_info_test`.`uid`=`addr_alias`.`userid` // You can refer the previous joined table by adding the table name before the column. "[<>]album" => ["account.userid" => "userid"], //FULL JOIN `album` ON `account`.`userid` = `album`.`userid` // Multiple condition "[><]account" => [ "uid" => "userid", "album.userid" => "userid" ] ], [ // columns "user_info_test.uid", "user_info_test.age", "", "" ], [ // where condition "user_info_test.uid[>]" => 3, "ORDER" => ["user_info_test.uid" => "DESC"], "LIMIT" => 50 ]); // SELECT // user_info_test.uid, // user_info_test.age, //, // // FROM `user_info_test` // RIGHT JOIN `account` ON `user_info_test`.`uid`= `account`.`userid` // RIGHT JOIN `album` USING (`uid`) // LEFT JOIN `detail` USING (`uid`,`age`) // LEFT JOIN `address` AS `addr_alias` ON `user_info_test`.`uid`=`addr_alias`.`userid` // FULL JOIN `album` ON `account`.`userid` = `album`.`userid` // INNER JOIN `account` ON `user_info_test`.`uid`= `account`.`userid` // AND `album`.`userid` = `account`.`userid` // WHERE `user_info_test`.`uid` > 3 // ORDER BY `user_info_test`.`uid` DESC // LIMIT 50
You can use aliases to prevent field conflicts
$data = $ycdb->select("user_info_test(uinfo)", [ "[<]account(A)" => "userid", ], [ "uinfo.uid(uid)", "A.userid" ]); // SELECT uinfo.uid AS `uid`, A.userid // FROM `user_info_test` AS `uinfo` // LEFT JOIN `account` AS `A` USING (`userid`)
insert($table, $data, $cache_info)
table name
insert data
cache info
Fail if -1 is returned, otherwise insert_id is returned, if the table has no AUTO_INCREMENT field, the insert_id is zero
$data = array('username' => 'smallhow','sexuality' => 'male','age' => 35, 'height' => '168'); $insert_id = $ycdb->insert("user_info_test", $data); if($insert_id == -1) { $code = $ycdb->errorCode(); $info = $ycdb->errorInfo(); echo "code:" . $code . "\n"; echo "info:" . $info[2] . "\n"; } else { echo $insert_id; }
replace($table, $data, $cache_info)
table name
replace data
cache info
Fail if -1 is returned, otherwise insert_id is returned
$data = array('username' => 'smallhow','sexuality' => 'male','age' => 35, 'height' => '168'); $insert_id = $ycdb->replace("user_info_test", $data); if($insert_id == -1) { $code = $ycdb->errorCode(); $info = $ycdb->errorInfo(); echo "code:" . $code . "\n"; echo "info:" . $info[2] . "\n"; } else { echo $insert_id; }
update($table, $data, $where)
table name
update data
where condition [可選]
Fail if -1 is returned, otherwise the number of update records is returned
$data = array('height' => 182,'age' => 33); $where = array('username' => 'smallhow'); $ret = $ycdb->update("user_info_test", $data, $where);
delete($table, $where)
table name
where condition [可選]
Fail if -1 is returned, otherwise the number of delete records is returned
$where = array('username' => 'smallhow'); $ret = $ycdb->delete("user_info_test", $where);
$table = "table_a(a)"; $join = [ "[>]AAAA(a1)" => "id", "[<]BBBB" => ["E1", "E2", "E3"], "[>]CCCC(c1)" => [ "GG" => "HH", "II.KK" => "LL"] ]; $columns = ["name(a)", "avatar(b)", "age"]; $where = [ "[!]" => ["", "", ""], "user.uid[<]" => 11111, "uid[>=]" => 222, "uid[!]" => null, "count[!]" => [36, 57, 89], "id[!]" => true, "int_num[!]" => 3, "double_num[!]" => 3.76, "AA[~]" => "%saa%", "BB[!~]" => "%sbb", "CC[~]" => ["11%", "22_", "33%"], "DD[!~]" => ["%44%", "55%", "66%"], "EE[~]" => ["AND" => ["%E11", "E22"]], "FF[~]" => ["OR" => ["%F33", "F44"]], "GG[!~]" => ["AND" => ["%G55", "G66"]], "HH[!~]" => ["OR" => ["H77", "H88"]], "II[<>]" => ["1", "12"], "LL[><]" => ["1", "12"], "AND #1" => [ "OR #1" => [ "user_name" => null, "email" => "", ], "OR #2" => [ "user_name" => "bar", "email" => "" ] ], "OR" => [ "user_name[!]" => "foo", "promoted[!]" => true ], 'GROUP' => 'userid', 'GROUP' => ['type', 'age', 'gender'], 'HAVING' => [ "uid.num[>]" => 111, "type[>]" => "smart", "id[!]" => false, "god3[!]" => 9.86, "uid[!]" => null, "AA[~]" => "SSA%", "CC[~]" => ["11%", "22%", "%33"], ], 'ORDER' => [ "user.score", "user.uid" => "ASC", "time" => "DESC", ], "LIMIT" => 33, ]; $ycdb->select($table, $join, $columns, $where);
$ycdb->begin(); $ret1 = $ycdb->exec("insert into user_info_test(username, sexuality, age, height) values('smallhow', 'male', 29, 180)"); $ret2 = $ycdb->exec("insert into user_info_test(username, sexuality, age, height) values('jesson', 'female', 28, 175)"); if($ret1 == -1 || $ret2 == -1 ) { $ycdb->rollback(); } else { $ycdb->commit() }
We can use redis, or any other cache system that supports set/get/del/expire function as the medium to store the data returned by the database. If you do not specify the expiration time, the default storage expiration time is 5 minutes. if The cache is specified. When we call data update function such as update/delete/insert, we should pass in the same cache key so that ycdb can clear the cache to ensure data consistency.
//we want cache data by redis $redis = new Redis(); $redis->connect('/home/redis/pid/redis.sock'); $option = array("host" => "", "username" => "test", "password" => "test", "dbname" => "test", "port" => '3306', "cache" => $redis, //cache instance 'option' => array( PDO::ATTR_CASE => PDO::CASE_NATURAL, PDO::ATTR_TIMEOUT => 2)); $ycdb = new ycdb($option); try{ $ycdb->initialize(); } catch (PDOException $e) { echo "find PDOException when initialize\n"; exit; } // I want to keep the 29-year-old user data queried by the database in the cache, and keep it for 10 minutes. $age = 29; $cache_key = 'pre_cache_key_' . $age; $data = $ycdb->select("user_info_test", "*", [ 'age' => $age, 'CACHE' => ['key' => $cache_key, 'expire' => 600] //cache key an expire time (seconds) ]); echo $redis->get($cache_key) . "\n"; // If I update these 29-year-old user data, or even add a new 29-year-old user information, // it's best to enter the cache key to clean up the cache to keep the data consistent. $ycdb->update("user_info_test", ['remark' => '29-year-old'], [ 'age' => $age, 'CACHE' => ['key' => $cache_key] //cache key ]); echo $redis->get($cache_key) . "\n"; //If you are going to delete the relevant data, it is best to also clean up the cache by cache_key. $ycdb->delete("user_info_test", [ 'age' => $age, 'CACHE' => ['key' => $cache_key] //cache key ]); echo $redis->get($cache_key) . "\n"; //Clean up the cache by cache_key when the data you insert is related to the cached data. $insert_data = array(); $insert_data['username'] = 'test'; $insert_data['sexuality'] = 'male'; $insert_data['age'] = 29; $insert_data['height'] = 176; $insert_id = $ycdb->insert("user_info_test", $insert_data, ['key' => $cache_key]); echo $redis->get($cache_key) . "\n";
Short connection performance is generally not available. CPU resources are consumed by the system. Once the network is jittered, there will be a large number of TIME_WAIT generated. The service has to be restarted periodically or the machine is restarted periodically. The server is unstable, QPS is high and low, and the connection is stable and efficient. The pool can effectively solve the above problems, it is the basis of high concurrency. ycdb uses a special way to establish a stable connection pool with MySQL. performance can be increased by at least 30%, According to PHP's operating mechanism, long connections can only reside on top of the worker process after establishment, that is, how many work processes are there. How many long connections, for example, we have 10 PHP servers, each launching 1000 PHP-FPM worker processes, they connect to the same MySQL instance, then there will be a maximum of 10,000 long connections on this MySQL instance, the number is completely Out of control! And PHP's connection pool heartbeat mechanism is not perfect
Let's focus on Nginx, its stream module implements load balancing of TCP/UDP services, and with the stream-lua module, we can implement programmable stream services, that is, custom TCP/N with Nginx. UDP service! Of course, you can write TCP/UDP services from scratch, but standing on Nginx's shoulder is a more time-saving and labor-saving choice. We can choose the OpenResty library to complete the MySQL connection pool function. OpenResty is a very powerful and well-functioning Nginx Lua framework. It encapsulates Socket, MySQL, Redis, Memcache, etc. But what is the relationship between Nginx and PHP connection pool? And listen to me slowly: Usually most PHP is used with Nginx, and PHP and Nginx are mostly on the same server. With this objective condition, we can use Nginx to implement a connection pool, connect to services such as MySQL on Nginx, and then connect to Nginx through a local Unix Domain Socket, thus avoiding all kinds of short links. Disadvantages, but also enjoy the benefits of the connection pool.
OpenResty Document: https://moonbingbing.gitbooks...
OpenResty Official Website :
CentOS 6.8 Install :
###### Install the necessary libraries ###### $yum install readline-devel pcre-devel openssl-devel perl ###### Install OpenResty ###### $cd ~/ycdatabase/openresty $tar -xzvf openresty- $cd openresty- $./configure --prefix=/usr/local/openresty.1.13 --with-luajit --without-http_redis2_module --with-http_iconv_module $gmake $gmake install ###### open mysql pool ###### $cp -rf ~/ycdatabase/openresty/openresty-pool ~/ $mkdir ~/openresty-pool/logs $/usr/local/openresty.1.13/nginx/sbin/nginx -p ~/openresty-pool
~/openresty-pool/conf/nginx.conf :
worker_processes 1; #nginx worker process num error_log logs/error.log; #nginx error log path events { worker_connections 1024; } stream { lua_code_cache on; lua_check_client_abort on; server { listen unix:/tmp/mysql_pool.sock; content_by_lua_block { local mysql_pool = require "mysql_pool" local config = {host = "", user = "root", password = "test", database = "collect", timeout = 2000, max_idle_timeout = 10000, pool_size = 200} pool = mysql_pool:new(config) pool:run() } } }
If you have more than a MySQL Server, you can start another server and add a new listener to unix domain socket.
Except the option is array("unix_socket" => "/tmp/mysql_pool.sock") , Php mysql connection pool usage is exactly the same as before,But, MySQL does not support transactions in unix domain socket mode.
$option = array("unix_socket" => "/tmp/mysql_pool.sock"); $ycdb = new ycdb($option); $ret = $ycdb->select("user_info_test", "*", ["sexuality" => "male"]); if($ret == -1) { $code = $ycdb->errorCode(); $info = $ycdb->errorInfo(); echo "code:" . $code . "\n"; echo "info:" . $info[2] . "\n"; } else { print_r($ret); }
Similarly, Redis can solve the connection pool problem in the same way.
worker_processes 1; #nginx worker process num error_log logs/error.log; #error log path events { worker_connections 1024; } stream { lua_code_cache on; lua_check_client_abort on; server { listen unix:/tmp/redis_pool.sock; content_by_lua_block { local redis_pool = require "redis_pool" pool = redis_pool:new({ip = "", port = 6379, auth = "password"}) pool:run() } } server { listen unix:/tmp/mysql_pool.sock; content_by_lua_block { local mysql_pool = require "mysql_pool" local config = {host = "", user = "root", password = "test", database = "collect", timeout = 2000, max_idle_timeout = 10000, pool_size = 200} pool = mysql_pool:new(config) pool:run() } } }
$redis = new Redis(); $redis->pconnect('/tmp/redis_pool.sock'); var_dump($redis->hSet("foo1", "vvvvv42", 2)); var_dump($redis->hSet("foo1", "vvvv", 33)); var_dump($redis->expire("foo1", 111)); var_dump($redis->hGetAll("foo1"));