2016年 Delphi Roadmap

2016年delphi Roadmap 發佈,這也是新公司的第一次發佈路線圖。linux

雖然稍微晚點( 原來講是1月份發佈路線圖),至少比過去積極點。喧囂多年的靴子終於落地。 Linux 的支持終於正式公佈。windows



The changes in ownership in 2015 allowed our team to have a new look at the product strategy and roadmap. We actively reached out to partners and customers to understand what is working, what is not working, what you like, and what you don’t like. You told us you want fewer major releases, more seamless updates / upgrades, higher quality, better language support, and more mobile native controls. As you will see and hear, we are making adjustments both in the short and long term to align with these requests.less




We have a lot of development underway, which cannot all be accomplished within a single release or update. In the Spring development track, code named "Big Ben」, the key themes are quality & first user experience and installation. A new installer leverages our GetIt technology to provide you flexibility to choose what you want to install and reduces installation time. 測試


delphi 11 是沒有了,2016年是10.1 和 10.2 兩個大版本。flex


春季的開發代號「大笨鐘」(就是魚兒說的berlin),但願這個笨鐘不笨,每次7G 多的下載,真是服了。之後的發佈經過Getit 發佈新特性,也是不錯的,看效果吧。若是沒有記錯的話,春季就是1-3月,難道3月前會有新版本發佈?ui


 The team is working the following features that will be included in 2016 releases:this

  • Separate or floating form designer for VCL & FMX

   D7 的浮動窗體設計要回歸,其實我的認爲無所謂,習慣而已


  • Refactoring in C++

   C++ 重構,看來C++ 的路還很長


  • FireUI App Preview - preview your forms on any target (desktop and mobile) while using the form designer in the IDE


  • FireMonkey Enhancements for Windows, Mac and mobile

    • Address Book/Contacts component

    • Style Designer & ListView Items Designer

    • Numerous other features including ListView touch animation, grid improvements, Windows accelerator key support, font enhancements and more

            地址本、通信錄控件,樣式、LIstview 設計加強,這些細節的加強是必須的!


  • Multi-Device Designer Improvements

    • Including Form Designer Preview on Device

    • Android Wear Styling & new FireUI views


  • IoT or Internet of Things

    • Extended Bluetooth LE support

    • IoT connectivity framework that turns off-the-shelf and custom IoT smart devices, sensors, and wearables into easy-to-use API components

    • Support for Bluetooth LE and Z-Wave device components

    • ThingPoint - Enterprise access points for your IoT devices which extends EMS functionality


  • Window/VCL

    • Improvement to WinRT bridge including Bluetooth LE support for Windows 10

    • DirectX 12 Support

       傳統的windows 桌面開發確定不能丟

  • Delphi Compiler & Language

    • Native support for Utf8String type on all platforms

    • Support for weak and unsafe interface references on non-ARC platforms, like Windows

       有了Utf8string, 媽媽不再用擔憂與其餘系統鏈接時亂碼了!     

  • C++ CLANG 3.3 on all platforms

       要在所有平臺支持CLANG 3.3



  • FireDAC Driver Updates - including Oracle, DB2, Interbase, SQLite, and Advantage

     這個就是常規更新了,unidac 一直在發力,大家哥倆能不能幹倒別人呢?


The second development track, code named 「Godzilla,」 will deliver a Fall release. It will enable you to develop Delphi and C++ applications to run on Linux Server. This is a much anticipated addition to our product and a result of over two years of development. We intend to release a tech preview sometime this summer of the Delphi for Linux Server technology to give developers a chance to try it for a while, give us feedback and help us ensure it is as stable and solid as possible.  Here are some further details on what we are aiming for with the initial Fall release:

       爲何叫「哥斯拉」(代號 tokyo),難道仍是日本那哥們在開發編譯器?通過兩年的開發,愛乾和無爲都等的花兒都謝了,夏季開始預覽,秋季正式發佈,希望此次別再跳票了。已經拋棄Linux 將近15年了。



  • Apache modules in WebBroker and support for DataSnap and EMS

  • FireDAC Linux database access

  • Linux platform support for console apps with IoT support

  • We will formally support Ubuntu Server & RedHat Enterprise. We will extend the formally supported Linux distributions list over time as demand dictates

  • Windows based IDE with cross-compiler, deploy and debug via PAServer

  • Linux compilers will be for Intel 64-bit server, LLVM-based and ARC-enabled


  整體來講,這個linux 支持,是服務器端的,64位 intel CPU(arm linux 支持估計到2017年了),服務器端ARC-enanble, 內存自動管理,與windows 的內存管理不同了。

  Ubuntu Server 和 RedHat Enterprise 的支持(應該會兼容不少Linux 版本的),我的仍是比較同意的。


While Linux will be the cornerstone of the Fall release, we have a huge list of other features we want to add to the product, some of which are outlined below in the roadmap image.  We have also defined general areas of priority since an image can only convey so much data.  

  • IDE UI improvements and styling

  • Update of all C++ compilers to newer versions of Clang

  • Further improvements for GetIt, both for the package manager and the installer

  • New Windows 10 VCL controls

  • More FireMonkey platform native control support

  • Windows 10 Centennial support (pending Microsoft release of the Centennial Universal Windows Platform bridge)

  • Support for coming versions of iOS and Android

不能由於支持Linux, 別的東西就無論了,尤爲是更多的原平生臺控件的支持。


As we are in the detailed planning stages for this release, we will share additional details as we get further into 2016.  If you have specific items or questions, please let the Product Management team know and we can talk or you can log ideas and enhancement requests as well at quality.embarcadero.com.


The RAD Studio Product Management Team


2016 roadmap


These plans and roadmap represent our intentions as of this date, but our development plans and priorities are subject to change.

Accordingly, we can’t offer any commitments or other forms of assurance that we’ll ultimately release any or all of the above-described products on the schedule or in the order described, or at all. These general indications of development schedules or 「product roadmaps」 should not be interpreted or construed as any form of a commitment, and our customers’ rights to upgrades, updates, enhancements and other maintenance releases will be set forth only in the applicable software license agreement.
