2.1 裝飾者是一種實現繼承的替代方案。當腳本運行時,在子類中添加行爲會影響原有類全部的實例,而裝飾者卻否則。取而代之的是它能給不一樣對象各自添加新行爲。架構
//須要裝飾的類(函數) function Macbook() { this.cost = function () { return 1000; }; } // 裝飾——添加內存條 function Memory(macbook) { this.cost = function () { return macbook.cost() + 75; }; } // 裝飾——支持藍光影片驅動 function BlurayDrive(macbook) { this.cost = function () { return macbook.cost() + 300; }; } // 裝飾——添加保修 function Insurance(macbook) { this.cost = function () { return macbook.cost() + 250; }; } // 用法 var myMacbook = new Insurance(new BlurayDrive(new Memory(new Macbook()))); console.log(myMacbook.cost()); // 1000 + 75 + 300 + 250
2.2 接下來引入工廠模式的例子。上次見到AcmeBicycleShop類的時候,顧客能夠購買的自行車有4種型號。後來這家商店開始爲每一種自行車提供一些額外的特點配件。如今顧客再加點錢就能夠買到帶前燈、尾燈或鈴鐺的自行車。每一種可選配件都會影響到售價和車的組裝方法。咱們使用裝飾者模式來實現該功能。ide
var BicycleDecorator = function(bicycle) { this.bicycle = bicycle; }; // 裝飾者的方法等同於bicycle的原型方法 BicycleDecorator.prototype = { assemble: function() { return this.bicycle.assemble(); }, wash: function() { return this.bicycle.wash(); }, ride: function() { return this.bicycle.ride(); }, repair: function() { return this.bicycle.repair(); }, getPrice: function() { return this.bicycle.getPrice(); } };
var HeadlightDecorator = function(bicycle) { this.bicycle = bicycle; }; HeadlightDecorator.prototype = new BicycleDecorator(); HeadlightDecorator.prototype.assemble = function() { return this.bicycle.assemble() + ' Attach headlight to handlebars'; }; HeadlightDecorator.prototype.getPrice = function() { return this.bicycle.getPrice() + 15.00; };
// 一個普通的AcmeComfortCruiser車子 var myBicycle = new AcmeComfortCruiser(); console.log(myBicycle.getPrice()); // 399.00 // 咱們爲AcmeComfortCruiser的車子添加前置燈以後的自行車售價 myBicycle = new HeadlightDecorator(acmeComfortCruiser); console.log(myBicycle.getPrice()); // 399.00 + 15.00 = 414.00
會發現這裏的myBicycle變量被重置爲對應的裝飾者對象,也就意味着將不能再訪問原來的那個自行車對象。不過,沒有關係,由於這個裝飾者徹底能夠和自行車對象互換使用。裝飾者最重要的特色之一就是它能夠用來替代其組件(這裏,咱們用new HeadlightDecorator(acmeComfortCruiser)替換了new AcmeComfortCruiser()對象)。這是經過確保裝飾者和對應組件都實現了Bicycle接口而達到的。若是裝飾者對象與其組件不能互換使用,它就是喪失了其功用。要注意防止裝飾者和組件出現接口方面的差別。這種模式的好處之一就是能夠透明地用新對象裝飾現有的獨享,而這並不會改變代碼中的其餘東西。只有裝飾者和組件實現了一樣的接口才能作到這一點。
var TaillightDecorator = function(bicycle) { // implements Bicycle this.superclass.constructor(bicycle); // Call the superclass's constructor. } extend(TaillightDecorator, BicycleDecorator); // Extend the superclass. TaillightDecorator.prototype.assemble = function() { return this.bicycle.assemble() + ' Attach taillight to the seat post.'; }; TaillightDecorator.prototype.getPrice = function() { return this.bicycle.getPrice() + 9.00; };
var myBicycle = new AcmeComfortCruiser(); // Instantiate the bicycle. alert(myBicycle.getPrice()); // Returns 399.00 myBicycle = new TaillightDecorator(myBicycle); // Decorate the bicycle object // with a taillight. alert(myBicycle.getPrice()); // Now returns 408.00
2.3 裝飾者修改其組件的方式,有——
1> 在方法以前添加
var myBicycle = new AcmeComfortCruiser(); // Instantiate the bicycle. alert(myBicycle.getPrice()); // Returns 399.00 myBicycle = new HeadlightDecorator(myBicycle); // Decorate the bicycle object // with the first headlight. myBicycle = new HeadlightDecorator(myBicycle); // Decorate the bicycle object // with the second headlight. myBicycle = new TaillightDecorator(myBicycle); // Decorate the bicycle object // with a taillight. alert(myBicycle.getPrice()); // Now returns 438.00
2> 在方法以後添加 - 添加車架顏色的裝飾
var FrameColorDecorator = function(bicycle, frameColor) { // implements Bicycle this.superclass.constructor(bicycle); // Call the superclass's constructor. this.frameColor = frameColor; } // extend(FrameColorDecorator, BicycleDecorator); // Extend the superclass. FrameColorDecorator.prototype.assemble = function() { return 'Paint the frame ' + this.frameColor + ' and allow it to dry. ' + this.bicycle.assemble(); }; FrameColorDecorator.prototype.getPrice = function() { return this.bicycle.getPrice() + 30.00; }; var myBicycle = new AcmeComfortCruiser(); // Instantiate the bicycle. myBicycle = new FrameColorDecorator(myBicycle, 'red'); // Decorate the bicycle // object with the frame color. myBicycle = new HeadlightDecorator(myBicycle); // Decorate the bicycle object // with the first headlight. myBicycle = new HeadlightDecorator(myBicycle); // Decorate the bicycle object // with the second headlight. myBicycle = new TaillightDecorator(myBicycle); // Decorate the bicycle object // with a taillight. alert(myBicycle.assemble()); /* Returns: "Paint the frame red and allow it to dry. (Full instructions for assembling the bike itself go here) Attach headlight to handlebars. Attach headlight to handlebars. Attach taillight to the seat post." */
3> 替換方法
var LifetimeWarrantyDecorator = function(bicycle) { // implements Bicycle this.superclass.constructor(bicycle); // Call the superclass's constructor. } // extend(LifetimeWarrantyDecorator, BicycleDecorator); // Extend the superclass. // 這裏的維修方法再也不調用組件的repair方法 LifetimeWarrantyDecorator.prototype.repair = function() { return 'This bicycle is covered by a lifetime warranty. Please take it to ' + 'an authorized Acme Repair Center.'; }; LifetimeWarrantyDecorator.prototype.getPrice = function() { return this.bicycle.getPrice() + 199.00; };
4> 添加新方法
var BellDecorator = function(bicycle) { // implements Bicycle this.superclass.constructor(bicycle); // Call the superclass's constrcutor. } extend(BellDecorator, BicycleDecorator); // Extend the superclass. BellDecorator.prototype.assemble = function() { return this.bicycle.assemble() + ' Attach bell to handlebars.'; }; BellDecorator.prototype.getPrice = function() { return this.bicycle.getPrice() + 6.00; }; BellDecorator.prototype.ringBell = function() { return 'Bell rung.'; }; // 添加按鈴 var myBicycle = new AcmeComfortCruiser(); // Instantiate the bicycle. myBicycle = new BellDecorator(myBicycle); // Decorate the bicycle object // with a bell. alert(myBicycle.ringBell()); // Returns 'Bell rung.' // 可是BellDecorator必須放在最後應用,不然這個新方法將沒法訪問 var myBicycle = new AcmeComfortCruiser(); // Instantiate the bicycle. myBicycle = new BellDecorator(myBicycle); // Decorate the bicycle object // with a bell. myBicycle = new HeadlightDecorator(myBicycle); // Decorate the bicycle object // with a headlight. alert(myBicycle.ringBell()); // Method not found.
2.4 函數裝飾者
// 將包裝者的返回結果改成大寫形式 function upperCaseDecorator(func) { return function() { return func.apply(this, arguments).toUpperCase(); } } function getDate() { return (new Date()).toString(); } getDateCaps = upperCaseDecorator(getDate); alert(getDate()); // Returns Wed Sep 26 2007 20:11:02 GMT-0700 (PDT) alert(getDateCaps()); // Returns WED SEP 26 2007 20:11:02 GMT-0700 (PDT)
// 添加計時器 var ListBuilder = function(parent, listLength) { this.parentEl = $(parent); this.listLength = listLength; }; ListBuilder.prototype = { buildList: function() { var list = document.createElement('ol'); this.parentEl.appendChild(list); for(var i = 0; i < this.listLength; i++) { var item = document.createElement('li'); list.appendChild(item); } } }; var SimpleProfiler = function(component) { this.component = component; }; SimpleProfiler.prototype = { buildList: function() { var startTime = new Date(); this.component.buildList(); var elapsedTime = (new Date()).getTime() - startTime.getTime(); console.log('buildList: ' + elapsedTime + ' ms'); } }; /* Usage. */ var list = new ListBuilder('list-container', 5000); // Instantiate the object. list = new SimpleProfiler(list); // Wrap the object in the decorator. list.buildList(); // Creates the list and displays "buildList: 298 ms".
var MethodProfiler = function(component) { var that = this; this.component = component; this.timers = {}; for(var key in this.component) { // Ensure that the property is a function. if(typeof this.component[key] !== 'function') { continue; } // Add the method. (function(methodName) { that[methodName] = function() { that.startTimer(methodName); var returnValue = that.component[methodName].apply(that.component, arguments); that.displayTime(methodName, that.getElapsedTime(methodName)); return returnValue; }; })(key); } }; MethodProfiler.prototype = { startTimer: function(methodName) { this.timers[methodName] = (new Date()).getTime(); }, getElapsedTime: function(methodName) { return (new Date()).getTime() - this.timers[methodName]; }, displayTime: function(methodName, time) { console.log(methodName + ': ' + time + ' ms'); } }; /* Usage. */ var list = new ListBuilder('list-container', 5000); list = new MethodProfiler(list); list.buildList('ol'); // Displays "buildList: 301 ms". list.buildList('ul'); // Displays "buildList: 287 ms". list.removeLists('ul'); // Displays "removeLists: 10 ms". list.removeLists('ol'); // Displays "removeLists: 12 ms".
1> 在遇到用裝飾者包裝起來的對象時,那些依賴於類型檢查的代碼會出問題。
2> 使用裝飾者模式每每會增長架構的複雜程度。所以,在設計一個使用了裝飾者模式的架構時,必需要多花點心思,確保本身的代碼有良好的文檔說明,而且容易理解。