conf/fc/KravitzG99:::David W. Kravitz::David M. Goldschlag:::Conditional Access Concepts and Principles. conf/fc/Moskowitz01:::Scott Moskowitz:::A Solution to the Napster Phenomenon: Why Value Cannot Be Created Absent the Transfer of Subjective Data. conf/fc/BellareNPS01:::Mihir Bellare::Chanathip Namprempre::David Pointcheval::Michael Semanko:::The Power of RSA Inversion Oracles and the Security of Chaum's RSA-Based Blind Signature Scheme. conf/fc/Kocher98:::Paul C. Kocher:::On Certificate Revocation and Validation. conf/ep/BertiDM98:::Laure Berti::Jean-Luc Damoiseaux::Elisabeth Murisasco:::Combining the Power of Query Languages and Search Engines for On-line Document and Information Retrieval : The QIRi@D Environment. conf/ep/LouS98:::Qun Lou::Peter Stucki:::Funfamentals of 3D Halftoning. conf/ep/Mather98:::Laura A. Mather:::A Linear Algebra Approach to Language Identification. conf/ep/BallimCLV98:::Afzal Ballim::Giovanni Coray::A. Linden::Christine Vanoirbeek:::The Use of Automatic Alignment on Structured Multilingual Documents. conf/ep/ErdenechimegMN98:::Myatav Erdenechimeg::Richard Moore::Yumbayar Namsrai:::On the Specification of the Display of Documents in Multi-lingual Computing. conf/ep/VercoustreP98:::Anne-Marie Vercoustre::François Paradis:::Reuse of Linked Documents through Virtual Document Prescriptions. conf/ep/CruzBMW98:::Isabel F. Cruz::Slava Borisov::Michael A. Marks::Timothy R. Webb:::Measuring Structural Similarity Among Web Documents: Preliminary Results. conf/er/Hohenstein89:::Uwe Hohenstein:::Automatic Transformation of an Entity-Relationship Query Language into SQL. conf/er/NakanishiHT01:::Yoshihiro Nakanishi::Tatsuo Hirose::Katsumi Tanaka:::Modeling and Structuring Multiple Perspective Video for Browsing. conf/er/Sciore91:::Edward Sciore:::Abbreviation Techniques in Entity-Relationship Query Languages. conf/er/Chen79:::Peter P. Chen:::Recent Literature on the Entity-Relationship Approach.
python -p pwd localhost python
import glob import mincemeat import operator all_filepaths = glob.glob('hw3data/*') def file_contents(filename): f = open(filename) try: return finally: f.close() datasource = dict((filename,file_contents(filename)) for filename in all_filepaths) def my_mapper(key,value): from stopwords import allStopWords import re for line in value.splitlines(): allThree=line.split(':::') for author in allThree[1].split('::'): for word in re.sub(r'([^\s\t0-9a-zA-Z-])+', '',allThree[2]).split(): tmpWord=word.strip().lower() if len(tmpWord)<=1 or tmpWord in allStopWords: continue yield (author,tmpWord),1 def my_reducer(key,value): result=sum(value) return result s = mincemeat.Server() s.datasource = datasource s.mapfn = my_mapper s.reducefn = my_reducer results = s.run_server(password="pwd") print results resList=[(x[0],x[1],results[x]) for x in results.keys()] sorted_results = sorted(resList, key=operator.itemgetter(0,2)) with open('output.txt','w') as f: for (a,b,c) in sorted_results: f.write(a+' *** '+b+' *** '+str(c)+'\n')
Stephen L. Bloom *** scalar *** 1 Stephen L. Bloom *** concatenation *** 1 Stephen L. Bloom *** point *** 1 Stephen L. Bloom *** varieties *** 1 Stephen L. Bloom *** observation *** 1 Stephen L. Bloom *** equivalence *** 1 Stephen L. Bloom *** axioms *** 1 Stephen L. Bloom *** languages *** 1 Stephen L. Bloom *** logical *** 1 Stephen L. Bloom *** algebras *** 1 Stephen L. Bloom *** equations *** 1 Stephen L. Bloom *** number *** 1 Stephen L. Bloom *** vector *** 1 Stephen L. Bloom *** polynomial *** 1 Stephen L. Bloom *** solving *** 1 Stephen L. Bloom *** equational *** 1 Stephen L. Bloom *** axiomatizing *** 1 Stephen L. Bloom *** characterization *** 1 Stephen L. Bloom *** regular *** 2 Stephen L. Bloom *** sets *** 2 Stephen L. Bloom *** iteration *** 3 Stephen L. Lieman *** unacceptable *** 1 Stephen L. Lieman *** correcting *** 1 Stephen L. Lieman *** never *** 1 Stephen L. Lieman *** powerful *** 1 Stephen L. Lieman *** accept *** 1