#!/usr/bin/env python #coding:utf-8 import socket def handle_request(client): buf = client.recv(1024) client.send("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n\r\n") client.send("Hello, Seven") def main(): sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.bind(('localhost',8000)) sock.listen(5) while True: connection, address = sock.accept() handle_request(connection) connection.close() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
上述經過socket來實現了其本質,而對於真實開發中的python web程序來講,通常會分爲兩部分:服務器程序和應用程序。服務器程序負責對socket服務器進行封裝,並在請求到來時,對請求的各類數據進行整理。應用程序則負責具體的邏輯處理。爲了方便應用程序的開發,就出現了衆多的Web框架,例如:Django、Flask、web.py 等。不一樣的框架有不一樣的開發方式,可是不管如何,開發出的應用程序都要和服務器程序配合,才能爲用戶提供服務。這樣,服務器程序就須要爲不一樣的框架提供不一樣的支持。這樣混亂的局面不管對於服務器仍是框架,都是很差的。對服務器來講,須要支持各類不一樣框架,對框架來講,只有支持它的服務器才能被開發出的應用使用。這時候,標準化就變得尤其重要。咱們能夠設立一個標準,只要服務器程序支持這個標準,框架也支持這個標準,那麼他們就能夠配合使用。一旦標準肯定,雙方各自實現。這樣,服務器能夠支持更多支持標準的框架,框架也可使用更多支持標準的服務器。css
WSGI(Web Server Gateway Interface)是一種規範,它定義了使用python編寫的web app與web server之間接口格式,實現web app與web server間的解耦。html
from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server def RunServer(environ, start_response): start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type', 'text/html')]) return [bytes('<h1>Hello, web!</h1>', encoding='utf-8'), ] if __name__ == '__main__': httpd = make_server('', 8000, RunServer) print("Serving HTTP on port 8000...") httpd.serve_forever()
Python的WEB框架有Django、Tornado、Flask 等多種,Django相較與其餘WEB框架其優點爲:大而全,框架自己集成了ORM、模型綁定、模板引擎、緩存、Session等諸多功能。java
pip install djangomysql
2、建立Django工程 jquery
- mysite # 對整個程序進行配置
- init
- settings # 配置文件
- url # URL對應關係
- wsgi # 遵循WSIG規範,uwsgi + nginx
- manage.py # 管理Django程序:
- python manage.py
- python manage.py startapp xx
- python manage.py makemigrations
- python manage.py migrateweb
-templates #放置網頁內容
# 運行Django功能
python manage.py runserver
# 建立app
python manage.py startapp cmdb
python manage.py startapp openstack
python manage.py startapp xxoo....
migrations 數據修改表結構
admin Django爲咱們提供的後臺管理
apps 配置當前app
models ORM,寫指定的類 經過命令能夠建立數據庫結構
tests 單元測試
views 業務代碼
1 MIDDLEWARE = [ 2 'django.middleware.security.SecurityMiddleware', 3 'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware', 4 'django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware', 5 # 'django.middleware.csrf.CsrfViewMiddleware', 6 'django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware', 7 'django.contrib.messages.middleware.MessageMiddleware', 8 'django.middleware.clickjacking.XFrameOptionsMiddleware', 9 ] 10 11 ROOT_URLCONF = 's14day19.urls' 12 13 TEMPLATES = [ 14 { 15 'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates', 16 'DIRS': [os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'templates')] 17 , 18 'APP_DIRS': True, 19 'OPTIONS': { 20 'context_processors': [ 21 'django.template.context_processors.debug', 22 'django.template.context_processors.request', 23 'django.contrib.auth.context_processors.auth', 24 'django.contrib.messages.context_processors.messages', 25 ], 26 }, 27 }, 28 ]
STATIC_URL = '/static/' STATICFILES_DIRS = ( os.path.join(BASE_DIR,"static"), )
-> URL對應關係(匹配) -> 視圖函數 -> 返回用戶字符串
-> URL對應關係(匹配) -> 視圖函數 -> 打開一個HTML文件,讀取內容
from django.contrib import admin from django.urls import path from cmdb import views urlpatterns = [ path('admin/', admin.site.urls), path('login/', views.login), path('home/', views.home), ]
re_path('detail-(\d+).html', views.detail), #一個函數對應多個頁面 re_path('detail-(\d+)-(\d+).html', views.detail), #nid ,uid 必定按照順序 re_path('detail-(?P<nid>\d+)-(?P<uid>\d+).html', views.detail), #綁定nid和uid
1 # def detail(request,nid): 2 # return HttpResponse(nid) 3 # # n = request.GET.get("nid") 4 # 5 # # info = USER_DICT[nid] 6 # # return render(request,"detail.html",{"info":info}) 7 # def detail(request, nid): 8 # info = USER_DICT[nid] 9 # return render(request,"detail.html",{"info":info}) 10 def detail(request,nid,uid): 11 print(nid,uid) 12 13 return HttpResponse(nid) 14 # info = USER_DICT[nid] 15 # return render(request,"detail.html",{"info":info})
1 <!DOCTYPE html> 2 <html lang="en"> 3 <head> 4 <meta charset="UTF-8"> 5 <title>Title</title> 6 </head> 7 <body> 8 {{ user_dict.user }} 9 <ul> 10 {% for k,row in user_dict.items %} 11 <li><a target="_blank" href="/detail-{{ k }}.html">{{ row.user }}</a></li> 12 {% endfor %} 13 </ul> 14 <!-- 15 <ul> 16 {% for k,row in user_dict.items %} 17 <li><a target="_blank" href="/detail/?nid={{ k }}">{{ row.user }}</a></li> 18 {% endfor %} 19 </ul> 20 --> 21 22 </body> 23 </html>
1 <!DOCTYPE html> 2 <html lang="en"> 3 <head> 4 <meta charset="UTF-8"> 5 <title>Title</title> 6 </head> 7 <body> 8 <h1>詳細信息</h1> 9 <h3>用戶名:{{ info.user }}</h3> 10 <h3>密碼:{{ info.password }}</h3> 11 <h3>郵箱:{{ info.email }}</h3> 12 13 </body> 14 </html>
對URL路由關係進行命名, ***** 之後能夠根據此名稱生成本身想要的URL *****
urlpatterns = [ path('indfasfasdfdex/', views.index, name="index1"), re_path('ind/(\d+)/', views.index, name="index2"), re_path('ind/(\d+)/(\d+)/', views.index, name="index3"), re_path('ind/(?P<nid>\d+)/(?P<uid>\d+)/', views.index, name="index4"), ]
def func(request, *args, **kwargs): from django.urls import reverse url1 = reverse('index1') # indefasfasdfdex/ url2 = reverse('index3', args=(1,2,)) # ind/1/2/ url3 = reverse('index4', kwargs={'pid': 1, "nid": 9}) #ind/1/9/
{% url "index1" %} # indfasfasdfdex/ {% url "index2" 1 2 %} # ind/1/2/ {% url "index3" pid=1 nid=9 %} # ind/1/9/
# 當前的URL
urlpatterns = [ path('cmdb/',include("app01.urls")), path('monitor/',include("app02.urls")) ]
from django.urls import path,re_path from app01 import views urlpatterns = [ path('index/', views.index), ]
from django.urls import path,re_path from app02 import views urlpatterns = [ path('index/', views.index), ]
url(r'^manage/(?P<name>\w*)', views.manage,{'id':333}),
from django.conf.urls import url,include urlpatterns = [ url(r'^a/', include('app01.urls', namespace='author-polls')), url(r'^b/', include('app01.urls', namespace='publisher-polls')), ]
from django.conf.urls import url from app01 import views app_name = 'app01' urlpatterns = [ url(r'^(?P<pk>\d+)/$', views.detail, name='detail') ]
def detail(request, pk): print(request.resolver_match) return HttpResponse(pk)
def func(request):
# 包含全部的請求數據
return HttpResponse('字符串')
return render(request, 'index.html', {''})
retrun redirect('URL')
from django.shortcuts import render from django.shortcuts import HttpResponse from django.shortcuts import redirect USER_LIST=[ {"username":"zhangsan","gender":"man","email":"abc@123.com"}, {"username":"zhangsi","gender":"woman","email":"abc@123.com"}, {"username":"zhangwu","gender":"man","email":"abc@123.com"}, ] def home(request): print(request.method) if request.method == "POST": user=request.POST.get("username") gen=request.POST.get("gender") ema=request.POST.get("email") temp = {"username":user,"gender":gen,"email":ema} USER_LIST.append(temp) return render(request,"home.html",{"user_list":USER_LIST}) def login(request): # f = open("templates/login.html","r",encoding="utf-8") # date = f.read() # f.close() error_msg = " " if request.method == "POST": user = request.POST.get("user",None) pwd = request.POST.get("pwd",None) if user=="root" and pwd=="123": return redirect("http://www.baidu.com") else: error_msg = "用戶名密碼錯誤" return render(request,"login.html",{"error_msg":error_msg})
1 <!DOCTYPE html> 2 <html lang="en"> 3 <head> 4 <meta charset="UTF-8"> 5 <title>Title</title> 6 </head> 7 <body> 8 <form action="/login/" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data"> 9 <p> 10 <input type="text" name="user" placeholder="用戶名" /> 11 </p> 12 <p> 13 <input type="password" name="password" placeholder="密碼" /> 14 </p> 15 <p> 16 男:<input type="radio" name="gender" value="1"/> 17 女:<input type="radio" name="gender" value="2"/> 18 </p> 19 <p> 20 籃球:<input type="checkbox" name="faver" value="11" /> 21 足球:<input type="checkbox" name="faver" value="22" /> 22 排球:<input type="checkbox" name="faver" value="33" /> 23 </p> 24 <p> 25 <select name="city" multiple> 26 <option value="bj">北京</option> 27 <option value="sh">上海</option> 28 <option value="tj">天津</option> 29 </select> 30 </p> 31 <p> 32 <input type="file" name="filesss"/> 33 </p> 34 <p> 35 <input type="submit" value="提交" /> 36 </p> 37 </form> 38 </body> 39 </html>
1 from django.shortcuts import render,HttpResponse,redirect 2 3 # Create your views here. 4 5 def index(request): 6 return HttpResponse("Welcome to Index!") 7 8 def login(request): 9 '''if request.method == "GET": 10 return render(request, "login.html") 11 elif request.method == "POST": 12 u= request.POST.get("user") 13 p= request.POST.get("password") 14 15 if u == "abc" and p == "123": 16 return redirect("/index/") 17 else: 18 return render(request,"login.html") 19 else: 20 return redirect("/index/") 21 ''' 22 23 if request.method == "GET": 24 return render(request, "login.html") 25 elif request.method == "POST": 26 # v = request.POST.get("gender") 27 # print(v) 28 # v = request.POST.getlist("faver") 29 # print(v) 30 # v = request.POST.getlist("city") 31 # print(v) 32 33 # 文件上傳 34 obj =request.FILES.get("filesss") 35 import os 36 file_path = os.path.join("upload",obj.name) 37 f= open(file_path,mode="wb") 38 for i in obj.chunks(): 39 f.write(i) 40 f.close() 41 42 43 44 return render(request, "login.html") 45 else: 46 return redirect("/index/")
url.py index ---> 函數名
views.py def 函數(request):................
FBV /index/ -> 函數名
CBV /index/ -> 類
from django.views import View class Home(View): def get(self,request): print(request.method) return render(request,"home.html") def post(self,request): print(request.method,"post") return render(request, "home.html")
1 def index(request): 2 print(type(request)) 3 4 from django.core.handlers.wsgi import WSGIRequest 5 6 print(request.environ) #封裝了請求的全部信息 7 8 for k,v in request.environ.items(): #列出全部信息 9 print(k,v) 10 11 print(request.environ["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]) 12 return HttpResponse("ok")
return render(request, 'index.html', {'li': [11,22,33]})
{% for item in li %}
{% endfor %}
*********** 索引用點 **********
<h2> {{item.0 }} </h2>
1 <!DOCTYPE html> 2 <html lang="en"> 3 <head> 4 <meta charset="UTF-8"> 5 <title>Title</title> 6 </head> 7 <body style="margin: 0"> 8 <div style="background-color: #eeeeee;height: 50px;"></div> 9 <form action="/home/" method="post"> 10 <p> 11 <input type="text" name="username" placeholder="用戶名" /> 12 </p> 13 <p> 14 <input type="text" name="gender" placeholder="性別" /> 15 </p> 16 <p> 17 <input type="text" name="email" placeholder="郵箱" /> 18 </p> 19 <p> 20 <input type="submit" value="提交" /> 21 </p> 22 </form> 23 <div> 24 <table> 25 {% for row in user_list %} 26 <tr> 27 <td>{{ row.username }}</td> 28 <td>{{ row.gender }}</td> 29 <td>{{ row.email }}</td> 30 </tr> 31 {% endfor %} 32 </table> 33 </div> 34 </body> 35 </html>
1 <!DOCTYPE html> 2 <html lang="en"> 3 <head> 4 <meta charset="UTF-8"> 5 <title>Title</title> 6 <link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/commons.css" /> 7 <style> 8 label{ 9 width: 80px; 10 text-align: right; 11 display: inline-block; 12 } 13 </style> 14 </head> 15 <body> 16 <form action="/login/" method="post"> 17 <p> 18 <label for="username">用戶名:</label> 19 <input id="username" name="user" type="text" /> 20 </p> 21 <p> 22 <label for="password">密碼:</label> 23 <input id="password" name="pwd" type="text" /> 24 <input type="submit" value="提交" /> 25 <span style="color: red">{{ error_msg }}</span> 26 </p> 27 </form> 28 <script src="/static/jquery-1.12.4.js"></script> 29 </body> 30 </html>
1 def a1(request): 2 u_list= [1,2,3,4,5] 3 return render(request,"a1.html",{"u_list":u_list}) 4 5 def a2(request): 6 name="root" 7 return render(request,"a2.html",{"name":name}) 8 9 def a3(request): 10 d = "刪除" 11 return render(request,"a3.html",{"d":d})
1 <!DOCTYPE html> 2 <html lang="en"> 3 <head> 4 <meta charset="UTF-8"> 5 <title>Title</title> 6 <link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/commons.css" /> 7 <style> 8 .pg-header{ 9 height: 48px; 10 background-color: gainsboro; 11 color: green; 12 } 13 </style> 14 {% block commons %} {% endblock %} 15 </head> 16 <body> 17 <div class="pg-header">信息管理</div> 18 19 {% block content %} {% endblock %} 20 21 <script src="/static/jquery.js"></script> 22 {% block jquery %} {% endblock %} 23 </body> 24 </html>
a1.html a2.html a3.html 是繼承模板而後生成新的網頁發給前端
1 {% extends "master.html" %} 2 {% block content %} 3 <h1>用戶管理</h1> 4 <ul> 5 {% for i in u_list %} 6 <li>{{ i }}</li> 7 {% endfor %} 8 </ul> 9 {% endblock %}
1 {% extends "master.html" %} 2 {% block content %} 3 <h1>{{ name }}</h1> 4 {% endblock %}
1 {% extends "master.html" %} 2 {% block content %} 3 <h1>{{ d }}</h1> 4 {% endblock %}
{% block 模板名稱 %} 本身的內容 {% endblock %}
a.能夠有多個模板繼承 只要寫清楚繼承模板的名稱
1 <!DOCTYPE html> 2 <html lang="en"> 3 <head> 4 <meta charset="UTF-8"> 5 <title>Title</title> 6 <link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/commons.css" /> 7 <style> 8 .pg-header{ 9 height: 48px; 10 background-color: gainsboro; 11 color: green; 12 } 13 </style> 14 {% block commons %} {% endblock %} 15 </head> 16 <body> 17 <div class="pg-header">信息管理</div> 18 19 {% block content %} {% endblock %} 20 21 <script src="/static/jquery.js"></script> 22 {% block jquery %} {% endblock %} 23 </body> 24 </html>
{% include "tag.html" %}
<form> <input type="text" /> <input type="text" /> <input type="text" /> </form>
{% extends "master.html" %} {% block content %} <h1>用戶管理</h1> <ul> {% for i in u_list %} <li>{{ i }}</li> {% endfor %} </ul> {% include "tag.html" %} {% endblock %}
from django import template from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe register = template.Library() @register.simple_tag def ceshi(a1,a2): return a1+a2
e.在html中的頭部加上{% load py文件名 %} 添加內容{% 函數名 arg1 arg2 %}
html中{{「arg1」|函數名:「arg2」 }}
1 def user_list(request): 2 list = [] 3 for i in range(1,100): 4 list.append(i) 5 6 current_page = request.GET.get("p",1) 7 current_page = int(current_page) 8 start = (current_page-1)*10 9 end = current_page*10 10 data=list[start:end] 11 12 all_current=len(list) 13 count,y = divmod(all_current, 10) 14 if y: 15 count +=1 16 17 page_list=[] 18 for i in range(1,count+1): 19 if i ==current_page: 20 temp ='<a class="page active" href="/user_list/?p=%s">%s</a>'%(i,i) 21 else: 22 temp = '<a class="page" href="/user_list/?p=%s">%s</a>' % (i, i) 23 page_list.append(temp) 24 25 page_str="".join(page_list) 26 27 return render(request,"user_list.html",{"list":data,"temp":page_str})
1 <!DOCTYPE html> 2 <html lang="en"> 3 <head> 4 <meta charset="UTF-8"> 5 <title>Title</title> 6 <style> 7 .q .page{ 8 display: inline-block; 9 background-color: aqua; 10 margin: 5px; 11 padding: 5px; 12 13 } 14 .q .page.active{ 15 background-color: red; 16 color: white; 17 } 18 </style> 19 </head> 20 <body> 21 <ul> 22 {% for item in list %} 23 {% include "tag.html" %} 24 {% endfor %} 25 </ul> 26 27 <div class="q"> 28 {{ temp|safe }} 29 </div> 30 </body> 31 </html>
1 <li>{{ item }}</li>
分頁進階實例 ---- 上一頁、下一頁、跳轉、頁面佈局
1 def user_list(request): 2 list = [] 3 for i in range(1,1000): 4 list.append(i) 5 #每頁顯示的數據數量 6 page_num = 10 #每頁顯示數量 7 current_page = request.GET.get("p",1) 8 current_page = int(current_page) #當前頁 9 start = (current_page-1)*page_num 10 end = current_page*page_num 11 data=list[start:end] 12 13 #分頁的數據數量 14 all_current=len(list) 15 total_count,y = divmod(all_current, page_num) 16 if y: 17 total_count +=1 #總頁數 18 page_list=[] 19 start_index = current_page - 5 20 end_index = current_page + 6 21 pag = 11 #顯示分頁數量 22 if total_count < pag: 23 start_index = 1 24 end_index = total_count 25 else: 26 if current_page <= (pag+1)/2: 27 start_index = 1 28 end_index = pag+1 29 else: 30 start_index = current_page - (pag-1)/2 31 end_index = current_page + (pag+1)/2 32 if (current_page + (pag-1)/2) >=total_count: 33 end_index = total_count + 1 34 start_index = total_count - pag -1 35 36 #上一頁 代碼開始 37 if current_page == 1: 38 prev = '<a class="page" href="#">上一頁</a>' 39 else: 40 prev = '<a class="page" href="/user_list/?p=%s">上一頁</a>' % (current_page-1) 41 page_list.append(prev) 42 43 #分頁代碼開始 44 for i in range(int(start_index),int(end_index)): 45 if i ==current_page: 46 temp ='<a class="page active" href="/user_list/?p=%s">%s</a>'%(i,i) 47 else: 48 temp = '<a class="page" href="/user_list/?p=%s">%s</a>' % (i, i) 49 page_list.append(temp) 50 51 # 下一頁代碼開始 52 if current_page == total_count: 53 nex = '<a class="page" href="javascript:void(0);">下一頁</a>' 54 else: 55 nex = '<a class="page" href="/user_list/?p=%s">下一頁</a>' % (current_page + 1) 56 page_list.append(nex) 57 58 page_str="".join(page_list) 59 60 return render(request,"user_list.html",{"list":data,"temp":page_str})
1 <!DOCTYPE html> 2 <html lang="en"> 3 <head> 4 <meta charset="UTF-8"> 5 <title>Title</title> 6 <style> 7 .q .page{ 8 display: inline-block; 9 background-color: aqua; 10 margin: 5px; 11 padding: 5px; 12 13 } 14 .q .page.active{ 15 background-color: red; 16 color: white; 17 } 18 </style> 19 </head> 20 <body> 21 <ul> 22 {% for item in list %} 23 {% include "tag.html" %} 24 {% endfor %} 25 </ul> 26 27 <div class="q"> 28 {{ temp|safe }} 29 <input type="text" /> 30 <a onclick="Go(this,'/user_list/?p=');" id="i1">GO</a> 31 </div> 32 <script> 33 function Go(th,base) { 34 var val = th.previousElementSibling.value; 35 location.href = base + val 36 } 37 </script> 38 </body> 39 </html>
1 class Page: 2 3 def __init__(self,current_page,data_count,per_page_num=10,page_num=11): 4 self.current_page = current_page 5 self.data_count =data_count 6 self.per_page_num = per_page_num 7 self.page_num = page_num 8 9 @property 10 def start(self): 11 return (self.current_page-1) * self.per_page_num 12 13 @property 14 def end(self): 15 return self.current_page * self.per_page_num 16 17 @property 18 def total_count(self): 19 v, y = divmod(self.data_count, self.per_page_num) 20 if y: 21 v += 1 # 總頁數 22 return v 23 24 def page_str(self,base_url): 25 page_list = [] 26 start_index = self.current_page - 5 27 end_index = self.current_page + 6 28 29 if self.total_count < self.page_num: 30 start_index = 1 31 end_index = self.total_count 32 else: 33 if self.current_page <= (self.page_num + 1) / 2: 34 start_index = 1 35 end_index = self.page_num + 1 36 else: 37 start_index = self.current_page - (self.page_num - 1) / 2 38 end_index = self.current_page + (self.page_num + 1) / 2 39 if (self.current_page + (self.page_num - 1) / 2) >= self.total_count: 40 end_index = self.total_count + 1 41 start_index = self.total_count - self.page_num - 1 42 43 # 上一頁 代碼開始 44 if self.current_page == 1: 45 prev = '<a class="page" href="#">上一頁</a>' 46 else: 47 prev = '<a class="page" href="%s?p=%s">上一頁</a>' % (base_url,self.current_page - 1) 48 page_list.append(prev) 49 50 # 分頁代碼開始 51 for i in range(int(start_index), int(end_index)): 52 if i == self.current_page: 53 temp = '<a class="page active" href="%s?p=%s">%s</a>' % (base_url,i, i) 54 else: 55 temp = '<a class="page" href="%s?p=%s">%s</a>' % (base_url,i, i) 56 page_list.append(temp) 57 58 # 下一頁代碼開始 59 if self.current_page == self.total_count: 60 nex = '<a class="page" href="javascript:void(0);">下一頁</a>' 61 else: 62 nex = '<a class="page" href="%s?p=%s">下一頁</a>' % (base_url,self.current_page + 1) 63 page_list.append(nex) 64 65 page_str = "".join(page_list) 66 67 return page_str
1 def user_list(request): 2 current_page = request.GET.get("p",1) 3 current_page = int(current_page) #當前頁 4 page_obj = pagination.Page(current_page,len(list)) 5 data=list[page_obj.start:page_obj.end] 6 page_str = page_obj.page_str("/user_list/") 7 return render(request,"user_list.html",{"list":data,"temp":page_str})
import MySQLdb def GetList(sql): db = MySQLdb.connect(user='root', db='wupeiqidb', passwd='1234', host='localhost') cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute(sql) data = cursor.fetchall() db.close() return data def GetSingle(sql): db = MySQLdb.connect(user='root', db='wupeiqidb', passwd='1234', host='localhost') cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute(sql) data = cursor.fetchone() db.close() return data
django爲使用一種新的方式,即:關係對象映射(Object Relational Mapping,簡稱ORM)。
C#:Entity Framework
django中遵循 Code Frist 的原則,即:根據代碼中定義的類來自動生成數據庫表。
1 a. 先寫類(models.py) 2 from django.db import models 3 4 class UserInfo(models.Model): 5 # id列,自增,主鍵 6 # 用戶名列,字符串類型,指定長度 7 username = models.CharField(max_length=32) 8 password = models.CharField(max_length=64) 9 10 b. 註冊APP (settings.py) 11 12 INSTALLED_APPS = [ 13 'django.contrib.admin', 14 'django.contrib.auth', 15 'django.contrib.contenttypes', 16 'django.contrib.sessions', 17 'django.contrib.messages', 18 'django.contrib.staticfiles', 19 'app01', 20 ] 21 c. 執行命令(cmd) 22 python manage.py makemigrations 23 python manage.py migrate 24 25 d. ********** 注意 *********** 26 Django默認使用MySQLdb模塊連接MySQL 27 主動修改成pymysql,在project同名文件夾下的__init__文件中添加以下代碼 28 29 便可: 30 import pymysql 31 pymysql.install_as_MySQLdb()
1 def orm(request): 2 3 #增 4 # models.UserInfo.objects.create(username="alex",password=123) 5 6 # dic ={"username":"root","password":456} 7 # models.UserInfo.objects.create(**dic) 8 9 # obj = models.UserInfo(username="jack",password=789) 10 # obj.save() 11 12 # 查 13 # re = models.UserInfo.objects.all() 14 # re = models.UserInfo.objects.filter(username="root") 15 # print(re) 16 # for row in re: 17 # print(row.id,row.username,row.password) 18 19 # 刪除 20 # models.UserInfo.objects.all().delete() 21 # models.UserInfo.objects.filter(id=3).delete() 22 23 # 修改 24 models.UserInfo.objects.filter(id=3).update(password=825) 25 26 return HttpResponse("ORM")
a. 外鍵
外鍵字段_id models.foreignkey("user_type",to_field="id") #約束條件
models.tb.object.create(name='root', user_group_id=1)
userlist = models.tb.object.all()
for row in userlist:
1 <!DOCTYPE html> 2 <html lang="en"> 3 <head> 4 <meta charset="UTF-8"> 5 <title>Title</title> 6 </head> 7 <body> 8 <h1>業務線列表</h1> 9 <ul> 10 {% for row in v1 %} 11 <li>{{ row.id }}--{{ row.caption }}--{{ row.code }}</li> 12 {% endfor %} 13 <h2>zidian</h2> 14 {% for row in v2 %} 15 <li>{{ row.id }}--{{ row.caption }}</li> 16 {% endfor %} 17 <h2>yuanzu</h2> 18 {% for row in v3 %} 19 <li>{{ row.0}}--{{ row.1 }}</li> 20 {% endfor %} 21 </ul> 22 </body> 23 </html>
1 def biness(request): 2 v1 = models.Biness.objects.all() 3 4 v2 = models.Biness.objects.all().values("id","caption") 5 6 v3 = models.Biness.objects.all().values_list("id","caption") 7 8 return render(request,"biness.html",{"v1":v1,"v2":v2,"v3":v3})
1 <!DOCTYPE html> 2 <html lang="en"> 3 <head> 4 <meta charset="UTF-8"> 5 <title>Title</title> 6 </head> 7 <body> 8 9 <table border="1"> 10 <thead> 11 <tr> 12 {# <th>主機ID</th>#} 13 <th>主機名</th> 14 <th>IP</th> 15 {# <th>端口號</th>#} 16 <th>業務線ID</th> 17 <th>業務線名</th> 18 {# <th>業務線code</th>#} 19 </tr> 20 </thead> 21 <tbody> 22 {% for row in v1 %} 23 <tr nid="{{ row.nid }}",bid="{{ row.b_id }}"> 24 {# <td>{{ row.nid }}</td>#} 25 <td>{{ row.host }}</td> 26 <td>{{ row.ip }}</td> 27 <td>{{ row.port }}</td> 28 {# <td>{{ row.b_id }}</td>#} 29 <td>{{ row.b.caption }}</td> 30 {# <td>{{ row.b.code }}</td>#} 31 </tr> 32 {% endfor %} 33 </tbody> 34 </table> 35 36 <table border="1"> 37 <thead> 38 <tr> 39 <th>主機ID</th> 40 <th>主機名</th> 41 <th>IP</th> 42 {# <th>端口號</th>#} 43 <th>業務線ID</th> 44 <th>業務線名</th> 45 {# <th>業務線code</th>#} 46 </tr> 47 </thead> 48 <tbody> 49 {% for row in v2 %} 50 <tr> 51 <td>{{ row.nid }}</td> 52 <td>{{ row.host}}</td> 53 <td>{{ row.ip }}</td> 54 {# <td>{{ row.port }}</td>>#} 55 <td>{{ row.b_id }}</td> 56 <td>{{ row.b.caption }}</td> 57 {# <td>{{ row.b.code }}</td>#} 58 </tr> 59 {% endfor %} 60 </tbody> 61 </table> 62 63 <table border="1"> 64 <thead> 65 <tr> 66 <th>主機ID</th> 67 <th>主機名</th> 68 <th>IP</th> 69 {# <th>端口號</th>#} 70 <th>業務線ID</th> 71 <th>業務線名</th> 72 {# <th>業務線code</th>#} 73 </tr> 74 </thead> 75 <tbody> 76 {% for row in v3 %} 77 <tr > 78 <td>{{ row.0 }}</td> 79 <td>{{ row.1 }}</td> 80 <td>{{ row.2 }}</td> 81 {# <td>{{ row.port }}</td>#} 82 <td>{{ row.3 }}</td> 83 <td>{{ row.4 }}</td> 84 {# <td>{{ row.b.code }}</td>#} 85 </tr> 86 {% endfor %} 87 </tbody> 88 </table> 89 90 </body> 91 </html>
1 def host(request): 2 # v1 = models.Host.objects.all() 3 v1 = models.Host.objects.filter(nid__gt=0) 4 v2 = models.Host.objects.filter(nid__gt=0).values("nid","host","ip","b_id","b__caption") 5 v3 = models.Host.objects.filter(nid__gt=0).values_list("nid","host","ip","b_id","b__caption") 6 7 return render(request, "host.html", {"v1": v1,"v2":v2,"v3":v3})
1 <!DOCTYPE html> 2 <html lang="en"> 3 <head> 4 <meta charset="UTF-8"> 5 <title>Title</title> 6 <style> 7 .hide{ 8 display: none; 9 } 10 .shade{ 11 position: fixed; 12 top:0; 13 right: 0; 14 bottom: 0; 15 left: 0; 16 background-color: black; 17 opacity: 0.6; 18 z-index: 9; 19 } 20 .content{ 21 position:fixed; 22 height: 300px; 23 width: 500px; 24 top:100px; 25 left: 50%; 26 background-color: white; 27 border: white 1px solid; 28 z-index: 10; 29 margin-left: -250px; 30 } 31 </style> 32 </head> 33 <body> 34 <div> 35 <input id="add_host" type="button" value="添加" /> 36 </div> 37 <table border="1"> 38 <thead> 39 <tr> 40 {# <th>主機ID</th>#} 41 <th>主機名</th> 42 <th>IP</th> 43 <th>端口號</th> 44 {# <th>業務線ID</th>#} 45 <th>業務線名</th> 46 {# <th>業務線code</th>#} 47 </tr> 48 </thead> 49 <tbody> 50 {% for row in v1 %} 51 <tr nid="{{ row.nid }}",bid="{{ row.b_id }}"> 52 {# <td>{{ row.nid }}</td>#} 53 <td>{{ row.host }}</td> 54 <td>{{ row.ip }}</td> 55 <td>{{ row.port }}</td> 56 {# <td>{{ row.b_id }}</td>#} 57 <td>{{ row.b.caption }}</td> 58 {# <td>{{ row.b.code }}</td>#} 59 </tr> 60 {% endfor %} 61 </tbody> 62 </table> 63 64 <table border="1"> 65 <thead> 66 <tr> 67 <th>主機ID</th> 68 <th>主機名</th> 69 <th>IP</th> 70 {# <th>端口號</th>#} 71 <th>業務線ID</th> 72 <th>業務線名</th> 73 {# <th>業務線code</th>#} 74 </tr> 75 </thead> 76 <tbody> 77 {% for row in v2 %} 78 <tr> 79 <td>{{ row.nid }}</td> 80 <td>{{ row.host}}</td> 81 <td>{{ row.ip }}</td> 82 {# <td>{{ row.port }}</td>>#} 83 <td>{{ row.b_id }}</td> 84 <td>{{ row.b.caption }}</td> 85 {# <td>{{ row.b.code }}</td>#} 86 </tr> 87 {% endfor %} 88 </tbody> 89 </table> 90 91 <table border="1"> 92 <thead> 93 <tr> 94 <th>主機ID</th> 95 <th>主機名</th> 96 <th>IP</th> 97 {# <th>端口號</th>#} 98 <th>業務線ID</th> 99 <th>業務線名</th> 100 {# <th>業務線code</th>#} 101 </tr> 102 </thead> 103 <tbody> 104 {% for row in v3 %} 105 <tr > 106 <td>{{ row.0 }}</td> 107 <td>{{ row.1 }}</td> 108 <td>{{ row.2 }}</td> 109 {# <td>{{ row.port }}</td>#} 110 <td>{{ row.3 }}</td> 111 <td>{{ row.4 }}</td> 112 {# <td>{{ row.b.code }}</td>#} 113 </tr> 114 {% endfor %} 115 </tbody> 116 </table> 117 118 {# 遮罩層#} 119 <div class="shade hide"></div> 120 {# 彈出層#} 121 <div class="content hide"> 122 <form action="/host/" method="POST"> 123 <div class="group"> 124 <input type="text" placeholder="hostname" name="hostname" /> 125 </div> 126 <div class="group"> 127 <input type="text" placeholder="ip" name="ip" /> 128 </div> 129 <div class="group"> 130 <input type="text" placeholder="port" name="port" /> 131 </div> 132 <div> 133 <select name="b_id"> 134 {% for row in b_list %} 135 <option value="{{ row.id }}">{{ row.caption }}</option> 136 {% endfor %} 137 138 </select> 139 </div> 140 141 <p><input type="submit" value="提交" /> 142 <input id="del" type="button" value="取消" /></p> 143 </form> 144 </div> 145 146 <script src="/static/jquery-1.12.4.js"></script> 147 <script> 148 $(function(){ 149 $("#add_host").click(function () { 150 $(".shade,.content").removeClass("hide") 151 }) 152 153 $("#del").click(function () { 154 $(".shade,.content").addClass("hide") 155 }) 156 }) 157 158 </script> 159 </body> 160 </html>
1 def host(request): 2 if request.method == "GET": 3 # v1 = models.Host.objects.all() 4 v1 = models.Host.objects.filter(nid__gt=0) 5 v2 = models.Host.objects.filter(nid__gt=0).values("nid","host","ip","b_id","b__caption") 6 v3 = models.Host.objects.filter(nid__gt=0).values_list("nid","host","ip","b_id","b__caption") 7 8 b_list=models.Biness.objects.all() 9 10 11 return render(request, "host.html", {"v1": v1,"v2":v2,"v3":v3,"b_list":b_list}) 12 elif request.method == "POST": 13 h = request.POST.get("hostname") 14 i = request.POST.get("ip") 15 p = request.POST.get("port") 16 b = request.POST.get("b_id") 17 models.Host.objects.create(host=h,ip=i,port=p,b_id=b) 18 19 return redirect("/host")
1 $("#add_ajax").click(function(){ 2 $.ajax({ 3 url:"/test_ajax/", 4 type:"POST", 5 data:{"hostname":$("#host").val(),"ip":$("#ip").val(),"port":$("#port").val(),"b_id":$("#sel").val()}, 6 success:function(data){ 7 var obj =JSON.parse(data); 8 if(obj.stauts){ 9 location.reload() 10 }else{ 11 $("#host_p").text(obj.error) 12 } 13 } 14 }) 15 })
1 def test_ajax(request): 2 3 ret={"stauts":True,"error":None,"data":None} 4 try: 5 h = request.POST.get("hostname") 6 i = request.POST.get("ip") 7 p = request.POST.get("port") 8 b = request.POST.get("b_id") 9 # print(h,i,p,b) 10 if h and len(h) > 8: 11 models.Host.objects.create(host=h, ip=i, port=p, b_id=b) 12 13 else: 14 ret["stauts"]=False 15 ret["error"]="Lack of longth " 16 17 except Exception as e: 18 ret["stauts"] = False 19 ret["error"] = "this is error" 20 21 return HttpResponse(json.dumps(ret))
1 <!DOCTYPE html> 2 <html lang="en"> 3 <head> 4 <meta charset="UTF-8"> 5 <title>Title</title> 6 <style> 7 .hide{ 8 display: none; 9 } 10 .shade{ 11 position: fixed; 12 top:0; 13 right: 0; 14 bottom: 0; 15 left: 0; 16 background-color: black; 17 opacity: 0.6; 18 z-index: 9; 19 } 20 .content,.edit_content{ 21 position:fixed; 22 height: 300px; 23 width: 500px; 24 top:100px; 25 left: 50%; 26 background-color: white; 27 border: white 1px solid; 28 z-index: 10; 29 margin-left: -250px; 30 } 31 </style> 32 </head> 33 <body> 34 <div> 35 <input id="add_host" type="button" value="添加" /> 36 </div> 37 <table border="1"> 38 <thead> 39 <tr> 40 {# <th>主機ID</th>#} 41 <th>主機名</th> 42 <th>IP</th> 43 <th>端口號</th> 44 {# <th>業務線ID</th>#} 45 <th>業務線名</th> 46 <th>操做</th> 47 </tr> 48 </thead> 49 <tbody> 50 {% for row in v1 %} 51 <tr nid="{{ row.nid }}" bid="{{ row.b_id }}"> 52 {# <td>{{ row.nid }}</td>#} 53 <td>{{ row.host }}</td> 54 <td>{{ row.ip }}</td> 55 <td>{{ row.port }}</td> 56 {# <td>{{ row.b_id }}</td>#} 57 <td>{{ row.b.caption }}</td> 58 <td> 59 <span class="edit">編輯</span>|<a href="/del_host?nid={{ row.nid }}">刪除</a> 60 </td> 61 </tr> 62 {% endfor %} 63 </tbody> 64 </table> 65 66 {# <table border="1">#} 67 {# <thead>#} 68 {# <tr>#} 69 {# <th>主機ID</th>#} 70 {# <th>主機名</th>#} 71 {# <th>IP</th>#} 72 {# <th>端口號</th>#} 73 {# <th>業務線ID</th>#} 74 {# <th>業務線名</th>#} 75 {# <th>業務線code</th>#} 76 {# </tr>#} 77 {# </thead>#} 78 {# <tbody>#} 79 {# {% for row in v2 %}#} 80 {# <tr>#} 81 {# <td>{{ row.nid }}</td>#} 82 {# <td>{{ row.host}}</td>#} 83 {# <td>{{ row.ip }}</td>#} 84 {# <td>{{ row.port }}</td>>#} 85 {# <td>{{ row.b_id }}</td>#} 86 {# <td>{{ row.b.caption }}</td>#} 87 {# <td>{{ row.b.code }}</td>#} 88 {# </tr>#} 89 {# {% endfor %}#} 90 {# </tbody>#} 91 {# </table>#} 92 {##} 93 {# <table border="1">#} 94 {# <thead>#} 95 {# <tr>#} 96 {# <th>主機ID</th>#} 97 {# <th>主機名</th>#} 98 {# <th>IP</th>#} 99 {# <th>端口號</th>#} 100 {# <th>業務線ID</th>#} 101 {# <th>業務線名</th>#} 102 {# <th>業務線code</th>#} 103 {# </tr>#} 104 {# </thead>#} 105 {# <tbody>#} 106 {# {% for row in v3 %}#} 107 {# <tr >#} 108 {# <td>{{ row.0 }}</td>#} 109 {# <td>{{ row.1 }}</td>#} 110 {# <td>{{ row.2 }}</td>#} 111 {# <td>{{ row.port }}</td>#} 112 {# <td>{{ row.3 }}</td>#} 113 {# <td>{{ row.4 }}</td>#} 114 {# <td>{{ row.b.code }}</td>#} 115 {# </tr>#} 116 {# {% endfor %}#} 117 {# </tbody>#} 118 {# </table>#} 119 120 {# 遮罩層#} 121 <div class="shade hide"></div> 122 {# 彈出層#} 123 <div class="content hide"> 124 <form action="/host/" method="POST"> 125 <div class="group"> 126 <input id="host" type="text" placeholder="hostname" name="hostname" /> 127 <span id="host_p" style="color: red"></span> 128 </div> 129 <div class="group"> 130 <input id="ip" type="text" placeholder="ip" name="ip" /> 131 </div> 132 <div class="group"> 133 <input id="port" type="text" placeholder="port" name="port" /> 134 </div> 135 <div class="group"> 136 <select id="sel" name="b_id"> 137 {% for row in b_list %} 138 <option value="{{ row.id }}">{{ row.caption }}</option> 139 {% endfor %} 140 </select> 141 </div> 142 143 <p><input type="submit" value="提交" /> 144 <a id="add_ajax" style="background-color: aqua">悄悄提交</a> 145 <input id="del" type="button" value="取消" /></p> 146 </form> 147 </div> 148 149 <div class="edit_content hide"> 150 <form id="edit_form" action="/host/" method="POST"> 151 <div><input type="text" name="nid" style="display: none" /></div> 152 <div> 153 <input type="text" placeholder="hostname" name="hostname" /> 154 </div> 155 <div> 156 <input type="text" placeholder="ip" name="ip" /> 157 </div> 158 <div> 159 <input type="text" placeholder="port" name="port" /> 160 </div> 161 <div> 162 <select name="b_id"> 163 {% for row in b_list %} 164 <option value="{{ row.id }}">{{ row.caption }}</option> 165 {% endfor %} 166 </select> 167 </div> 168 169 <p> 170 <a id="add_ajax_edit" style="background-color: aqua">確認編輯</a> 171 <input id="edit_del" type="button" value="取消" /></p> 172 </form> 173 </div> 174 175 <script src="/static/jquery-1.12.4.js"></script> 176 <script> 177 $(function(){ 178 $("#add_host").click(function () { 179 $(".shade,.content").removeClass("hide") 180 }); 181 182 $("#del").click(function () { 183 $(".shade,.content").addClass("hide") 184 }); 185 186 $(".edit").click(function(){ 187 $(".shade,.edit_content") .removeClass("hide"); 188 189 var h = $(this).parent().parent().children().first().text(); 190 $("#edit_form").find("input[name='hostname']").val(h); 191 192 var i = $(this).parent().parent().children().first().next().text(); 193 $("#edit_form").find("input[name='ip']").val(i); 194 195 var p = $(this).parent().parent().children().first().next().next().text(); 196 $("#edit_form").find("input[name='port']").val(p); 197 198 var bid = $(this).parent().parent().attr("bid"); 199 $("#edit_form").find("select").val(bid); 200 201 var nid = $(this).parent().parent().attr("nid"); 202 $("#edit_form").find("input[name='nid']").val(nid); 203 204 205 }); 206 207 $("#edit_del").click(function () { 208 $(".shade,.edit_content").addClass("hide") 209 }); 210 211 $("#add_ajax").click(function(){ 212 $.ajax({ 213 url:"/test_ajax/", 214 type:"POST", 215 data:{"hostname":$("#host").val(),"ip":$("#ip").val(),"port":$("#port").val(),"b_id":$("#sel").val()}, 216 success:function(data){ 217 var obj =JSON.parse(data); 218 if(obj.stauts){ 219 location.reload() 220 }else{ 221 $("#host_p").text(obj.error) 222 } 223 } 224 }) 225 }); 226 227 $("#add_ajax_edit").click(function(){ 228 $.ajax({ 229 url:"/test_ajax_edit/", 230 type:"POST", 231 {#data:{"hostname":$("#host").val(),"ip":$("#ip").val(),"port":$("#port").val(),"b_id":$("#sel").val()},#} 232 data:$("#edit_form").serialize(), 233 success:function(data){ 234 var obj =JSON.parse(data); 235 if(obj.stauts){ 236 location.reload() 237 }else{ 238 $("#host_p").text(obj.error) 239 } 240 } 241 }) 242 }); 243 }) 244 </script> 245 </body> 246 </html>
1 """s14day20 URL Configuration 2 3 The `urlpatterns` list routes URLs to views. For more information please see: 4 https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.0/topics/http/urls/ 5 Examples: 6 Function views 7 1. Add an import: from my_app import views 8 2. Add a URL to urlpatterns: path('', views.home, name='home') 9 Class-based views 10 1. Add an import: from other_app.views import Home 11 2. Add a URL to urlpatterns: path('', Home.as_view(), name='home') 12 Including another URLconf 13 1. Import the include() function: from django.urls import include, path 14 2. Add a URL to urlpatterns: path('blog/', include('blog.urls')) 15 """ 16 from django.contrib import admin 17 from django.urls import path 18 from app01 import views 19 20 urlpatterns = [ 21 path('admin/', admin.site.urls), 22 path('biness/', views.biness), 23 path('host/', views.host), 24 path('test_ajax/', views.test_ajax), 25 path('del_host/', views.del_host), 26 path('test_ajax_edit/', views.test_ajax_edit), 27 ]
1 from django.shortcuts import render,redirect,HttpResponse 2 import json 3 4 from app01 import models 5 6 # Create your views here. 7 def biness(request): 8 v1 = models.Biness.objects.all() 9 10 v2 = models.Biness.objects.all().values("id","caption") 11 12 v3 = models.Biness.objects.all().values_list("id","caption") 13 14 return render(request,"biness.html",{"v1":v1,"v2":v2,"v3":v3}) 15 16 def host(request): 17 if request.method == "GET": 18 # v1 = models.Host.objects.all() 19 v1 = models.Host.objects.filter(nid__gt=0) 20 v2 = models.Host.objects.filter(nid__gt=0).values("nid","host","ip","b_id","b__caption") 21 v3 = models.Host.objects.filter(nid__gt=0).values_list("nid","host","ip","b_id","b__caption") 22 23 b_list=models.Biness.objects.all() 24 25 26 return render(request, "host.html", {"v1": v1,"v2":v2,"v3":v3,"b_list":b_list}) 27 elif request.method == "POST": 28 h = request.POST.get("hostname") 29 i = request.POST.get("ip") 30 p = request.POST.get("port") 31 b = request.POST.get("b_id") 32 models.Host.objects.create(host=h,ip=i,port=p,b_id=b) 33 34 return redirect("/host") 35 36 def test_ajax(request): 37 38 ret={"stauts":True,"error":None,"data":None} 39 try: 40 h = request.POST.get("hostname") 41 i = request.POST.get("ip") 42 p = request.POST.get("port") 43 b = request.POST.get("b_id") 44 # print(h,i,p,b) 45 if h and len(h) > 8: 46 models.Host.objects.create(host=h, ip=i, port=p, b_id=b) 47 48 else: 49 ret["stauts"]=False 50 ret["error"]="Lack of longth " 51 52 except Exception as e: 53 ret["stauts"] = False 54 ret["error"] = "this is error" 55 56 return HttpResponse(json.dumps(ret)) 57 58 def test_ajax_edit(request): 59 ret = {"stauts": True, "error": None, "data": None} 60 try: 61 id = request.POST.get("nid") 62 h = request.POST.get("hostname") 63 i = request.POST.get("ip") 64 p = request.POST.get("port") 65 b = request.POST.get("b_id") 66 # print(h,i,p,b) 67 68 models.Host.objects.filter(nid=id).update(host=h, ip=i, port=p, b_id=b) 69 70 except Exception as e: 71 ret["stauts"] = False 72 ret["error"] = "this is error" 73 74 return HttpResponse(json.dumps(ret)) 75 76 def del_host(request): 77 nnid = request.GET.get("nid") 78 models.Host.objects.filter(nid=nnid).delete() 79 return redirect("/host/")
1 方法一: 自定義建立多對多 2 from django.db import models 3 4 # Create your models here. 5 6 class Biness(models.Model): 7 caption = models.CharField(max_length=32) 8 code = models.CharField(max_length=32,default="sa") 9 10 class Host(models.Model): 11 nid = models.AutoField(primary_key=True) 12 host = models.CharField(max_length=32,db_index=True) 13 ip = models.GenericIPAddressField(db_index=True) 14 port = models.IntegerField() 15 b = models.ForeignKey(to="Biness",to_field="id",on_delete=models.CASCADE,) 16 17 class Application(models.Model): 18 name = models.CharField(max_length=32) 19 20 21 class HostToApp(models.Model): 22 nobj = models.ForeignKey("Host",to_field="nid",on_delete=models.CASCADE,) 23 aobj = models.ForeignKey("Application",to_field="id",on_delete=models.CASCADE,) 24 25 方法二:自動建立多對多 26 from django.db import models 27 28 # Create your models here. 29 30 class Biness(models.Model): 31 caption = models.CharField(max_length=32) 32 code = models.CharField(max_length=32,default="sa") 33 34 class Host(models.Model): 35 nid = models.AutoField(primary_key=True) 36 host = models.CharField(max_length=32,db_index=True) 37 ip = models.GenericIPAddressField(db_index=True) 38 port = models.IntegerField() 39 b = models.ForeignKey(to="Biness",to_field="id",on_delete=models.CASCADE,) 40 41 class Application(models.Model): 42 name = models.CharField(max_length=32) 43 44 t = models.ManyToManyField("Host")
1 def app(request): 2 3 app_list = models.Application.objects.all() 4 5 6 return render(request,"app.html",{"app_list":app_list})
1 <!DOCTYPE html> 2 <html lang="en"> 3 <head> 4 <meta charset="UTF-8"> 5 <title>Title</title> 6 </head> 7 <body> 8 <h1>應用列表</h1> 9 <table border="1"> 10 <thead> 11 <tr> 12 <th>應用名稱</th> 13 <th>應用主機列表</th> 14 </tr> 15 </thead> 16 <tbody> 17 {% for row in app_list %} 18 <tr> 19 <td>{{ row.name }}</td> 20 <td> 21 {% for host in row.t.all %} 22 <span style="background-color: aqua ;display: inline-block;padding: 3px;">{{ host.ip }}</span> 23 {% endfor %} 24 </td> 25 </tr> 26 {% endfor %} 27 </tbody> 28 </table> 29 </body> 30 </html>
1 <!DOCTYPE html> 2 <html lang="en"> 3 <head> 4 <meta charset="UTF-8"> 5 <title>Title</title> 6 <style> 7 .hide{ 8 display: none; 9 } 10 .shade{ 11 position: fixed; 12 top:0; 13 right: 0; 14 bottom: 0; 15 left: 0; 16 background-color: black; 17 opacity: 0.6; 18 z-index: 9; 19 } 20 .content,.edit_content{ 21 position:fixed; 22 height: 300px; 23 width: 500px; 24 top:100px; 25 left: 50%; 26 background-color: white; 27 border: white 1px solid; 28 z-index: 10; 29 margin-left: -250px; 30 } 31 </style> 32 </head> 33 <body> 34 <h1>應用列表</h1> 35 <div> 36 <input id="add_host" type="button" value="添加" /> 37 </div> 38 <table border="1"> 39 <thead> 40 <tr> 41 <th>應用名稱</th> 42 <th>應用主機列表</th> 43 <th>操做</th> 44 </tr> 45 </thead> 46 <tbody> 47 {% for row in app_list %} 48 <tr aid="{{ row.id }}"> 49 <td>{{ row.name }}</td> 50 <td> 51 {% for host in row.t.all %} 52 <span style="background-color: aqua ;display: inline-block;padding: 3px;" hid="{{ host.nid }}">{{ host.ip }}</span> 53 {% endfor %} 54 </td> 55 <td> 56 <span class="edit">編輯</span>|<a href="/del_app?nid={{ row.id }}">刪除</a> 57 </td> 58 </tr> 59 {% endfor %} 60 </tbody> 61 </table> 62 63 {# 遮罩層#} 64 <div class="shade hide"></div> 65 {# 彈出層#} 66 <div class="content hide"> 67 <form action="/app/" method="POST" id="add_form"> 68 <div class="group"> 69 <input id="app_name" type="text" placeholder="app_name" name="app_name" /> 70 <span id="host_p" style="color: red"></span> 71 </div> 72 <div class="group"> 73 <select id="ip_name" name="ip_name" multiple> 74 {% for row in host_list %} 75 <option value="{{ row.nid }}">{{ row.ip}}</option> 76 {% endfor %} 77 </select> 78 </div> 79 80 <p><input type="submit" value="提交" /> 81 <input id="add_app_ajax" type="button" value="悄悄提交"> 82 <input id="del" type="button" value="取消" /> 83 </p> 84 </form> 85 </div> 86 87 <div class="edit_content hide"> 88 <form id="edit_form" action="/app/" method="POST"> 89 <div><input type="text" name="nid" style="display: none"/></div> 90 <div> 91 <input type="text" placeholder="app" name="app_name" /> 92 </div> 93 <div> 94 <select id="edit_ip_name" name="edit_ip_name" multiple> 95 {% for row in host_list %} 96 <option value="{{ row.nid }}">{{ row.ip}}</option> 97 {% endfor %} 98 </select> 99 </div> 100 101 <p> 102 <input id="ajax_edit" type="button" value="確認編輯"> 103 <input id="edit_del" type="button" value="取消" /></p> 104 </form> 105 </div> 106 107 <script src="/static/jquery-1.12.4.js"></script> 108 <script> 109 $(function(){ 110 $("#add_host").click(function () { 111 $(".shade,.content").removeClass("hide") 112 }); 113 114 $("#del").click(function () { 115 $(".shade,.content").addClass("hide") 116 }); 117 118 $(".edit").click(function(){ 119 $(".shade,.edit_content") .removeClass("hide"); 120 121 var i = $(this).parent().parent().children().first().text(); 122 $("#edit_form").find("input[name='app_name']").val(i); 123 124 var aid = $(this).parent().parent().attr("aid"); 125 $("#edit_form").find("input[name='nid']").val(aid); 126 127 var hid_list=[]; 128 $(this).parent().prev().children().each(function(){ 129 var hid = $(this).attr("hid"); 130 hid_list.push(hid) 131 }); 132 133 $("#edit_form").find("select").val(hid_list); 134 135 }); 136 137 $("#edit_del").click(function () { 138 $(".shade,.edit_content").addClass("hide") 139 }); 140 141 $("#add_app_ajax").click(function () { 142 $.ajax({ 143 url:"/app_ajax/", 144 type:"POST", 145 dataType:"JSON", 146 traditional:true, 147 data:$("#add_form").serialize(), 148 success:function(obj){ 149 if(obj.stauts){ 150 location.reload() 151 }else{ 152 $("#host_p").text(obj.error) 153 } 154 } 155 }) 156 }); 157 158 $("#ajax_edit").click(function(){ 159 $.ajax({ 160 url:"/test_app_edit/", 161 type:"POST", 162 dataType:"JSON", 163 traditional:true, 164 data:$("#edit_form").serialize(), 165 success:function(obj){ 166 if(obj.stauts){ 167 location.reload() 168 }else{ 169 $("#host_p").text(obj.error) 170 } 171 } 172 }) 173 }); 174 }) 175 </script> 176 </body> 177 </html>
1 def del_app(request): 2 nnid = request.GET.get("nid") 3 models.Application.objects.filter(id=nnid).delete() 4 5 return redirect("/app/") 6 7 def app(request): 8 if request.method == "GET": 9 app_list = models.Application.objects.all() 10 host_list = models.Host.objects.all() 11 12 return render(request,"app.html",{"app_list":app_list,"host_list":host_list}) 13 elif request.method == "POST": 14 app_name = request.POST.get("app_name") 15 ip_name = request.POST.getlist("ip_name") 16 print(app_name,ip_name) 17 18 obj = models.Application.objects.create(name=app_name) 19 obj.t.add(*ip_name) 20 21 return redirect("/app/") 22 23 def app_ajax(request): 24 ret ={"stauts":True,"error":None,"data":None} 25 try: 26 app_name = request.POST.get("app_name") 27 ip_name = request.POST.getlist("ip_name") 28 print(app_name,ip_name) 29 30 obj = models.Application.objects.create(name=app_name) 31 obj.t.add(*ip_name) 32 except Exception as e: 33 ret["stauts"] = False 34 ret["error"] = "this is error" 35 36 return HttpResponse(json.dumps(ret)) 37 38 def test_app_edit(request): 39 ret = {"stauts": True, "error": None, "data": None} 40 try: 41 id = request.POST.get("nid") 42 name = request.POST.get("app_name") 43 ip_list = request.POST.getlist("edit_ip_name") 44 print(id,name,ip_list) 45 46 obj = models.Application.objects.get(id =id) 47 obj.name = name 48 49 obj.t.set(ip_list) 50 obj.save() 51 except Exception as e: 52 ret["stauts"] = False 53 ret["error"] = "this is error" 54 55 return HttpResponse(json.dumps(ret))
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