A linked list is given such that each node contains an additional random pointer which could point to any node in the list or null.python
Return a deep copy of the list.數據結構
輸入: {"$id":"1","next":{"$id":"2","next":null,"random":{"$ref":"2"},"val":2},"random":{"$ref":"2"},"val":1} 解釋: 節點 1 的值是 1,它的下一個指針和隨機指針都指向節點 2 。 節點 2 的值是 2,它的下一個指針指向 null,隨機指針指向它本身。
兩種解題方法,一種是拷貝全部節點,暫存在一種數據結構內,而後再遍歷一遍該數據結構,找到拷貝的節點,肯定隨機指針的指向。由於每一個節點都要找到隨機指針指向的節點,若是藉助 散列表(字典) 其查找複雜度爲 O(1) ,這樣能夠把總時間複雜度降到 O(n) ,因爲要暫存全部節點,其空間複雜度爲 O(n)。blog
原鏈表:1->2->3 複製每一個節點到原節點後面:1->1->2->2->3->3 複製隨機指針的指向關係 拆分鏈表:1->2->3, 1->2->3
咱們只需將新節點(原節點1的後一個節點1)指向原節點的隨機節點的後一個節點(原節點的隨機節點爲3,而複製以後隨機節點3的後一個節點依然爲3,但這個節點爲新節點),最後拆分鏈表(鏈表拆分不影響節點指向關係)。其時間複雜度爲 O(n),空間複雜度爲 O(1)。
class Solution { public Node copyRandomList(Node head) { if (head == null) return null; HashMap<Node, Node> map = new HashMap<>();//藉助hashMap Node newHead = new Node(0);//虛擬頭節點 Node cur = newHead;//指針指向當前節點 Node tmp; while (head != null) { if (map.containsKey(head)) {//查詢原節點是否已存在於map tmp = map.get(head);//若是存在直接取value值 } else { tmp = new Node(head.val);//不存在則新建一個值相同的節點 map.put(head, tmp);//存入map,key爲原節點,value爲新節點 } cur.next = tmp; if (head.random != null) {//原節點的隨機節點不爲空的狀況下 if (map.containsKey(head.random)) {//查詢該隨即節點是否已存在於map tmp.random = map.get(head.random);//存在則直接將新節點的隨機指針指向其value值 } else { tmp.random = new Node(head.random.val);//不存在則新建一個值相同的隨機節點 map.put(head.random, tmp.random);//存入map,key爲原節點的隨機節點,value爲新節點的隨機節點 } } head = head.next;//刷新原鏈表當前頭節點 cur = tmp;//即cur=cur.next,刷新新鏈表當前節點 } return newHead.next; } }
class Solution: def copyRandomList(self, head: 'Node') -> 'Node': if not head: return None map = {} newHead = Node(val=0, next=None, random=None) cur = newHead while head: if head in map.keys(): tmp = map.get(head) else: tmp = Node(val=head.val, next=None, random=None) map.setdefault(head, tmp) cur.next = tmp if head.random: if head.random in map.keys(): tmp.random = map.get(head.random) else: tmp.random = Node(val=head.random.val, next=None, random=None) map.setdefault(head.random, tmp.random) head = head.next cur = tmp return newHead.next
class Solution { public Node copyRandomList(Node head) { if (head == null) return null; //複製節點 1->2->3 ==> 1->1->1->2->2->3->3 Node cur = head; while (cur != null) { Node next = cur.next; Node tmp = new Node(cur.val); cur.next = tmp; tmp.next = next; cur = next; } //複製隨機指針 cur = head; while (cur != null) { //cur.next.random=>新節點的隨機節點 cur.random.next=>原節點的隨機節點的下一個節點 cur.next.random = cur.random == null ? null : cur.random.next; cur = cur.next.next;//鏈表擴展一倍後確定是偶數位鏈表,因此能夠直接用cur.next.next } //分離節點 cur = head; Node newHead = head.next;//新鏈表頭節點 while (cur != null) { Node tmp = cur.next; cur.next = tmp.next; cur = cur.next; tmp.next = cur == null ? null : cur.next; } return newHead; } }
class Solution: def copyRandomList(self, head: 'Node') -> 'Node': if not head: return None cur = head while cur: next = cur.next tmp = Node(val=cur.val, next=next, random=None) cur.next = tmp cur = next cur = head while cur: cur.next.random = cur.random.next if cur.random else None cur = cur.next.next cur = head newHead = head.next while cur: tmp = cur.next cur.next = tmp.next cur = cur.next tmp.next = cur.next if cur else None return newHead