3月15日,我參加了thoughtworks組織的「結對編程和TDD Openworkshop」活動,聆聽了tw的資深諮詢專家仝(tong2)鍵的精彩講解,並在講師的帶領下實際參與了一次TDD和結對編程的過程。活動中,仝鍵老師對到底寫多少測試用例纔夠的問題,給出了下面一個解釋:安全
咱們寫單元測試,有一個重要的緣由是用來防止本身犯低級錯誤的。咱們不能把寫實現代碼的人看成咱們的敵人,必定要把所有狀況都測到,以防止他們在裏面故意留下各類隱蔽的陷阱。測試寫的再多可能也沒有辦法覆蓋所有狀況,因此只要能讓本身感到安全便可。怎樣才能讓本身感到安全呢?這是沒有標準答案的,只能是寫多了測試之後慢慢體會。 app
這個方法的實現部分,咱們只花了一兩分鐘就寫完了,而這些測試代碼,咱們花了足足半個多小時,這樣作值得嗎?對於簡單的業務邏輯來講,固然是不值得的,畢竟咱們還不少工做等着作,老闆花錢是爲了咱們的產品代碼,而不是測試代碼。 ide再考慮一種狀況,我要創業,想了一個點子,作了一個網站,我固然是想以最快的速度把它作成型讓別人用。若是我在徹底不知道人們會不會喜歡的時候,先花大量時間寫測試,最後發現沒人用只能丟掉,這些測試豈不是白寫了。 函數
int foo(int a, int b)
int nReturn = 0;
if (a < 10)
{// 分支一
nReturn+= 1;
if (b < 10)
{// 分支二
nReturn+= 10;
return nReturn;
用例 | 參數 | 返回值 |
Test Case 1 | a=5, b=5 | 0 |
Test Case 2 | a=15, b=5 | 1 |
Test Case 3 | a=5, b=15 | 10 |
Test Case 1 | a=15, b=15 | 11 |
public class UserBusiness
public string CreateUser(User user)
string result = "success";
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.Username))
result = "usename is null or empty";
else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.Password))
result = "password is null or empty";
else if (user.Password != user.ConfirmPassword)
result = "password is not equal to confirmPassword";
else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.Creator))
result = "creator is null or empty";
else if (user.CreateDate == new DateTime())
result = "createdate must be assigned value";
else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.CreatorIP))
result = "creatorIP is null or empty";
if (result != "success")
return result;
user.Username = user.Username.Trim();
user.Password = BitConverter.ToString(MD5.Create().ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(user.Password)));
UserDataAccess dataAccess = new UserDataAccess();
return result;
public class UserBusinessTest
private TestContext testContextInstance;
/// <summary>
///Gets or sets the test context which provides
///information about and functionality for the current test run.
public TestContext TestContext
return testContextInstance;
testContextInstance = value;
public void Should_Username_Not_Null_Or_Empty()
UserBusiness target = new UserBusiness();
User user = new User();
string expected = "usename is null or empty";
string actual = target.CreateUser(user);
Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
public void Should_Password_Not_Null_Or_Empty()
UserBusiness target = new UserBusiness();
User user = new User()
Username = "ethan.cai"
string expected = "password is null or empty";
string actual = target.CreateUser(user);
Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
public void Should_Password_Equal_To_ConfirmPassword()
UserBusiness target = new UserBusiness();
User user = new User()
Username = "ethan.cai",
Password = "a121ww123",
ConfirmPassword = "a121ww1231"
string expected = "password is not equal to confirmPassword";
string actual = target.CreateUser(user);
Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
public void Should_Creator_Not_Null_Or_Empty()
UserBusiness target = new UserBusiness();
User user = new User()
Username = "ethan.cai",
Password = "a121ww123",
ConfirmPassword = "a121ww1231"
string expected = "password is not equal to confirmPassword";
string actual = target.CreateUser(user);
Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
public void Should_CreateDate_Assigned_Value()
UserBusiness target = new UserBusiness();
User user = new User()
Username = "ethan.cai",
Password = "a121ww123",
ConfirmPassword = "a121ww123",
Creator = "ethan.cai"
string expected = "createdate must be assigned value";
string actual = target.CreateUser(user);
Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
public void Should_CreatorIP_Not_Null_Or_Empty()
UserBusiness target = new UserBusiness();
User user = new User()
Username = "ethan.cai",
Password = "a121ww123",
ConfirmPassword = "a121ww123",
Creator = "ethan.cai",
CreateDate = DateTime.Now
string expected = "creatorIP is null or empty";
string actual = target.CreateUser(user);
Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
public void Should_Trim_Username()
UserBusiness target = new UserBusiness();
User user = new User()
Username = "ethan.cai ",
Password = "a121ww123",
ConfirmPassword = "a121ww123",
Creator = "ethan.cai",
CreateDate = DateTime.Now,
CreatorIP = ""
string expected = "ethan.cai";
Assert.AreEqual(expected, user.Username);
public void Should_Save_MD5_Hash_Password()
UserBusiness target = new UserBusiness();
User user = new User()
Username = "ethan.cai ",
Password = "a121ww123",
ConfirmPassword = "a121ww123",
Creator = "ethan.cai",
CreateDate = DateTime.Now,
CreatorIP = ""
string actual = target.CreateUser(user);
Assert.IsTrue("success" == actual
&& user.Password == BitConverter.ToString(MD5.Create().ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("a121ww123"))));
public void Should_Create_User_Successfully_When_User_Is_OK()
UserBusiness target = new UserBusiness();
User user = new User()
Username = "ethan.cai ",
Password = "a121ww123",
ConfirmPassword = "a121ww123",
Creator = "ethan.cai",
CreateDate = DateTime.Now,
CreatorIP = ""
string expected = "success";
string actual = target.CreateUser(user);
Assert.IsTrue(expected == actual);