Cloud driver是一個開放的接口,用戶可實現該接口開發本身的cloud diver,以支持特定的私有云,或者對公共雲環境建立更多細粒度的配置。在建立本身的cloud driver 時,須要考慮或調整已有cloud driver配置中的一些項,以下。 java
加載自定義類文件——cloud driver 的實現類必須相對啓動雲的客戶端和Cloudify ESM 管理組件是可用的。當前,對於cloud driver開發者的工做是,保證組件須要的類在相應的類路徑中。例如,添加包含相應類的jar包到Cloudify distribution( <cloudifyRoot>/lib/required),這些jar文件會自動地添加到全部組件的類路徑下。而且添加到distribution以後,在啓動新的machines時,這些類都是可用的。典型地,distribution從本地網絡文件存儲中下載(e.g. Amazon S3 in the case of Amazon)。 node
加載自定義啓動腳本——一旦bootstrap或橫向展成功的啓動一個新的machine,啓動腳本就會經過SSH在遠程machine上執行。這個腳本負責下載和安裝Cloudify,並啓動Cloudify agent。在一些實施中,可能須要調整這個過程來適應特定環境的需求(好比系統代理 、掛載點、和paths)。可使用默認的啓動腳本(,適用於內置的cloud driver,也可做爲自定義cloud driver的基本啓動腳本。簡單的將修改後的腳本放置到upload文件夾,它將會自動上傳到每個新的machine中。 git
爲了解釋cloud driver的情景,咱們使用Openstack cloud driver(OpenstackCloudDriver)繼承CloudDriverSupport基類,而且實現ProvisioningDriver接口。 github
1)Cloudify cloud driver(接口名:ProvisioningDriver)是一個Java POJO,使用一個配置文件來定義cloud特定的屬性,和在如下主要場景有相對應的方法。 web
2)啓動雲——分配machines,安裝Cloudify controller。 shell
安裝應用——爲應用服務分配machines,安裝應用程序的服務(包括Cloudify agent)。在這種場景下,在management machine上的cloud driver做爲Cloudify controller的一部分。 json
注: Cluster healing的場景會被Cloudify看成與安裝應用的場景同樣。 bootstrap
3)卸載應用——關閉應用服務,並經過服務命令cloud driver關閉相應的machines。 api
4)關閉雲——卸載全部Cloudify的machine和組件。 數組
這種狀況下,cloud driver在client machine上,並不在 Cloudify controller的management machines上存在。在Cloudify shell提示符,用戶運行bootstrap命令以指定cloud driver的實現。Cloud driver被shell實例化,同時she經過調用setConfig方法傳遞Driver中的引用配置對象(
@Override public void setConfig(final Cloud cloud, final String templateName, final boolean management) { super.setConfig( cloud, templateName, management); if ( { this.serverNamePrefix =; } else { this.serverNamePrefix =; } this.tenant = (String) OPENSTACK_TENANT); if (tenant == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Custom field '" + OPENSTACK_TENANT + "' must be set"); } this.pathPrefix = "v1.1/" + tenant + "/"; this.endpoint = (String); if (this.endpoint == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Custom field '" + OPENSTACK_OPENSTACK_ENDPOINT + "' must be set"); } this.service = client.resource(this.endpoint); this.identityEndpoint = (String); if (this.identityEndpoint == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Custom field '" + OPENSTACK_OPENSTACK_IDENTITY_ENDPOINT + "' must be set"); } final String wireLog = (String) OPENSTACK_WIRE_LOG); if (wireLog != null) { if (Boolean.parseBoolean(wireLog)) { this.client.addFilter(new LoggingFilter(logger)); } } } |
view rawsetConfig.javaThis Gist brought to you by GitHub.
下一步,shell調用cloud driver的startManagementMachines方法,該方法會調用IaaS API(使用API安全設置)來獲取management machines。而後Cloud API會返回一個Machime明細數組對象(org.cloudifysource.esc.driver.provisioning.MachineDetails),這個對象是新分配的每個management machines細節。這些細節將被shell用於鏈接到這些machines,安裝Cloudify management 組件。最後,Cloudify啓動如下Cloudify controller組件:ESM、GSM、LUS各Management Space。它也會啓動web management container和REST API container。
private String createServer(final String token, final CloudTemplate serverTemplate) throws OpenstackException { final String serverName = this.serverNamePrefix + System.currentTimeMillis(); final String securityGroup = getCustomTemplateValue( serverTemplate, OPENSTACK_SECURITYGROUP, null, false); final String keyPairName = getCustomTemplateValue( serverTemplate, OPENSTACK_KEY_PAIR, null, false); // Start the machine! final String json = "{\"server\":{ \"name\":\"" + serverName + "\",\"imageRef\":\"" + serverTemplate.getImageId() + "\",\"flavorRef\":\"" + serverTemplate.getHardwareId() + "\",\"key_name\":\"" + keyPairName + "\",\"security_groups\":[{\"name\":\"" + securityGroup + "\"}]}}"; String serverBootResponse = null; try { serverBootResponse = service.path( this.pathPrefix + "servers").header( "Content-Type", "application/json").header( "X-Auth-Token", token).accept( MediaType.APPLICATION_XML).post( String.class, json); } catch (final UniformInterfaceException e) { throw new OpenstackException(e); } try { // if we are here, the machine started! final Document doc = documentBuilder.parse(new InputSource(new StringReader(serverBootResponse))); final String status = xpath.evaluate( "/server/@status", doc); if (!status.startsWith("BUILD")) { throw new IllegalStateException("Expected server status of BUILD(*), got: " + status); } final String serverId = xpath.evaluate( "/server/@id", doc); return serverId; } catch (XPathExpressionException e) { throw new OpenstackException("Failed to parse XML Response from server. Response was: " + serverBootResponse + ", Error was: " + e.getMessage(), e); } catch (SAXException e) { throw new OpenstackException("Failed to parse XML Response from server. Response was: " + serverBootResponse + ", Error was: " + e.getMessage(), e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new OpenstackException("Failed to send request to server. Response was: " + serverBootResponse + ", Error was: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } |
view rawcreateServer.javaThis Gist brought to you by GitHub.
在這個情節,cloud driver存在於server machine。當controller獲得安裝一個應用的指示時,它將指示cloud driver按recipe描述啓動相應數量的machine。爲了達到此目的,cloud driver首先獲取Admin對象來報告分配應用的machines的公共IP地址和其它詳細信息。Admin對象是經過controller調用setAdmin方法來設置的。
而後,只要有machime須要供應,controller調用cloud driver的startMachine方法,直到全部請求的machines開啓並運行經過LUS註冊的Cloudify agent,或者直到請求超時。
Driver從configuration Object中定義的的template 的屬性獲取machine信息。
/* example #1 */ SMALL_LINUX : template{ ... /* The following command will be executed after Java and Cloudify are installed, but before Cloudify is started. */ initializationCommand "echo this is an init command" } /* example #2 */ SMALL_LINUX : template{ ... /* The following command will be executed after Java and Cloudify are installed, but before Cloudify is started. In the following example, should be placed in the same folder as the - (usually the upload folder). */ initializationCommand "chmod +x; ./" } |
view rawinline.groovyThis Gist brought to you by GitHub.
能夠指定如何傳輸文件到遠程機器上: SCP, SFTP or Windows protocol.
SMALL_LINUX : template{ ... /* File transfer mode. Optional, defaults to SCP. */ fileTransfer ... } |
view rawfileTransfer.groovyThis Gist brought to you by GitHub.
能夠指定好何執行遠程腳本: SSH or WinRM
SMALL_LINUX : template{ ... /* Remote execution mode. Options, defaults to SSH. */ remoteExecution ... } |
view rawremoteExec.groovyThis Gist brought to you by GitHub.
爲了將配置信息傳遞到Cloud Driver,在Cloudify shell提示符中,輸入 :
install-application -cloudConfiguration PATH_TO_CONF PATH_TO_APPLICATION
cloudConfiguration 包括一個路徑(相對或絕對)指向一個文件或目錄,裏面包含用於該應用的cloud driver的配置信息。如如下代碼塊所示:
public void setCustomDataFile(File file) { try { //read text/property file with the service-id (a.k.a deployment-id) Properties props = new Properties(); props.load(new FileInputStream(file)); // Do stuff ... } catch (Exception e) { //log exception } } |
view rawsetCustomDataFile.javaThis Gist brought to you by GitHub.
在此景情下,cloud driver存在於server machine。當controller接收到卸載一個已部署的應用的指示時,它會停掉這個應用的服務,並指示cloud driver卸載掉運行該服務的machines。這是經過調用cloud driver的stopMachine方法實現的,此方法會調用cloud的IaaS API,以指示相應的Cloud中止相關machines。
@Override public boolean stopMachine(final String ip, final long duration, final TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException, TimeoutException, CloudProvisioningException { final long endTime = calcEndTimeInMillis( duration, unit); if (isStopRequestRecent(ip)) { return false; } final String token = createAuthenticationToken(); try { terminateServerByIp(ip, token, endTime); return true; } catch (final Exception e) { throw new CloudProvisioningException(e); } } |
view rawstopMachine.javaThis Gist brought to you by GitHub.
如下代碼段爲調用cloud’s IaaS API:
try { service.path( this.pathPrefix + "servers/" + serverId).header( "X-Auth-Token", token).accept( MediaType.APPLICATION_XML).delete(); } catch (final UniformInterfaceException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(e); } |
view rawterminateServerAPI.javaThis Gist brought to you by GitHub.
在該情景,cloud driver存在於Client machine。在Cloudify shell 提示符中,用戶運行tear down命令,指定一個cloud driver的實現來卸載management machines。這是通是controller調用cloud driver的stopManagementMachies方法實現的。該方法調用cloud的IaaS API,並指示它中止相關的machines。
@Override public void stopManagementMachines() throws TimeoutException, CloudProvisioningException { final String token = createAuthenticationToken(); final long endTime = calcEndTimeInMillis( DEFAULT_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT_MILLIS, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); List<Node> nodes; try { nodes = listServers(token); } catch (final OpenstackException e) { throw new CloudProvisioningException(e); } final List<String> ids = new LinkedList<String>(); for (final Node node : nodes) { if (node.getName().startsWith( this.serverNamePrefix)) { try { ids.add(node.getId()); } catch (final Exception e) { throw new CloudProvisioningException(e); } } } try { terminateServers( ids, token, endTime); } catch (final TimeoutException e) { throw e; } catch (final Exception e) { throw new CloudProvisioningException("Failed to shut down managememnt machines", e); } } |
view rawstopManagement.javaThis Gist brought to you by GitHub.