Kubernetes 設計概要

英文原文:Kubernetes Design Overview


Kubernetes builds on top of Docker to construct a clustered container scheduling service.  The goals of the project are to enable users to ask a Kubernetes cluster to run a set of containers.  The system will automatically pick a worker node to run those containers on.node

As container based applications and systems get larger, some tools are provided to facilitate sanity. This includes ways for containers to find and communicate with each other and ways to work with and manage sets of containers that do similar work.nginx

When looking at the arechitecture of the system, we'll break it down to services that run on the worker node and services that play a "master" role.git






Key Concept: Container Pod

While Docker itself works with individual containers, Kubernetes works with a pod.  A pod is a group of containers that are scheduled onto the same physical node.  In addition to defining the containers that run in the pod, the containers in the pod all use the same network namespace/IP and define a set of storage volumes.  Ports are also mapped on a per-pod basis.bootstrap

The Kubernetes Node

The Kubernetes node has the services necessary to run Docker containers and be managed from the master systems.後端

The Kubernetes node design is an extension of the Container-optimized Google Compute Engine image.  Over time the plan is for these images/nodes to merge and be the same thing used in different ways. It has the services necessary to run Docker containers and be managed from the master systems.api

Each node runs Docker, of course.  Docker takes care of the details of downloading images and running containers.瀏覽器









The second component on the node is called the kubelet.  The Kubelet is the logical successor (and rewrite in go) of the Container Agent that is part of the Compute Engine image.

The Kubelet works in terms of a container manifest.  A container manifest (defined here) is a YAML file that describes a pod.  The Kubelet takes a set of manifests that are provided in various mechanisms and ensures that the containers described in those manifests are started and continue running.

There are 4 ways that a container manifest can be provided to the Kubelet:

  • File Path passed as a flag on the command line.  This file is rechecked every 20 seconds (configurable with a flag).

  • HTTP endpoint HTTP endpoint passed as a parameter on the command line.  This endpoint is checked every 20 seconds (also configurable with a flag.)

  • etcd server  The Kubelet will reach out and do a watch on an etcd server.  The etcd path that is watched is /registry/hosts/$(hostname -f).  As this is a watch, changes are noticed and acted upon very quickly.

  • HTTP server The kubelet can also listen for HTTP and respond to a simple API (underspec'd currently) to submit a new manifest.






  • 文件 傳遞路徑做爲命令行上的標誌。文件每20秒從新檢查一次(用標籤配置)。

  • HTTP端點 傳遞HTTP端點做爲命令行上的參數。端點沒20秒檢查一次(也是用標籤配置)。

  • etcd服務器 Kubelet將在etcd服務器上作一個看守。查看etcd路徑/registry/hosts/$(hostname -f)。由於這是一個看守,因此變更將被注意到並迅速的採起行動。

  • HTTP服務器 kubelet也能監聽HTTP並響應簡單的API提交的新清單。

Kubernetes Proxy

Each node also runs a simple network proxy.  This reflects services as defined in the Kubernetes API on each node and can do simple TCP stream forwarding or round robin TCP forwarding across a set of backends.

The Kubernetes Master

The Kubernetes master is split into a set of components.  These work together to provide an unified view of the cluster.


All persistent master state is stored in an instance of etcd.  This provides a great way to store configuration data reliably.  With watch support, coordinating components can be notified very quickly of changes.



每一個節點此外還運行着一個簡單的網絡代理。它反射了定義在 Kubernetes API 中每一個節點上的service,而且能夠在一組後端作簡單的 TCP流轉發或TCP循環轉發。

Kubernetes Master

Kuberneters 控制被分到了一系列的組件中。這些組件工做在一塊兒,提供統一的集羣視圖。





Kubernetes API Server

This server serves up the main Kubernetes API.

It validates and configures data for 3 types of objects:

  • pod: Each pod has a representation at the Kubernetes API level.

  • service: A service is a configuration unit for the proxies that run on every worker node.  It is named and points to one or more Pods.

  • replicationController: A replication controller takes a template and ensures that there is a specified number of "replicas" of that template running at any one time.  If there are too many, it'll start more.  If there are too few, it'll kill some.

Beyond just servicing REST operations, validating them and storing them in etcd, the API Server does two other things:

  • Schedules pods to worker nodes.  Right now the scheduler is very simple.

  • Synchronize pod information (where they are, what ports they are exposing) with the service configuration.


Kubernetes API服務器

此服務器提供了主要的 Kubernetes API。


  • pod:每個 pod 在 Kubernetes API 級別具備一個描述。

  • service:一個服務是運行在每個工做節點的代理配置單元。它被命名和指向一個或多個pod。

  • replicationController:一個複製控制器須要一個模板,並確保在任何一個時間運行該模板的是指定的數量的」副本「。若是副本過多,則啓動更多控制器;若是副本過少,則殺掉一些replicationController。


  • 將pod附着在工做者節點上。目前,調度器相對比較簡單。

  • 與服務配置同步pod信息(如pod部署在哪,哪些端口是打開的)。

Kubernetes Controller Manager Server

The repliationController type described above isn't strictly necessary for Kubernetes to be useful.  It is really a service that is layered on top of the simple pod API.  To enforce this layering, the logic for the repliationController is actually broken out into another server.  This server watches etcd for changes toreplicationController objects and then uses the public Kubernetes API to implement the repliation algorithm.



對於Kubernetes的使用來講,repliationController的類型描述並不是嚴格必需。它實際是一個基於簡單pod API的服務。在這一層上執行,其邏輯定義的repliationController其實是被劃分到其餘的服務器上的。在服務器上查看etcd是爲了改變repliationController對象和使用公共的KubernetesAPI去實現響應算法。


Key Concept: Labels

Pods are organized using labels.  Each pod can have a set of key/value labels set on it.

Via a "label query" the user can identify a set of pods.  This simple mechanism is a key part of how bothservices and replicationControllers work.  The set of pods that a service points at is defined with a label query.  Similarly the population of pods that a replicationController is monitoring is also defined with a label query.

Label queries would typically be used to identify and group pods into, say, a tier in an application.  You could also idenitfy the stack such as devstaging or production.






These sets could be overlapping.  For instance, a service might point to all pods with tier in (frontend), stack in (prod).  Now say you have 10 replicated pods that make up this tier.  But you want to be able to 'canary' a new version of this component.  You could set up a replicationController (with replicasset to 9) for the bulk of the replicas with labels tier=frontend,stack=prod,canary=no and anotherreplicationController (with replicas set to 1) for the canary with labels tier=frontend, stack=prod, canary=yes.  Now the service is covering both the canary and non-canary pods.  But you can mess with the replicationControllers separately to test things out, monitor the results, etc.


這些設置能夠重複。舉例來講,一項服務可能會經過tier in (frontend), stack in (pod)來指向全部的pod。那若是如今,你說你有10個pod的副本組成了這一層,可是你但願可以建立一個新的"canary"版本的組件,你能夠經過標籤 tier=fronted, stack=prod, canary=no 來爲 大部分副本設置一個replicationController,另外經過標籤tier=fronted, stack=prod, canary=yes爲canary設置一個replicationController。如今服務就可以覆蓋canary和非canary的pod。但所以你可能會搞混兩個replicationController單獨進行測試和監測獲得的結果。

Network Model

Kubernetes expands the default Docker networking model.  The goal is to have each pod have an IP in a shared networking namespace that has full communication with other physical computers and containers across the network.  In this way, it becomes much less necessary to map ports.

For the Google Compute Engine cluster configuration scripts, advanced routing is set up so that each VM has a extra 256 IP addresses that get routed to it.  This is in addition to the 'main' IP address assigned to the VM that is NAT-ed for Internet access.  The networking bridge (called cbr0 to differentiate it fromdocker0) is set up outside of Docker proper and only does NAT for egress network traffic that isn't aimed at the virtual network.




對於谷歌計算引擎羣集配置腳本,經過配置高級路由,使每一個 VM 都有額外256個IP地址能夠尋址到它。固然,這裏面出去了爲VM分配的主Ip地址,這個地址是用來接入互聯網的。以區別於docker0的網絡橋cbr0,經過正確設置Docker,僅做Nat功能,用來疏散網絡流量,這裏的網絡不是指的虛擬網絡。

Ports mapped in from the 'main IP' (and hence the internet if the right firewall rules are set up) are proxied in user mode by Docker.  In the future, this should be done with iptables by either the Kubelet or Docker: Issue #15.

Release Process

Right now "building" or "releasing" Kubernetes consists of some scripts (in release/) to create a tar of the necessary data and then uploading it to Google Cloud Storage.   In the future we will generate Docker images for the bulk of the above described components: Issue #19.


從 '主要 IP'(確保互聯網防火牆被正確的配置)進行的端口映射都是Docker在用戶模式下實現的。未來,這項工做應該由Kubelet或者Docker經過iptables實現:Issue#15


