Python的創始人爲吉多·範羅蘇姆(Guido van Rossum)。1989年的聖誕節期間,Guido開始寫Python語言的編譯器。Python這個名字,來自Guido所摯愛的電視劇Monty Python’s Flying Circus。他但願這個新的叫作Python的語言,能符合他的理想:創造一種C和shell之間,功能全面,易學易用,可拓展的語言。html
最新的TIOBE排行榜,Python趕超C++佔據第3, 與Java、C一塊兒成爲全球最流行的3大編程語言。python
WEB開發——最火的Python web框架Django, 支持異步高併發的Tornado框架,短小精悍的flask,bottle, Django官方的標語把Django定義爲the framework for perfectionist with deadlines(大意是一個爲徹底主義者開發的高效率web框架)shell
網絡編程——支持高併發的Twisted網絡框架, py3引入的asyncio使異步編程變的很是簡單編程
人工智能、數據分析—— Python 是目前公認的人工智能和數據分析領域的必備語言網絡
Granddaddy of Python web frameworks, Zope 1 was released in 1999
Python 1.0 - January 1994 增長了 lambda, map, filter and reduce.
Python 2.0 - October 16, 2000,加入了內存回收機制,構成了如今Python語言框架的基礎
Python 2.4 - November 30, 2004, 同年目前最流行的WEB框架Django 誕生
Python 2.5 - September 19, 2006
Python 2.6 - October 1, 2008
Python 2.7 - July 3, 2010
In November 2014, it was announced that Python 2.7 would be supported until 2020, and reaffirmed that there would be no 2.8 release as users were expected to move to Python 3.4+ as soon as possible
Python 3.0 - December 3, 2008 (這裏要解釋清楚 爲何08年就出3.0,2010年反而又推出了2.7?是由於3.0不向下兼容2.0,致使你們都拒絕升級3.0,無奈官方只能推出2.7過渡版本)
Python 3.1 - June 27, 2009
Python 3.2 - February 20, 2011
Python 3.3 - September 29, 2012
Python 3.4 - March 16, 2014
Python 3.5 - September 13, 2015
Python 3.6 - 2016-12-23 發佈python3.6.0版
In summary : Python 2.x is legacy, Python 3.x is the present and future of the language
Python 3.0 was released in 2008. The final 2.x version 2.7 release came out in mid-2010, with a statement of
extended support for this end-of-life release. The 2.x branch will see no new major releases after that. 3.x is
under active development and has already seen over five years of stable releases, including version 3.3 in 2012,
3.4 in 2014, and 3.5 in 2015. This means that all recent standard library improvements, for example, are only
available by default in Python 3.x.
Guido van Rossum (the original creator of the Python language) decided to clean up Python 2.x properly, with less regard for backwards compatibility than is the case for new releases in the 2.x range. The most drastic improvement is the better Unicode support (with all text strings being Unicode by default) as well as saner bytes/Unicode separation.
Besides, several aspects of the core language (such as print and exec being statements, integers using floor division) have been adjusted to be easier for newcomers to learn and to be more consistent with the rest of the language, and old cruft has been removed (for example, all classes are now new-style, 「range()」 returns a memory efficient iterable, not a list as in 2.x).
目前雖然業內很多企業還在大量使用 2.7,由於舊項目幾十萬甚至上百萬行的代碼想快速升級到3.0不是件容易的事,可是你們在開發新項目時幾乎都會使用3.x。
另外Python3 確實想比2.x作了不少的改進,直觀點來說,就像從XP升級到Win7的感受同樣,棒棒的。
Py2 和Py3的具體細節區別咱們在之後課程中會慢慢深刻。
固然,Python還有一些其它的小缺點,在這就不一一列舉了,我想說的是,任何一門語言都不是完美的,都有擅長和不擅長作的事情,建議各位不要拿一個語言的劣勢去跟另外一個語言的優點來去比較,語言只是一個工具,是實現程序設計師思想的工具,就像咱們以前中學學幾什麼時候,有的時候須要要圓規,有的時候須要用三角尺同樣,拿相應的工具去作它最擅長的事纔是正確的選擇。以前不少人問我Shell和Python到底哪一個好?我回答說Shell是個腳本語言,但Python不僅是個腳本語言,能作的事情更多,而後又有鑽牛角尖的人說徹底不必學Python, Python能作的事情Shell均可以作,只要你足夠牛B,而後又舉了用Shell能夠寫俄羅斯方塊這樣的遊戲,對此我能說表達只能是,不要跟SB理論,SB會把你拉到跟他同樣的高度,而後用充分的經驗把你打倒。