

int sprint_s(
    char *buffer,
    size_t sizeOfBuffer,
    const char *format


  • buffer Storage location for output
  • sizeOfBuffer Maximum number of character to store.
  • format Format-control string

Return Value

  • The number of characters written,or -1 if an error occurred.If buffer or format is a null pointer.
  • sprintf_s returns the number of bytes stored in buffer,not counting the terminating null character.


The sprintf_s *function formats and stores a series of characters and values in buffer.Each argument(if any) is coverted and output according to the corresponding format specification in format.
The format consists of ordinary character and has the same form and function as the format argument for printf.A null character is appended after the last chatacter written.
If copying occurs between strings that overlap,the behavior is undefined.app


// crt_sprintf_s.c
// This program uses sprintf_s to format various
// data and place them in the string named buffer.
#include <stdio.h>
int main( void )
   char  buffer[200], s[] = "computer", c = 'l';
   int   i = 35, j;
   float fp = 1.7320534f;
   // Format and print various data: 
   j  = sprintf_s( buffer, 200,     "   String:    %s\n", s );
   j += sprintf_s( buffer + j, 200 - j, "   Character: %c\n", c );
   j += sprintf_s( buffer + j, 200 - j, "   Integer:   %d\n", i );
   j += sprintf_s( buffer + j, 200 - j, "   Real:      %f\n", fp );
   printf_s( "Output:\n%s\ncharacter count = %d\n", buffer, j );


Output: String: computer Character: l Integer: 35 Real: 1.732053 character count = 79ide

// crt_swprintf_s.c
// wide character example
// also demonstrates swprintf_s returning error code
#include <stdio.h>
int main( void )
   wchar_t buf[100];
   int len = swprintf_s( buf, 100, L"%s", L"Hello world" );
   printf( "wrote %d characters\n", len );
   len = swprintf_s( buf, 100, L"%s", L"Hello\xffff world" );
   // swprintf_s fails because string contains WEOF (\xffff)
   printf( "wrote %d characters\n", len );


wrote 11 characters wrote -1 characterscode
