<view class="page"> <view class="flex-row"> <!--左側欄--> <view class="nav_left" > <block wx:for="{{leftList}}" wx:key="unique" class="left_area"> <!--當前項的id等於item項的id,那個就是當前狀態--> <!--用data-index記錄這個數據在數組的下標位置,使用data-id設置每一個item的id值,供打開2級頁面使用--> <view class="nav_left_items {{curNav == item.paperColumnId ? 'active' : ''}}" bindtap="onLeftTab" data-index="{{index}}" data-id="{{item.paperColumnId}}">{{item.columnName}}</view> </block> </view> <!--右側欄--> <view class="nav_right"> <scroll-view scroll-x="true" class="nav_right_top"> <block wx:for="{{rightTopList}}" wx:key="unique" > <view class="right_top_items {{rightNav == item.paperColumnId ? 'active' : ''}}" data-index="{{index}}" data-id="{{item.paperColumnId}}" bindtap="onRightTab"> <text>{{item.columnName}}</text> </view> </block> </scroll-view> <view class="totalCount">共{{totalCount}}個內容</view> <scroll-view scroll-y="true" class="nav_right_list" bindscrolltolower='scrollLower'> <block wx:for="{{rightArticles}}" wx:key="unique" > <view class="nav_right_items" data-id="{{item.paperPatternsId}}" bindtap="onDetails"> <text>{{item.patternsTitle}}</text> </view> </block> <view class="flex-center" hidden="{{nodata}}">該分類暫無數據</view> </scroll-view> </view> </view> </view>
.nav_left { overflow-y: auto; width: 25%; height: 100vh; background: #f5f5f5; } .nav_left .left_area { height: 100%; } .nav_left .nav_left_items { padding: 20rpx; font-size: 28rpx; } .active { background: #fff; color: #12318b; } .nav_right { position: relative; width: 75%; } .nav_right .nav_right_top { position: fixed; top: 0; right: 0; z-index: 99; display: flex; padding-top: 20rpx; width: 75%; height: 80rpx; border-bottom: 1px solid #dedede; background: #fff; white-space: nowrap; font-size: 28rpx; flex-direction: row; }/*二級分類,固定不動*/ .nav_right_top .right_top_items { display: inline-block; margin-left: 20rpx; } .nav_right_list { overflow-y: auto; margin-top: 140rpx; height: calc(100vh - 140rpx); }/*高度100vh - 上方140rpx*/ .nav_right .nav_right_items { display: -webkit-box; overflow: hidden; padding: 15rpx 15rpx 16rpx; border-bottom: 1px solid #dedede; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: normal!important; word-wrap: break-word; line-height: 1.7; -webkit-line-clamp: 2; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; }/*內容最多顯示2行,超出顯示...*/ .nav_right .totalCount { position: fixed; top: 80rpx; right: 0; z-index: 99; padding-left: 15rpx; width: 75%; height: 60rpx; border-bottom: 1px solid #dedede; background: #fff; font-size: 28rpx; line-height: 60rpx; }/*二級分類下的內容數量,固定不動*/
var api = require('../../api.js'); var app = getApp(); Page({ /** * 頁面的初始數據 */ data: { leftList:[], //左側欄目列表 rightTop: [], //右側二級欄目列表 rightList:[], //右側文章列表 curNav: '3', //默認左側第一個欄目id cid:'', // rightNav:'3', //默認右側欄目id pageindex:1, //分頁 isFromSearch: true, //用於判斷articles數組是否是空數組,默認true,空的數組 nodata: true }, /** * 生命週期函數--監聽頁面加載 */ onLoad: function (options) { var that = this; this.leftList(); this.rightTop(that.data.rightNav); this.loadArticles(that.data.rightNav); }, //左側欄目 leftList: function () { var that = this; wx.request({ url: api.wx.sswsColumn, data:app.getSign({ }), success: (res) => { console.log(res); that.setData({ leftList: res.data.data, }) } }) }, //左側欄目點擊事件 onLeftTab: function (e) { console.log(e.target.dataset.id); // 獲取item項的id,和數組的下標值 let curNav = e.target.dataset.id, index = parseInt(e.target.dataset.index); // 把點擊到的某一項,設爲當前index this.setData({ curNav: curNav, cid: curNav, rightNav: curNav, pageindex: 1, //每點擊分類分頁歸1 isFromSearch: true, //每點擊分類數組置爲空 }) console.log('curNav',curNav); this.rightTop(curNav); this.loadArticles(curNav); }, //右側頂部欄目 rightTop:function(cid){ var that = this; wx.request({ url: api.wx.sswsColumn, data: app.getSign({ cid: that.data.rightNav, }), success: (res) => { console.log(res); var rightTop = res.data.data; var obj = { paperColumnId: that.data.curNav, columnName: "所有" }; //後臺數據沒有所有,因此在每一個二級分類的數組前插入'所有',id是父級分類的id rightTop.unshift(obj); that.setData({ rightTopList: rightTop }) //console.log('11',that.data.rightTopList); } }) }, //右側欄目點擊事件 onRightTab:function(e){ console.log(e.currentTarget.dataset.id); let rightNav = e.currentTarget.dataset.id, index = parseInt(e.currentTarget.dataset.index); this.setData({ rightNav: rightNav, pageindex: 1, //每點擊分類分頁歸1 isFromSearch: true, //每點擊分類數組置爲空 }) this.loadArticles(rightNav); }, //右側列表 loadArticles:function(cid,pageindex){ var that = this; var pageindex = that.data.pageindex; wx.request({ url: api.wx.sswsList, data: app.getSign({ cid: that.data.rightNav, page: pageindex, limit:'15', //顯示條數,可更改 }), success: (res) => { console.log('la',res); if(res.data.data != 0){
var rightList = res.data.data.data; that.data.isFromSearch ? rightList = res.data.data.data : rightList = that.data.rightArticles.concat(res.data.data.data) that.setData({ totalCount: res.data.data.totalCount, rightArticles: rightList, });
} }) }, //加載更多 scrollLower:function(){ let that = this; console.log("before" + that.data.pageindex); if (that.data.pageindex <= 20) { that.setData({ pageindex: that.data.pageindex + 1, //每次觸發上拉事件,把pageindex+1 isFromSearch: false //觸發到上拉事件,把isFromSearch設爲爲false }); console.log("after" + that.data.pageindex); that.loadArticles(); } else { wx.showToast({ title: '沒有更多數據', }) this.setData({ searchLoading: false, }) } }, //詳情頁 onDetails:function(e){ console.log(e.currentTarget.dataset.id); wx.navigateTo({ url: "../sswsDetail/sswsDetail?paperPatternsId=" + e.currentTarget.dataset.id }) }, })