1. 字典的update()方法用來將兩個字典合併到一塊兒python
>>> dict1 = {'a':1, 'b':2, 'c': 3} >>> dict2 = {'d':4, 'e': 5} >>> dict1.update(dict2) >>> dict1 {'a': 1, 'c': 3, 'b': 2, 'e': 5, 'd': 4}
2. 可哈希的數據類型才能夠做爲字典的鍵。字符串和數字能夠,列表、字典等類型不能夠
3. acode
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- dict1 = {'name': 'Jer', 'sex': 'male', 'age': '24', 'computer': 'Lenovo'} for eachkey in sorted(dict1): print eachkey
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- dict1 = {'name': 'Jer', 'sex': 'male', 'age': '24', 'computer': 'Lenovo'} for eachkey in sorted(dict1): print eachkey, dict1[eachkey]
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- dict1 = {'name': 'Jer', 'sex': 'male', 'age': '24', 'computer': 'Lenovo'} for eachkey, eachvalue in sorted(dict1.items(), key = lambda x: x[1]): print eachkey, eachvalue
4. 字符串
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import string numlist = [] strlist = [] for i in range(1, 5): numlist.append(i) for i in range(3, 13, 3): str1 = string.lowercase[i-3:i] strlist.append(str1) dict1 = dict(zip(numlist, strlist)) print dict1
5. a.get
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import datetime db = {} timedb = {} def newuser(): prompt = u'註冊賬號:' while True: name = raw_input(prompt.encode('gbk')) if name in db: prompt = u'賬號已被註冊,請更換一個:' continue else: break pwd = raw_input(u'輸入密碼:'.encode('gbk')) db[name] = pwd def olduser(): name = raw_input(u'登錄帳號:'.encode('gbk')) pwd = raw_input(u'登陸密碼:'.encode('gbk')) passwd = db.get(name) if passwd == pwd: nowtime = datetime.datetime.now() if timedb.get(name): timedelta = nowtime - timedb.get(name) if timedelta.seconds <= 14400 and timedelta.days <= 0: print u'您已經登錄,登錄時間爲:%s' % timedb[name].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') print u'登陸成功,歡迎你',name timedb[name] = nowtime else: print u"登陸失敗,賬號或密碼錯誤" def showmenu(): prompt = u""" (N)新用戶註冊 (E)已有帳戶登陸 (Q)退出 請輸入相應字母作出選擇:""" done = False while not done: chosen = False while not chosen: try: choice = raw_input(prompt.encode('gbk')).strip()[0].lower() except (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt, IndexError): choice = 'q' print u'\n你選擇了:【%s】' % choice if choice not in 'neq': print u"輸入錯誤,請重試" else: chosen = True if choice == 'q': done = True if choice == 'n': newuser() if choice == 'e': olduser() if __name__ == '__main__': showmenu()
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import datetime db = {} timedb = {} def newuser(): prompt = u'註冊賬號:' while True: name = raw_input(prompt.encode('gbk')) if name in db: prompt = u'賬號已被註冊,請更換一個:' continue else: break pwd = raw_input(u'輸入密碼:'.encode('gbk')) db[name] = pwd def olduser(): name = raw_input(u'登錄帳號:'.encode('gbk')) pwd = raw_input(u'登陸密碼:'.encode('gbk')) passwd = db.get(name) if passwd == pwd: nowtime = datetime.datetime.now() if timedb.get(name): timedelta = nowtime - timedb.get(name) if timedelta.seconds <= 14400 and timedelta.days <= 0: print u'您已經登錄,登錄時間爲:%s' % timedb[name].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') print u'登陸成功,歡迎你',name timedb[name] = nowtime else: print u"登陸失敗,賬號或密碼錯誤" def admin(): prompt = u""" (D)刪除一個用戶 (V)顯示全部用戶賬號及密碼清單 (Q)退出管理員菜單 請輸入相應字母作出選擇:""" done = False while not done: chosen = False while not chosen: try: choice = raw_input(prompt.encode('gbk')).strip()[0].lower() except (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt, IndexError): choice = 'q' if choice not in 'dvq': print u"輸入錯誤,請重試" else: chosen = True if choice == 'q': done = True if choice == 'd': to_pop = raw_input(u'請輸入要刪除的用戶賬號'.encode('gbk')).strip() if not db.get(to_pop): print u'無此帳戶,請查實!' else: db.pop(to_pop) if choice == 'v': print u'全部用戶帳戶密碼以下:' for eachkey, eachvalue in db.items(): print u'帳戶:%s, 密碼:%s' % (eachkey, eachvalue) def showmenu(): prompt = u""" (A)管理員登陸 (N)新用戶註冊 (E)已有帳戶登陸 (Q)退出 請輸入相應字母作出選擇:""" done = False while not done: chosen = False while not chosen: try: choice = raw_input(prompt.encode('gbk')).strip()[0].lower() except (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt, IndexError): choice = 'q' print u'\n你選擇了:【%s】' % choice if choice not in 'aneq': print u"輸入錯誤,請重試" else: chosen = True if choice == 'q': done = True if choice == 'n': newuser() if choice == 'e': olduser() if choice == 'a': admin() if __name__ == '__main__': showmenu()
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import datetime db = {} timedb = {} def newuser(): prompt = u'註冊賬號:' while True: name = raw_input(prompt.encode('gbk')) if name.lower() in db: prompt = u'賬號已被註冊,請更換一個:' continue else: break pwd = raw_input(u'輸入密碼:'.encode('gbk')) name = name.lower() db[name] = pwd def olduser(): name = raw_input(u'登錄帳號:'.encode('gbk')).lower() pwd = raw_input(u'登陸密碼:'.encode('gbk')) passwd = db.get(name) if passwd == pwd: nowtime = datetime.datetime.now() if timedb.get(name): timedelta = nowtime - timedb.get(name) if timedelta.seconds <= 14400 and timedelta.days <= 0: print u'您已經登錄,登錄時間爲:%s' % timedb[name].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') print u'登陸成功,歡迎你',name timedb[name] = nowtime else: print u"登陸失敗,賬號或密碼錯誤" def admin(): prompt = u""" (D)刪除一個用戶 (V)顯示全部用戶賬號及密碼清單 (Q)退出管理員菜單 請輸入相應字母作出選擇:""" done = False while not done: chosen = False while not chosen: try: choice = raw_input(prompt.encode('gbk')).strip()[0].lower() except (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt, IndexError): choice = 'q' if choice not in 'dvq': print u"輸入錯誤,請重試" else: chosen = True if choice == 'q': done = True if choice == 'd': to_pop = raw_input(u'請輸入要刪除的用戶賬號'.encode('gbk')).strip() if not db.get(to_pop): print u'無此帳戶,請查實!' else: db.pop(to_pop) if choice == 'v': print u'全部用戶帳戶密碼以下:' for eachkey, eachvalue in db.items(): print u'帳戶:%s, 密碼:%s' % (eachkey, eachvalue) def showmenu(): prompt = u""" (A)管理員登陸 (N)新用戶註冊 (E)已有帳戶登陸 (Q)退出 請輸入相應字母作出選擇:""" done = False while not done: chosen = False while not chosen: try: choice = raw_input(prompt.encode('gbk')).strip()[0].lower() except (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt, IndexError): choice = 'q' print u'\n你選擇了:【%s】' % choice if choice not in 'aneq': print u"輸入錯誤,請重試" else: chosen = True if choice == 'q': done = True if choice == 'n': newuser() if choice == 'e': olduser() if choice == 'a': admin() if __name__ == '__main__': showmenu()
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import datetime db = {} timedb = {} def newuser(): prompt = u'註冊賬號:' while True: name = raw_input(prompt.encode('gbk')) if name.lower() in db: prompt = u'賬號已被註冊,請更換一個:' continue elif not name.isalnum(): prompt = u'帳號中不容許符合和空白符,請更換一個:' continue else: break pwd = raw_input(u'輸入密碼:'.encode('gbk')) name = name.lower() db[name] = pwd def olduser(): name = raw_input(u'登錄帳號:'.encode('gbk')).lower() pwd = raw_input(u'登陸密碼:'.encode('gbk')) passwd = db.get(name) if passwd == pwd: nowtime = datetime.datetime.now() if timedb.get(name): timedelta = nowtime - timedb.get(name) if timedelta.seconds <= 14400 and timedelta.days <= 0: print u'您已經登錄,登錄時間爲:%s' % timedb[name].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') print u'登陸成功,歡迎你',name timedb[name] = nowtime else: print u"登陸失敗,賬號或密碼錯誤" def admin(): prompt = u""" (D)刪除一個用戶 (V)顯示全部用戶賬號及密碼清單 (Q)退出管理員菜單 請輸入相應字母作出選擇:""" done = False while not done: chosen = False while not chosen: try: choice = raw_input(prompt.encode('gbk')).strip()[0].lower() except (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt, IndexError): choice = 'q' if choice not in 'dvq': print u"輸入錯誤,請重試" else: chosen = True if choice == 'q': done = True if choice == 'd': to_pop = raw_input(u'請輸入要刪除的用戶賬號'.encode('gbk')).strip() if not db.get(to_pop): print u'無此帳戶,請查實!' else: db.pop(to_pop) if choice == 'v': print u'全部用戶帳戶密碼以下:' for eachkey, eachvalue in db.items(): print u'帳戶:%s, 密碼:%s' % (eachkey, eachvalue) def showmenu(): prompt = u""" (A)管理員登陸 (N)新用戶註冊 (E)已有帳戶登陸 (Q)退出 請輸入相應字母作出選擇:""" done = False while not done: chosen = False while not chosen: try: choice = raw_input(prompt.encode('gbk')).strip()[0].lower() except (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt, IndexError): choice = 'q' print u'\n你選擇了:【%s】' % choice if choice not in 'aneq': print u"輸入錯誤,請重試" else: chosen = True if choice == 'q': done = True if choice == 'n': newuser() if choice == 'e': olduser() if choice == 'a': admin() if __name__ == '__main__': showmenu()
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import datetime db = {} timedb = {} def newuser(): prompt = u'註冊賬號:' while True: name = raw_input(prompt.encode('gbk')) if name.lower() in db: prompt = u'賬號已被註冊,請更換一個:' continue elif not name.isalnum(): prompt = u'帳號中不容許符合和空白符,請更換一個:' continue else: break pwd = raw_input(u'輸入密碼:'.encode('gbk')) name = name.lower() db[name] = pwd def olduser(): name = raw_input(u'登錄帳號:'.encode('gbk')).lower() pwd = raw_input(u'登陸密碼:'.encode('gbk')) passwd = db.get(name) if passwd == pwd: nowtime = datetime.datetime.now() if timedb.get(name): timedelta = nowtime - timedb.get(name) if timedelta.seconds <= 14400 and timedelta.days <= 0: print u'您已經登錄,登錄時間爲:%s' % timedb[name].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') print u'登陸成功,歡迎你',name timedb[name] = nowtime else: usrchoice = raw_input(u"登陸失敗,賬號或密碼錯誤。若需註冊新賬號,請輸入1,繼續登陸請輸入2".encode('gbk')) if usrchoice == '1': newuser() else: olduser() def admin(): prompt = u""" (D)刪除一個用戶 (V)顯示全部用戶賬號及密碼清單 (Q)退出管理員菜單 請輸入相應字母作出選擇:""" done = False while not done: chosen = False while not chosen: try: choice = raw_input(prompt.encode('gbk')).strip()[0].lower() except (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt, IndexError): choice = 'q' if choice not in 'dvq': print u"輸入錯誤,請重試" else: chosen = True if choice == 'q': done = True if choice == 'd': to_pop = raw_input(u'請輸入要刪除的用戶賬號'.encode('gbk')).strip() if not db.get(to_pop): print u'無此帳戶,請查實!' else: db.pop(to_pop) if choice == 'v': print u'全部用戶帳戶密碼以下:' for eachkey, eachvalue in db.items(): print u'帳戶:%s, 密碼:%s' % (eachkey, eachvalue) def showmenu(): prompt = u""" (A)管理員登陸 (N)新用戶註冊 (E)已有帳戶登陸 (Q)退出 請輸入相應字母作出選擇:""" done = False while not done: chosen = False while not chosen: try: choice = raw_input(prompt.encode('gbk')).strip()[0].lower() except (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt, IndexError): choice = 'q' print u'\n你選擇了:【%s】' % choice if choice not in 'aneq': print u"輸入錯誤,請重試" else: chosen = True if choice == 'q': done = True if choice == 'n': newuser() if choice == 'e': olduser() if choice == 'a': admin() if __name__ == '__main__': showmenu()