1 --建立[hmi_Yanke].[dbo].[TDisplay]表的觸發器 2 create trigger [dbo].[trigger_TDisplay] 3 on [HMI_YanKe2].[dbo].[TDisplay] 4 AFTER INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE 5 as 6 begin 7 declare @RowsD Int,@RowsI Int,@Dml Int 8 --肯定是哪種dml操做 9 Select @RowsD=Count(*) From Deleted 10 Select @RowsI=Count(*) From Inserted 11 If @RowsD=0 And @RowsI=0 12 Goto Exit_ 13 If @RowsD=0 And @RowsI>0 14 Set @Dml=1 15 Else If @RowsD>0 And @RowsI>0 16 Set @Dml=2 17 Else If @RowsD>0 And @RowsI=0 18 Set @Dml=3 19 IF @DML=1 20 BEGIN 21 --插入 22 IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT TOP 1 1 FROM [hmi_Yanke].[dbo].[TDisplay] c,inserted i where c.FID=i.FID) 23 begin 24 set IDENTITY_INSERT [hmi_Yanke].[dbo].[TDisplay] ON 25 insert into [hmi_Yanke].[dbo].[TDisplay]( [FID],FFieldCN,FFieldEN,FTable,FOrder,FType,FNullable,FLength,FWidth) 26 select [FID],FFieldCN,FFieldEN,FTable,FOrder,[FType],FNullable,FLength,FWidth from inserted 27 set IDENTITY_INSERT [hmi_Yanke].[dbo].[TDisplay] OFF 28 end 29 END 30 IF @DML=2 31 begin 32 --修改 33 IF NOT EXISTS 34 (SELECT TOP 1 1 FROM [hmi_Yanke].[dbo].[TDisplay] c,INSERTED i 35 where c.[FID]=i.[FID] and c.FFieldCN=i.FFieldCN and c.FFieldEN=i.FFieldEN and c.FTable=i.FTable 36 and c.FOrder=i.FOrder and c.[FType]=i.[FType] and c.FNullable=i.FNullable and c.FLength=i.FLength 37 and c.FWidth=i.FWidth ) 38 UPDATE [hmi_Yanke].[dbo].[TDisplay] set FFieldCN=i.FFieldCN,FFieldEN=i.FFieldEN,FTable=i.FTable,FOrder=i.FOrder,[FType]=i.[FType],FNullable=i.FNullable,FLength=i.FLength,FWidth=i.FWidth 39 FROM [hmi_Yanke].[dbo].[TDisplay] c,INSERTED i where c.[FID]=i.[FID] 40 --select * from INSERTED 41 --select * from deleted 42 end 43 IF @DML=3 44 BEGIN 45 --刪除 46 IF EXISTS(SELECT TOP 1 1 FROM [hmi_Yanke].[dbo].[TDisplay] c,deleted d where c.[FID]=d.[FID]) 47 DELETE [hmi_Yanke].[dbo].[TDisplay] FROM [hmi_Yanke].[dbo].[TDisplay] c,deleted d 48 WHERE c.[FID]=d.[FID] 49 END 50 EXIT_: 51 end
1 INSERT INTO [HMI_YanKe].[dbo].[TDisplay] values('haha','haha','haha',1,'haha',1,1,1),('hehe','hehe','hehe',2,'hehe',2,2,2) 2 INSERT INTO [HMI_YanKe2].[dbo].[TDisplay] values('xixi','xixi','xixi',1,'xixi',1,1,1),('keng','keng','keng',2,'keng',2,2,2) 3 4 update [HMI_YanKe].[dbo].[TDisplay] set FFieldCN='vinjack' where FFieldCN='haha' 5 update [HMI_YanKe2].[dbo].[TDisplay] set FFieldCN='vinjane' where FFieldCN='xixi' 6 7 delete [HMI_YanKe].[dbo].[TDisplay] where FFieldCN in('vinjack','hehe') 8 delete [HMI_YanKe2].[dbo].[TDisplay] where FFieldCN in('vinjane','keng') 9 10 select * FROM [HMI_YanKe].[dbo].[TDisplay] 11 select * FROM [HMI_YanKe2].[dbo].[TDisplay]