Kali Linux Web 滲透測試— 第十二課-websploit

Kali Linux Web 滲透測試—



Kali Linux Web 滲透測試— 第十二課-websploit............................................... 1python

Websploit 簡介........................................................................................... 2git

主要功能....................................................................................................... 2github

啓動............................................................................................................... 3web

show modules................................................................................................ 4app

基本使用流程............................................................................................... 4框架

demo1-web/pma 模塊使用......................................................................... 5less

demo2-exploit/java applet 示例.................................................................. 5dom

demo-3 network/ mitm................................................................................. 5


Websploit 簡介

l   一個綜合性的,高級的中間人漏洞攻擊框架。

l   python編寫的開源項目。

l   源代碼:https://github.com/websploit/websploit

l   項目地址:http://sourceforge.net/projects/websploit/


l   #     [+]Autopwn - Used From Metasploit For Scan and Exploit Target Service

l   #     [+]Browser AutoPWN - Exploit Victim Browser

l   #     [+]wmap - Scan,Crawler Target Used From Metasploit wmap plugin

l   #     [+]format infector - inject reverse & bind payload into file format

l   #     [+]MLITM,XSS Phishing - Man Left In The Middle Attack

l   #     [+]MITM - Man In The Middle Attack

l   #     [+]USB Infection Attack - Create Executable Backdoor For Windows

l   #     [+]Java Applet Attack Vector

l   #     [+]ARP DOS - ARP Cache Denial Of Service Attack With Random MAC

l   #     [+]Directory Scanner - Scan Target Directorys

l   #     [+]Apache US - Scan Apache users

l   #     [+]PHPMyAdmin - Scan PHPMyAdmin Login Page

l   #     [+]Web Killer - Using From The TCPKill For Down Your WebSite On Network

l   #     [+]Fake AP - Fake Access Point

l   #     [+]FakeUpdate - Fake update attack

l   #   [+]Wifi Jammer - Wifi Jammer Attack

l   #   [+]Wifi Dos - Wifi Dos RQ Attack

l   #   [+]Wifi Mass De-authentication attack


show modules

l   web

l   network

l   exploit

l   wireless /bluetooth


l   1.肯定攻擊目標

l   2.查找可用模塊

l   3.use  使用模塊

l   4. show options 顯示配置項

l   5.set  配置選項

l   6.run  開始執行

l   7.若是成功,權限獲取

demo1-web/pma 模塊使用

demo2-exploit/java applet 示例

demo-3 network/ mitm

l   中間人攻擊

