Configure Dynamics 365 and Azure Service Bus Integration (using TwoWay relay, Azure Aware Plugin and

Let us pick up from where we left in the previous post and implement two way relaying through which we can get the response back from the listener. windows

First let us update the Service Endpoint Registration, change the designation type to TwoWay, it would also ask to enter the SAS Key. Copy it from Azure and paste it. post

Update the listener windows application created in the previous post to implement ITwoWayServiceEndpointPlugin spa

Use the below code to create the custom azure aware plugin. 3d

Get the service endpoint id from the Properties window of the Service End Point registered. code

Register the assembly and add the Post Create Synchronous Lead Step to it. blog

As we are using trace service to log the response, set All for Enable logging to plugin-trace log option from Administration – System Setting – Customization. get

Start the listener windows application and to trigger the plugin, create the lead record it

We can see the execute method being called from Azure Service bus on create of Lead record. io

The message being returned from listener application to the plugin.

The newly created lead record.

The trace message within the plugin –

Plugin Trace log with the response received from the listener –

Hope it helps..
