轉載請註明出處:http://blog.csdn.net/singwhatiwanna/article/details/23387079 (來自singwhatiwanna的csdn博客)
獲得資源的方式爲context.getResources,而真正的實現位於ContextImpl中的getResources方法,在ContextImpl中有一個成員 private Resources mResources,它就是getResources方法返回的結果,mResources的賦值代碼爲:
mResources = mResourcesManager.getTopLevelResources(mPackageInfo.getResDir(),
Display.DEFAULT_DISPLAY, null, compatInfo, activityToken);
public Resources getTopLevelResources(String resDir, int displayId, Configuration overrideConfiguration, CompatibilityInfo compatInfo, IBinder token) { final float scale = compatInfo.applicationScale; ResourcesKey key = new ResourcesKey(resDir, displayId, overrideConfiguration, scale, token); Resources r; synchronized (this) { // Resources is app scale dependent. if (false) { Slog.w(TAG, "getTopLevelResources: " + resDir + " / " + scale); } WeakReference<Resources> wr = mActiveResources.get(key); r = wr != null ? wr.get() : null; //if (r != null) Slog.i(TAG, "isUpToDate " + resDir + ": " + r.getAssets().isUpToDate()); if (r != null && r.getAssets().isUpToDate()) { if (false) { Slog.w(TAG, "Returning cached resources " + r + " " + resDir + ": appScale=" + r.getCompatibilityInfo().applicationScale); } return r; } } //if (r != null) { // Slog.w(TAG, "Throwing away out-of-date resources!!!! " // + r + " " + resDir); //} AssetManager assets = new AssetManager(); if (assets.addAssetPath(resDir) == 0) { return null; } //Slog.i(TAG, "Resource: key=" + key + ", display metrics=" + metrics); DisplayMetrics dm = getDisplayMetricsLocked(displayId); Configuration config; boolean isDefaultDisplay = (displayId == Display.DEFAULT_DISPLAY); final boolean hasOverrideConfig = key.hasOverrideConfiguration(); if (!isDefaultDisplay || hasOverrideConfig) { config = new Configuration(getConfiguration()); if (!isDefaultDisplay) { applyNonDefaultDisplayMetricsToConfigurationLocked(dm, config); } if (hasOverrideConfig) { config.updateFrom(key.mOverrideConfiguration); } } else { config = getConfiguration(); } r = new Resources(assets, dm, config, compatInfo, token); if (false) { Slog.i(TAG, "Created app resources " + resDir + " " + r + ": " + r.getConfiguration() + " appScale=" + r.getCompatibilityInfo().applicationScale); } synchronized (this) { WeakReference<Resources> wr = mActiveResources.get(key); Resources existing = wr != null ? wr.get() : null; if (existing != null && existing.getAssets().isUpToDate()) { // Someone else already created the resources while we were // unlocked; go ahead and use theirs. r.getAssets().close(); return existing; } // XXX need to remove entries when weak references go away mActiveResources.put(key, new WeakReference<Resources>(r)); return r; } }根據上述代碼中資源的請求機制,再加上ResourcesManager採用單例模式,這樣就保證了不一樣的ContextImpl訪問的是同一套資源,注意,這裏說的同一套資源未必是同一個資源,由於資源可能位於不一樣的目錄,但它必定是咱們的應用的資源,或許這樣來描述更準確,在設備參數和顯示參數不變的狀況下,不一樣的ContextImpl訪問到的是同一份資源。設備參數不變是指手機的屏幕和android版本不變,顯示參數不變是指手機的分辨率和橫豎屏狀態。也就是說,儘管Application、Activity、Service都有本身的ContextImpl,而且每一個ContextImpl都有本身的mResources成員,可是因爲它們的mResources成員都來自於惟一的ResourcesManager實例,因此它們看似不一樣的mResources其實都指向的是同一塊內存(C語言的概念),所以,它們的mResources都是同一個對象(在設備參數和顯示參數不變的狀況下)。在橫豎屏切換的狀況下且應用中爲橫豎屏狀態提供了不一樣的資源,處在橫屏狀態下的ContextImpl和處在豎屏狀態下的ContextImpl訪問的資源不是同一個資源對象。
public static ResourcesManager getInstance() { synchronized (ResourcesManager.class) { if (sResourcesManager == null) { sResourcesManager = new ResourcesManager(); } return sResourcesManager; } }
/** * Create a new Resources object on top of an existing set of assets in an * AssetManager. * * @param assets Previously created AssetManager. * @param metrics Current display metrics to consider when * selecting/computing resource values. * @param config Desired device configuration to consider when * selecting/computing resource values (optional). */ public Resources(AssetManager assets, DisplayMetrics metrics, Configuration config) { this(assets, metrics, config, CompatibilityInfo.DEFAULT_COMPATIBILITY_INFO, null); } /** * Creates a new Resources object with CompatibilityInfo. * * @param assets Previously created AssetManager. * @param metrics Current display metrics to consider when * selecting/computing resource values. * @param config Desired device configuration to consider when * selecting/computing resource values (optional). * @param compatInfo this resource's compatibility info. Must not be null. * @param token The Activity token for determining stack affiliation. Usually null. * @hide */ public Resources(AssetManager assets, DisplayMetrics metrics, Configuration config, CompatibilityInfo compatInfo, IBinder token) { mAssets = assets; mMetrics.setToDefaults(); if (compatInfo != null) { mCompatibilityInfo = compatInfo; } mToken = new WeakReference<IBinder>(token); updateConfiguration(config, metrics); assets.ensureStringBlocks(); }除了這兩個構造方法還有一個私有的無參方法,因爲是私有的,因此無法訪問。上面兩個構造方法,從簡單起見,咱們應該採用第一個
public Resources(AssetManager assets, DisplayMetrics metrics, Configuration config)app
AssetManager assets = new AssetManager(); if (assets.addAssetPath(resDir) == 0) { return null; }
這兩句就是建立一個AssetManager對象,後面會用這個對象來建立Resources對象,ok,AssetManager就是這麼建立的,assets.addAssetPath(resDir)這句話的意思是把資源目錄裏的資源都加載到AssetManager對象中,具體的實如今jni中,你們感興趣本身去了解下。而資源目錄就是咱們的res目錄,固然resDir能夠是一個目錄也能夠是一個zip文件。有沒有想過,若是咱們把一個未安裝的apk的路徑傳給這個方法,那麼apk中的資源是否是就被加載到AssetManager對象裏面了呢?事實證實,的確是這樣,具體狀況能夠參見Android apk動態加載機制的研究(二):資源加載和activity生命週期管理這篇文章。addAssetPath方法的定義以下,注意到它的註釋裏面有一個{@hide}關鍵字,這意味着即便它是public的,可是外界仍然沒法訪問它,由於android sdk導出的時候會自動忽略隱藏的api,所以只能經過反射來調用。this
/** * Add an additional set of assets to the asset manager. This can be * either a directory or ZIP file. Not for use by applications. Returns * the cookie of the added asset, or 0 on failure. * {@hide} */ public final int addAssetPath(String path) { int res = addAssetPathNative(path); return res; }
try { AssetManager assetManager = AssetManager.class.newInstance(); Method addAssetPath = assetManager.getClass().getMethod("addAssetPath", String.class); addAssetPath.invoke(assetManager, mDexPath); mAssetManager = assetManager; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Resources currentRes = this.getResources(); mResources = new Resources(mAssetManager, currentRes.getDisplayMetrics(), currentRes.getConfiguration());有了Resources對象,咱們就能夠經過Resources對象來訪問裏面的各類資源了,經過這種方法,咱們能夠完成一些特殊的功能,好比換膚、換語言包、動態加載apk等,歡迎你們交流。