The Code Completion feature lets you quickly complete different kinds of statements in the code.For example,start typing a class name and press Ctrl+空格 to complete it.When multiple choices are available,they are shown in the lookup
代碼自動補全:代碼完成功能容許您在代碼中快速完成不一樣類型的語句。例如,開始鍵入類名並按Ctrl +空格來完成它。當有多個選項可用時,它們將顯示在查找列表中。編輯器
press Ctrl+. to choose the selected (or first) suggestion and insert a dot afterwards.ui
按Ctrl +. 選擇所選(或第一)建議並在以後插入一個點。idea
Ctrl+向下箭頭 and Ctrl+向上箭頭 will move caret down and up in the