Given a char array representing tasks CPU need to do. It contains capital letters A to Z where different letters represent different tasks. Tasks could be done without original order. Each task could be done in one interval. For each interval, CPU could finish one task or just be idle.git
However, there is a non-negative cooling interval n that means between two same tasks, there must be at least n intervals that CPU are doing different tasks or just be idle.github
You need to return the least number of intervals the CPU will take to finish all the given tasks. api
Input: tasks = ["A","A","A","B","B","B"], n = 2 Output: 8 Explanation: A -> B -> idle -> A -> B -> idle -> A -> B.
給定一個用字符數組表示的 CPU 須要執行的任務列表。其中包含使用大寫的 A - Z 字母表示的26 種不一樣種類的任務。任務能夠以任意順序執行,而且每一個任務均可以在 1 個單位時間內執行完。CPU 在任何一個單位時間內均可以執行一個任務,或者在待命狀態。spa
然而,兩個相同種類的任務之間必須有長度爲 n 的冷卻時間,所以至少有連續 n 個單位時間內 CPU 在執行不一樣的任務,或者在待命狀態。rest
示例 1:htm
輸入: tasks = ["A","A","A","B","B","B"], n = 2 輸出: 8 執行順序: A -> B -> (待命) -> A -> B -> (待命) -> A -> B.
1 class Solution { 2 func leastInterval(_ tasks: [Character], _ n: Int) -> Int { 3 var cnt:[Int] = [Int](repeating:0,count:26) 4 for task in tasks 5 { 6 //A:65 7 cnt[task.ascii - 65] += 1 8 } 9 cnt.sort() 10 var i:Int = 25 11 var mx:Int = cnt[25] 12 var len:Int = tasks.count 13 while (i >= 0 && cnt[i] == mx) 14 { 15 i -= 1 16 } 17 return max(len, (mx - 1) * (n + 1) + 25 - i) 18 } 19 } 20 21 //Character擴展 22 extension Character 23 { 24 //轉ASCII整數值(定義小寫爲整數值) 25 var ascii: Int { 26 get { 27 return Int(self.unicodeScalars.first!.value) 28 } 29 } 30 }
1 class Solution { 2 func leastInterval(_ tasks: [Character], _ n: Int) -> Int { 3 guard !tasks.isEmpty else {return 0} 4 var map = [Int](repeating: 0, count: 26) 5 let taskStr = String(tasks) 6 let offset = "A".utf8.first! 7 for task in taskStr.utf8{ 8 let count = Int(task - offset) 9 map[count] += 1 10 } 11 var mostFrequency = 0 12 var numOfMostFrequency = 0 13 for count in map { 14 if count == mostFrequency { 15 numOfMostFrequency += 1 16 } else if count > mostFrequency { 17 mostFrequency = count 18 numOfMostFrequency = 1 19 } 20 } 21 22 return max((n+1) * (mostFrequency-1) + numOfMostFrequency, tasks.count) 23 } 24 }
1 class Solution { 2 func leastInterval(_ tasks: [Character], _ n: Int) -> Int { 3 guard n > 0 else { return tasks.count } 4 5 var items = Array<Int>(repeating: 0, count: 26) 6 let aValue = Int(UnicodeScalar("A").value) 7 tasks.forEach { (char) in 8 items[Int(UnicodeScalar(String(char))!.value) - aValue] += 1 9 } 10 11 items.sort() 12 var maxCount = items[25] - 1 13 var maxIdleTimes = (items[25] - 1) * n 14 15 for i in 1..<items.count { 16 guard items[25 - i] > 0 else { continue } 17 maxIdleTimes -= min(maxCount, items[25 - i]) 18 } 19 20 return maxIdleTimes < 0 ? tasks.count : tasks.count + maxIdleTimes 21 } 22 }
1 class Solution { 2 func leastInterval(_ tasks: [Character], _ n: Int) -> Int { 3 var counter = [Character: Int]() 4 tasks.forEach{ counter[$0, default: 0] += 1 } 5 let m = counter.values.max()! 6 let numMax = counter.values.filter{ $0 == m }.count 7 let slots = (m - 1) * (n + 1) 8 return numMax + max(slots, tasks.count - numMax) 9 } 10 }
1 class Solution { 2 func leastInterval(_ tasks: [Character], _ n: Int) -> Int { 3 var counts = [Character:Int]() 4 for task in tasks { 5 counts[task, default: 0] += 1 6 } 7 var keys = counts.keys.sorted { 8 return counts[$0]! > counts[$1]! 9 } 10 let maxCount = counts[keys.first!]! 11 keys.removeFirst() 12 var idleSlots = (maxCount - 1) * n 13 for char in keys { 14 idleSlots -= min(maxCount - 1, counts[char]!) 15 idleSlots = max(idleSlots, 0) 16 } 17 return idleSlots + tasks.count 18 } 19 }
1 class Solution { 2 func leastInterval(_ tasks: [Character], _ n: Int) -> Int { 3 let totalTask = tasks.count 4 guard totalTask > 0 else { return 0 } 5 guard n > 0 else { return totalTask } 6 var taskCount: [Character: Int] = [:] 7 var biggestTaskCount = 1 8 for task in tasks { 9 if let count = taskCount[task] { 10 taskCount[task] = count + 1 11 if biggestTaskCount < count + 1 { 12 biggestTaskCount = count + 1 13 } 14 }else { 15 taskCount[task] = 1 16 } 17 } 18 19 if (biggestTaskCount * (n + 1)) <= tasks.count { 20 return tasks.count 21 } 22 23 24 var total = (biggestTaskCount - 1) * (n + 1) 25 26 for (_, value) in taskCount { 27 if value == biggestTaskCount { 28 total += 1 29 } 30 } 31 32 return total 33 } 34 }
1 class Solution { 2 func leastInterval(_ tasks: [Character], _ n: Int) -> Int { 3 var map = [Character: Int]() 4 var maxCount = 0 5 for task in tasks { 6 if let val = map[task] { 7 map[task] = val + 1 8 maxCount = max(maxCount, val + 1) 9 } else { 10 maxCount = max(maxCount, 1) 11 map[task] = 1 12 } 13 } 14 15 let sortedMap = map.sorted { $0.1 > $1.1 } 16 maxCount -= 1 17 var idlesAmount = maxCount * n 18 var charCount = maxCount 19 for i in 1..<sortedMap.count { 20 let (key, val) = sortedMap[i] 21 idlesAmount -= min(val, maxCount) 22 } 23 24 return idlesAmount > 0 ? tasks.count + idlesAmount : tasks.count 25 } 26 }
1 class Solution { 2 func leastInterval(_ tasks: [Character], _ n: Int) -> Int { 3 var countMap: [Character: Int] = [:] 4 for task in tasks { 5 countMap[task] = (countMap[task] ?? 0) + 1 6 } 7 let maxCount: Int = countMap.values.max() ?? 0 8 let fullPeriodCount = maxCount - 1 9 var maxIdles = fullPeriodCount * (n + 1) 10 for count in countMap.values { 11 maxIdles -= min(fullPeriodCount, count) 12 } 13 return tasks.count + max(0, maxIdles) 14 } 15 }
1 class Solution { 2 func isValid(_ intervals: Int, _ table: [Character: Int], _ len: Int, _ maxCount: Int, _ maxCountTies: Int) -> Bool { 3 let rest = intervals%len 4 var rounds = intervals/len + (rest == 0 ? 0 : 1) 5 if rounds < maxCount || (rounds == maxCount && 0 < rest && rest < maxCountTies) { 6 return false 7 } 8 9 return true 10 } 11 12 func binarySearch(_ low: Int, _ high: Int, _ table: [Character : Int], _ n: Int, _ maxCount: Int, _ maxCountTies: Int) -> Int { 13 if low == high { 14 return low 15 } 16 17 let mid = (low+high)/2 18 if isValid(mid, table, n, maxCount, maxCountTies) == true { 19 return binarySearch(low, mid, table, n, maxCount, maxCountTies) 20 } else { 21 return binarySearch(mid+1, high, table, n, maxCount, maxCountTies) 22 } 23 24 } 25 26 func leastInterval(_ tasks: [Character], _ n: Int) -> Int { 27 if tasks.count == 0 { 28 return 0 29 } 30 31 if n == 0 { 32 return tasks.count 33 } 34 35 var table: [Character: Int] = [:] 36 for ch in tasks { 37 table[ch] = (table[ch] ?? 0) + 1 38 } 39 40 var maxCount = table.values.reduce(0, {max($0, $1)}) 41 var maxCountTies = table.values.reduce(0, {$0 + ($1 == maxCount ? 1 : 0)}) 42 43 let tasksCount = tasks.count 44 let low = max(tasksCount, (maxCount-1)*(n+1)+1) 45 let high = tasksCount*(n+1) 46 47 return binarySearch(low, high, table, n+1, maxCount, maxCountTies) 48 } 49 }