SolrCloud是被設計用來提供一個高可用性、可容錯的環境用來索引您的數據再進行搜索。在SolrCloud裏面,數據都被組織成多個「塊」或者叫作「shards」(分片),使數據可以存放在多臺物理機器上,而且使用replicas(複製塊)提供的冗餘來實現可伸縮性和容錯性,該系統使用一個Zookeeper服務來幫助管理整個集羣結構保證了全部的索引和搜索請求可以正確的被路由到不一樣的節點。 html
This section explains SolrCloud and its inner workings in detail, but before you dive in, it's best to have an idea of what it is you're trying to accomplish. This page provides a simple tutorial that explains how SolrCloud works on a practical level, and how to take advantage of its capabilities. We'll use simple examples of configuring SolrCloud on a single machine, which is obviously not a real production environment, which would include several servers or virtual machines. In a real production environment, you'll also use the real machine names instead of "localhost", which we've used here. java
本段詳細解釋了SolrCloud和它的內部工做的一些細節,但在你閱讀以前,你最好明白你想要經過閱讀本文了解到什麼。本頁提供一個簡單的指南用來講明SolrCloud是怎麼在一個實用的水平上工做的,而且學習怎麼利用它的一些功能。咱們將使用簡單的單機SolrCloud配置示例,很明顯這並非一個真實的生產環境,真實的生產環境一般會包含多臺物理服務器或是虛擬機。在生產環境中,你也須要把咱們在下面例子中使用的「localhost」替換成真實機器IP或機器名。 node
In this section you will learn: shell
在本段你將會學習到: apache
Creating a cluster with multiple shards involves two steps: bootstrap
建立一個帶有多個shard的SolrCloud集羣包含兩個步驟: windows
Make sure to run Solr from the example directory in non-SolrCloud mode at least once before beginning; this process unpacks the jar files necessary to run SolrCloud. However, do not load documents yet, just start it once and shut it down. 瀏覽器
請確保操做開始以前在非SolrCloud模式下至少運行一次example目錄下的Solr應用;這個操做可以解壓全部運行SolrCloud所必須的jar包文件。不要添加任何文檔,只須要啓動一次而後中止就能夠了。 服務器
In this example, you'll create two separate Solr instances on the same machine. This is not a production-ready installation, but just a quick exercise to get you familiar with SolrCloud. app
For this exercise, we'll start by creating two copies of the example directory that is part of the Solr distribution:
cd <SOLR_DIST_HOME> cp -r example node1 cp -r example node2
These copies of the example directory can really be called anything. All we're trying to do is copy Solr's example app to the side so we can play with it and still have a stand-alone Solr example to work with later if we want.
Next, start the first Solr instance, including the -DzkRun parameter, which also starts a local ZooKeeper instance:
下一步,啓動第一個Solr實例,在java啓動參數中加入-DzkRun 參數用來啓動一個本地的ZooKeeper實例:
cd node1 java -DzkRun -DnumShards=2 -Dbootstrap_confdir=./solr/collection1/conf -Dcollection.configName=myconf -jar start.jarLet's look at each of these parameters:
-DzkRun Starts up a ZooKeeper server embedded within Solr. This server will manage the cluster configuration. Note that we're doing this example all on one machine; when you start working with a production system, you'll likely use multiple ZooKeepers in an ensemble (or at least a stand-alone ZooKeeper instance). In that case, you'll replace this parameter with zkHost=<ZooKeeper Host:Port>, which is the hostname:port of the stand-alone ZooKeeper.
-DzkRun 在Solr中啓動一個內嵌的ZooKeeper服務器。該服務會管理集羣的相關配置。須要注意的是咱們在作這個示例的時候都是在一個單獨的物理機器上完成的;當你在生產環境上運行的時候,你或許會在集羣中使用多個ZooKeeper示例(或者至少是一個單獨的ZooKeeper實例).在上述的狀況下,你能夠把這個參數給替換成zkHost=<ZooKeeper服務器IP:端口>,其實是那個單獨的ZooKeeper的"主機名:端口"這種形式
-DnumShards Determines how many pieces you're going to break your index into. In this case we're going to break the index into two pieces, or shards, so we're setting this value to 2. Note that once you start up a cluster, you cannot change this value. So if you expect to need more shards later on, build them into your configuration now (you can do this by starting all of your shards on the same server, then migrating them to different servers later).
-DnumShards 該參數肯定了你要把你的數據分開到多少個shard中。在這個例子中,咱們將會把數據分割成兩個分塊,或者稱爲shard,因此咱們把這個值設置爲2。注意,在你第一次啓動你的集羣以後,這個值就不能再改變了,因此若是你預計你的索引在往後可能會須要更多的shard的話,你如今就應該把他們規劃到到你的配置參數中(你能夠在同一個服務上啓動全部的shard,在往後再把它們遷移到不一樣的Solr實例上去。)
-Dbootstrap_confdir ZooKeeper needs to get a copy of the cluster configuration, so this parameter tells it where to find that information.
-Dbootstrap_confdir ZooKeeper須要準備一份集羣配置的副本,因此這個參數是告訴SolrCloud這些配置是放在哪裏。
-Dcollection.configName This parameter determines the name under which that configuration information is stored by ZooKeeper. We've used "myconf" as an example, it can be anything you'd like.
-Dcollection.configName 這個參數肯定了保存在ZooKeeper中的索引配置的名字。在這裏咱們使用了「myconf」做爲一個例子,你可使用任意你想要使用的名字來替換。
The -DnumShards, -Dbootstrap_confdir, and -Dcollection.configName parameters need only be specified once, the first time you start Solr in SolrCloud mode. They load your configurations into ZooKeeper; if you run them again at a later time, they will re-load your configurations and may wipe out changes you have made.
-DnumShards, -Dbootstrap_confdir和-Dcollection.configName參數只須要在第一次將Solr運行在SolrCloud模式的時候聲明一次。它們能夠把你的配置加載到ZooKeeper中;若是你在往後從新聲明瞭這些參數從新運行了一次,將會從新加載你的配置,這樣你在原來配置上所作的一些修改操做可能會被覆蓋。
At this point you have one sever running, but it represents only half the shards, so you will need to start the second one before you have a fully functional cluster. To do that, start the second instance in another window as follows:
cd node2 java -Djetty.port=7574 -DzkHost=localhost:9983 -jar start.jar
-Djetty.port The only reason we even have to set this parameter is because we're running both servers on the same machine, so they can't both use Jetty's default port. In this case we're choosing an arbitrary number that's different from the default. When you start on different machines, you can use the same Jetty ports if you'd like.
-Djetty.port 咱們須要設置這個參數的緣由只有一個,那就是咱們在一臺機器上運行了兩個Solr實例,因此它們不能全用jetty的默認端口做爲http監聽端口。在這個例子中,咱們使用了一個和默認端口號不相同的任意端口號。當你在不一樣的機器上啓動Solr集羣的時候,你可使用任意的端口號做爲jetty的監聽端口號。
-DzkHost This parameter tells Solr where to find the ZooKeeper server so that it can "report for duty". By default, the ZooKeeper server operates on the Solr port plus 1000. (Note that if you were running an external ZooKeeper server, you'd simply point to that.)
-DzkHost 這個參數告訴Solr去哪裏找ZooKeeper服務來「報到」。默認狀況下,ZooKeeper服務的端口號是在Solr的端口號上加上1000。(注意:若是你運行了一個外部的ZooKeeper服務的話,你只須要簡單的將這個參數值指向ZooKeeper服務的地址)
At this point you should have two Solr windows running, both being managed by ZooKeeper. To verify that, open the Solr Admin UI in your browser and go to theCloud screen:
如今你已經有兩個Solr實例在運行了,它們都在同一個ZooKeeper的管理之下。爲了驗證一下,在你的瀏覽器中打開Solr Admin UI而後跳轉到Cloud screen界面:
Use the port of the first Solr you started; this is your overseer. You can go to the
You should see both node1 and node2, as in:
Now it's time to see the cluster in action. Start by indexing some data to one or both shards. You can do this any way you like, but the easiest way is to use theexampledocs, along with curl so that you can control which port (and thereby which server) gets the updates:
curl http://localhost:8983/solr/update?commit=true -H "Content-Type: text/xml" -d "@mem.xml" curl http://localhost:7574/solr/update?commit=true -H "Content-Type: text/xml" -d "@monitor2.xml"
The reason that this works is that each shard knows about the other shards, so the search is carried out on all cores, then the results are combined and returned by the called server.
In this way you can have two cores or two hundred, with each containing a separate portion of the data.
經過這種方式你能夠獲得兩個solr core,每一個core都包含了整個數據集的一部分。
If you want to check the number of documents on each shard, you could add distrib=false to each query and your search would not span all shards.
若是你想要檢查每一個shard上面的文檔數量,你能夠在每一個查詢請求上添加一個參數 distrib=false,這樣搜索操做就不會跨越每個shard操做了。
But what about providing high availability, even if one of these servers goes down? To do that, you'll need to look at replicas.
In order to provide high availability, you can create replicas, or copies of each shard that run in parallel with the main core for that shard. The architecture consists of the original shards, which are called the leaders, and their replicas, which contain the same data but let the leader handle all of the administrative tasks such as making sure data goes to all of the places it should go. This way, if one copy of the shard goes down, the data is still available and the cluster can continue to function.
Start by creating two more fresh copies of the example directory:
cd <SOLR_DIST_HOME> cp -r example node3 cp -r example node4
If you don't already have the two instances you created in the previous section up and running, go ahead and restart them. From there, it's simply a matter of adding additional instances. Start by adding node3:
cd node3 java -Djetty.port=8900 -DzkHost=localhost:9983 -jar start.jar
This is because the cluster already knew that there were only two shards and they were already accounted for, so new nodes are added as replicas. Similarly, when you add the fourth instance, it's added as a replica for the second shard:
cd node4 java -Djetty.port=7500 -DzkHost=localhost:9983 -jar start.jar
If you were to add additional instances, the cluster would continue this round-robin, adding replicas as necessary. Replicas are attached to leaders in the order in which they are started, unless they are assigned to a specific shard with an additional parameter of shardId (as a system property, as in -DshardId=1, the value of which is the ID number of the shard the new node should be attached to). Upon restarts, the node will still be attached to the same leader even if the shardId is not defined again (it will always be attached to that machine).
若是你繼續添加額外的實例,集羣將會繼續進行重複上述的操做,必要時把它們當作Replica添加進去。每當Replica啓動後它們會自動有序的附加到Leader節點上,除非它們經過一個額外的shardId參數(這個參數聲明爲system property參數,例如 -DshardId=1,這個參數的值就是新的節點想要附加的Shard的id值)來分配到指定的Shard。若是重啓了某一個節點,它仍然會被附加到原來的Leader上(不管如何,它總會附加到同一臺機器上),前提是shardId沒有從新定義。
So where are we now? You now have four servers to handle your data. If you were to send data to a replica, as in:
curl http://localhost:7500/solr/update?commit=true -H "Content-Type: text/xml" -d "@money.xml"
In this way, the data is available via a request to any of the running instances, as you can see by requests to:
But how does this help provide high availability? Simply put, a cluster must have at least one server running for each shard in order to function. To test this, shut down the server on port 7574, and then check the other servers:
You should continue to see the full set of data, even though one of the servers is missing. In fact, you can have multiple servers down, and as long as at least one instance for each shard is running, the cluster will continue to function. If the leader goes down – as in this example – a new leader will be "elected" from among the remaining replicas.
Note that when we talk about servers going down, in this example it's crucial that one particular server stays up, and that's the one running on port 8983. That's because it's our overseer – the instance running ZooKeeper. If that goes down, the cluster can continue to function under some circumstances, but it won't be able to adapt to any servers that come up or go down.
That kind of single point of failure is obviously unacceptable. Fortunately, there is a solution for this problem: multiple ZooKeepers.
To simplify setup for this example we're using the internal ZooKeeper server that comes with Solr, but in a production environment, you will likely be using an external ZooKeeper. The concepts are the same, however. You can find instructions on setting up an external ZooKeeper server here:
To truly provide high availability, we need to make sure that not only do we also have at least one shard server running at all times, but also that the cluster also has a ZooKeeper running to manage it. To do that, you can set up a cluster to use multiple ZooKeepers. This is called using a ZooKeeper ensemble.
爲了提供真正的高可用性,咱們須要確保的不只僅只是至少有一個Shard節點一直在運行,咱們還要確保整個集羣至少有一個ZooKeeper服務來管理這個集羣。爲了達到這個目的,你可使用多個ZooKeeper服務器來搭建集羣。也能夠叫作使用ZooKeeper ensemble集羣。
A ZooKeeper ensemble can keep running as long as more than half of its servers are up and running, so at least two servers in a three ZooKeeper ensemble, 3 servers in a 5 server ensemble, and so on, must be running at any given time. These required servers are called a quorum.
一個ZooKeeper ensemble可以在集羣中有一半以上的節點存活的時候正常運行,因此在3個ZooKeeper ensemble中咱們須要至少兩個節點正常運行,5個的話須要3個節點正常,以此類推,必須在任意特定的時間都須要保持正常運行。這個在一個集羣中必須同時正常運行的節點數叫作quorum。
In this example, you're going to set up the same two-shard cluster you were using before, but instead of a single ZooKeeper, you'll run a ZooKeeper server on three of the instances. Start by cleaning up any ZooKeeper data from the previous example:
cd <SOLR_DIST_DIR> rm -r node*/solr/zoo_data
接下來重啓全部的Solr節點,可是此次,每一個節點都會運行ZooKeeper並且監聽ZooKeeper ensemble中的剩下節點以執行相關指令,而不是將他們簡單的指向一個單獨的ZooKeeper實例。
You're using the same ports as before – 8983, 7574, 8900 and 7500 – so any ZooKeeper instances would run on ports 9983, 8574, 9900 and 8500. You don't actually need to run ZooKeeper on every single instance, however, so assuming you run ZooKeeper on 9983, 8574, and 9900, the ensemble would have an address of:
你可使用和以前例子中使用的相同的端口號——8983,7574,8900 和7500,這樣的話全部ZooKeeper實例將會分別運行在端口9983,8574,9900和8500上。事實上你並不須要在每個實例上面都運行一個ZooKeeper服務,可是若是僅僅在993,8574和9900上運行zookeeper服務的話,ZooKeeper ensemble會擁有以下地址:
This means that when you start the first instance, you'll do it like this:
cd node1 java -DzkRun -DnumShards=2 -Dbootstrap_confdir=./solr/collection1/conf -Dcollection.configName=myconf -DzkHost=localhost:9983,localhost:8574,localhost:9900 -jar start.jar
Note that the order of the parameters matters. Make sure to specify the -DzkHost parameter after the other ZooKeeper-related parameters.
You'll notice a lot of error messages scrolling past; this is because the ensemble doesn't yet have a quorum of ZooKeepers running.
你將會看到大量的錯誤信息滾動過屏幕;這是由於這個ZooKeeper ensemble中運行的節點數尚未達到須要的數量。
Notice also, that this step takes care of uploading the cluster's configuration information to ZooKeeper, so starting the next server is more straightforward:
cd node2 java -Djetty.port=7574 -DzkRun -DnumShards=2 -DzkHost=localhost:9983,localhost:8574,localhost:9900 -jar start.jar
Once you start this instance, you should see the errors begin to disappear on both instances, as the ZooKeepers begin to update each other, even though you only have two of the three ZooKeepers in the ensemble running.
一旦你啓動了這個實例,你應該看到錯誤在兩個實例中都開始消失了,由於ZooKeeper開始更新了彼此的信息,即便在你的三個節點組成的ZooKeeper ensemble中只有兩個節點在運行。
Next start the last ZooKeeper:
cd node3 java -Djetty.port=8900 -DzkRun -DnumShards=2 -DzkHost=localhost:9983,localhost:8574,localhost:9900 -jar start.jar
Finally, start the last replica, which doesn't itself run ZooKeeper, but references the ensemble:
最後,啓動最終的Replica節點,這個節點自己不運行ZooKeeper,可是會引用到已經啓動的ZooKeeper ensemble。
cd node4 java -Djetty.port=7500 -DzkHost=localhost:9983,localhost:8574,localhost:9900 -jar start.jar
and check the SolrCloud admin page:
Now you can go ahead and kill the server on 8983, but ZooKeeper will still work, because you have more than half of the original servers still running. To verify, open the SolrCloud admin page on another server, such as:
第一章 完