<context:property-placeholder location="classpath*:server.properties" ignore-unresolvable="true" />
/** * Actually load properties from the given EncodedResource into the given Properties instance. * @param props the Properties instance to load into * @param resource the resource to load from * @param persister the PropertiesPersister to use * @throws IOException in case of I/O errors */ static void fillProperties(Properties props, EncodedResource resource, PropertiesPersister persister) throws IOException { InputStream stream = null; Reader reader = null; try { String filename = resource.getResource().getFilename(); if (filename != null && filename.endsWith(XML_FILE_EXTENSION)) { stream = resource.getInputStream(); persister.loadFromXml(props, stream); } else if (resource.requiresReader()) { reader = resource.getReader(); persister.load(props, reader); //關鍵方法 } else { stream = resource.getInputStream(); persister.load(props, stream); //關鍵方法 } } finally { if (stream != null) { stream.close(); } if (reader != null) { reader.close(); } } }
public class DefaultPropertiesPersister implements PropertiesPersister { @Override public void load(Properties props, InputStream is) throws IOException { props.load(is); } @Override public void load(Properties props, Reader reader) throws IOException { props.load(reader); } ...... }
public class Properties extends Hashtable<Object,Object> { public synchronized void load(InputStream inStream) throws IOException { load0(new LineReader(inStream)); } private void load0 (LineReader lr) throws IOException { char[] convtBuf = new char[1024]; int limit; int keyLen; int valueStart; char c; boolean hasSep; boolean precedingBackslash; while ((limit = lr.readLine()) >= 0) { //讀取一行信息 c = 0; keyLen = 0; valueStart = limit; hasSep = false; ......
if (c != '\n' && c != '\r') { //若是是"\n"或者"\r"則跳到else裏面,else裏是讀取一行信息結束 lineBuf[len++] = c; if (len == lineBuf.length) { int newLength = lineBuf.length * 2; if (newLength < 0) { newLength = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } char[] buf = new char[newLength]; System.arraycopy(lineBuf, 0, buf, 0, lineBuf.length); lineBuf = buf; } //flip the preceding backslash flag if (c == '\\') { precedingBackslash = !precedingBackslash; } else { precedingBackslash = false; } } else { // reached EOL if (isCommentLine || len == 0) { isCommentLine = false; isNewLine = true; skipWhiteSpace = true; len = 0; continue; } if (inOff >= inLimit) { inLimit = (inStream==null) ?reader.read(inCharBuf) :inStream.read(inByteBuf); inOff = 0; if (inLimit <= 0) { return len; } }
package com.hs.util; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.util.Properties; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * Desc:properties文件獲取工具類 * */ public class PropertyUtil { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PropertyUtil.class); private static Properties props; static { loadProps(); } synchronized static private void loadProps() { logger.info("開始加載properties文件內容......."); props = new Properties(); InputStream in = null; try { in = PropertyUtil.class.getClassLoader() .getResourceAsStream("server.properties"); props.load(in); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { logger.error("properties文件未找到"); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("出現IOException"); } finally { try { if (null != in) { in.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("properties文件流關閉出現異常"); } } logger.info("加載properties文件內容完成..........."); logger.info("properties文件內容:" + props); } public static String getProperty(String key) { if (null == props) { loadProps(); } return props.getProperty(key); } public static String getProperty(String key, String defaultValue) { if (null == props) { loadProps(); } return props.getProperty(key, defaultValue); } }