一、ATM Machine State.net
Idle State
Card inserted State
Pin entered State
Option selected State
Amount entered State
二、ATM Machine Event
Insert card Event
Enter pin Event
Select option Event
Enter amount Event
Money Dispatch Event
咱們使用if-else或switch case來檢查狀態和觸發了的事件。若是狀態組合和觸發的事件匹配,請執行事件處理程序以服務該服務並更新下一個狀態,這取決於檢查第一狀態或事件的要求。在下面的示例代碼中,我首先驗證狀態,而後檢查觸發的事件。若是有須要,能夠撤消該過程,能夠先檢查事件,而後再檢查狀態。
#include <stdio.h>typedef enum{ Idle_State, CardInsert_State, PinEntered_State, OptionSelected_State, AmountEntered_State,}eSystemState;typedef enum{ CardInsert_Event, PinEnter_Event, OptionSelection_Event, AmountEnter_Event, AmountDispatch_Event, }eSystemEvent;//deal with Amount Dispatch Event,return Idle_StateeSystemState AmountDispatch_Handler(void){ return Idle_State;}//deal with Card Insert Event,return CardInsert_StateeSystemState CardInsert_Handler(void){ return CardInsert_State;}//deal with Pin Enter Event,return PinEntered_StateeSystemState PinEnter_Handler(void){ return PinEntered_State;}//deal with Option Selection Event,return OptionSelected_StateeSystemState OptionSelection_Handler(void){ return OptionSelected_State;}//deal with Amount Enter Event,return AmountEntered_StateeSystemState AmountEnter_Handler(void){ return AmountEntered_State;}int main(void){ eSystemState eNextState = Idle_State; eSystemEvent eNewEvent; while(1) { eSystemEvent eNewEvent; //Read system Events,assume read from API code eNewEvent = ReadEvent(); switch(eNextState) { case Idle_State: { if(CardInsert_Event == eNewEvent) { eNextState = CardInsert_Handler(); } break; } case CardInsert_State: { if(PinEnter_Event == eNewEvent) { eNextState = PinEnter_Handler(); } break; } case PinEntered_State: { if(OptionSelection_Event == eNewEvent) { eNextState = OptionSelection_Handler(); } break; } case OptionSelected_State: { if(AmountEnter_Event == eNewEvent) { eNextState = AmountEnter_Handler(); } break; } case AmountEntered_State: { if(AmountDispatch_Event == eNewEvent) { eNextState = AmountDispatch_Handler(); } break; } default: { break; } } } return 0;}
#define Max_Size 3//method one,common init the all elem of array with zeroint Array[Max_Size] = {0};//method two,common init the all elem of array with zeroint Array[Max_Size];void Init_Array(void){ for(int i = 0; i < Max_Size; i++) { Array[i] = 0; }}//method three,common init arrayint Array[Max_Size] = {1, 2,};int Array[Max_Size] = {1, 2, 0};int Array[] = {1, 2, 0};
#define Max_Size 3#define Value 3//method oneint a[3] = {[0] = Value};//method twoint test_func(void){ return Value;}int a[3] = {[0] = test_func()};int main(void){ for(int i = 0; i < Max_Size; i++) { printf("a[%d] = %d\n", i, a[i]); } return 0;}
a[0] = 3
a[1] = 0
a[2] = 0
Process exited after 0.152 seconds with return value 0
請按任意鍵繼續. . .
#include <stdio.h>//Different state of ATM machinetypedef enum{ Idle_State, Card_Inserted_State, Pin_Eentered_State, Option_Selected_State, Amount_Entered_State, last_State} eSystemState; //Different type eventstypedef enum{ Card_Insert_Event, Pin_Enter_Event, Option_Selection_Event, Amount_Enter_Event, Amount_Dispatch_Event, last_Event} eSystemEvent; //typedef of 2d arraytypedef eSystemState (*const afEventHandler[last_State][last_Event])(void); //typedef of function pointertypedef eSystemState (*pfEventHandler)(void); //function call to dispatch the amount and return the ideal stateeSystemState AmountDispatchHandler(void){ return Idle_State;} //function call to Enter amount and return amount enetered stateeSystemState EnterAmountHandler(void){ return Amount_Entered_State;} //function call to option select and return the option selected stateeSystemState OptionSelectionHandler(void){ return Option_Selected_State;} //function call to enter the pin and return pin entered stateeSystemState EnterPinHandler(void){ return Pin_Eentered_State;} //function call to processing track data and return card inserted stateeSystemState InsertCardHandler(void){ return Card_Inserted_State;} int main(void){ eSystemState eNextState = Idle_State; eSystemEvent eNewEvent; // Table to define valid states and event of finite state machine static afEventHandler StateMachine = { [Idle_State] ={[Card_Insert_Event]= InsertCardHandler()}, [Card_Inserted_State] ={[Pin_Enter_Event] = EnterPinHandler() }, [Pin_Eentered_State] ={[Option_Selection_Event] = OptionSelectionHandler()}, [Option_Selected_State] ={[Amount_Enter_Event] = EnterAmountHandler()}, [Amount_Entered_State] ={[Amount_Dispatch_Event] = AmountDispatchHandler()}, }; while(1) { // assume api to read the next event eSystemEvent eNewEvent = ReadEvent(); //Check NULL pointer and array boundary if( ( eNextState < last_State) && (eNewEvent < last_Event) && StateMachine[eNextState][eNewEvent]!= NULL) { // function call as per the state and event and return the next state of the finite state machine eNextState = (*StateMachine[eNextState][eNewEvent])(); } else { //Invalid } } return 0;}
#include <stdio.h>//Different state of ATM machinetypedef enum{ Idle_State, Card_Inserted_State, Pin_Eentered_State, Option_Selected_State, Amount_Entered_State, last_State} eSystemState; //Different type eventstypedef enum{ Card_Insert_Event, Pin_Enter_Event, Option_Selection_Event, Amount_Enter_Event, Amount_Dispatch_Event, last_Event} eSystemEvent; //typedef of function pointertypedef eSystemState (*pfEventHandler)(void); //structure of state and event with event handlertypedef struct{ eSystemState eStateMachine; eSystemEvent eStateMachineEvent; pfEventHandler pfStateMachineEvnentHandler;} sStateMachine; //function call to dispatch the amount and return the ideal stateeSystemState AmountDispatchHandler(void){ return Idle_State;} //function call to Enter amount and return amount entered stateeSystemState EnterAmountHandler(void){ return Amount_Entered_State;} //function call to option select and return the option selected stateeSystemState OptionSelectionHandler(void){ return Option_Selected_State;} //function call to enter the pin and return pin entered stateeSystemState EnterPinHandler(void){ return Pin_Eentered_State;} //function call to processing track data and return card inserted stateeSystemState InsertCardHandler(void){ return Card_Inserted_State;} //Initialize array of structure with states and event with proper handlersStateMachine asStateMachine [] ={ {Idle_State,Card_Insert_Event,InsertCardHandler()}, {Card_Inserted_State,Pin_Enter_Event,EnterPinHandler()}, {Pin_Eentered_State,Option_Selection_Event,OptionSelectionHandler()}, {Option_Selected_State,Amount_Enter_Event,EnterAmountHandler()}, {Amount_Entered_State,Amount_Dispatch_Event,AmountDispatchHandler()}}; //main functionint main(void){ eSystemState eNextState = Idle_State; while(1) { //Api read the event eSystemEvent eNewEvent = read_event(); if((eNextState < last_State) && (eNewEvent < last_Event)&& (asStateMachine[eNextState].eStateMachineEvent == eNewEvent) && (asStateMachine[eNextState].pfStateMachineEvnentHandler != NULL)) { // function call as per the state and event and return the next state of the finite state machine eNextState = (*asStateMachine[eNextState].pfStateMachineEvnentHandler)(); } else { //Invalid } } return 0;}