這次翻譯部分藉助google翻譯,若有錯誤留言反饋 翻譯時間:2016年4月18日09:41:34php
xdebug.remote_enable = on
xdebug.profiler_enable = on
xdebug.profiler_enable_trigger = on
xdebug.profiler_output_name = cachegrind.out.%t.%p
xdebug.profiler_output_dir = "c:/wamp/tmp"html
This function is overloaded by Xdebug, see the description for xdebug_var_dump().express
這個方法被xdebug重載了,詳細能夠查看 xdebug_var_dump函數數組
This function makes the debugger break on the specific line as if a normal file/line breakpoint was set on this line.cookie
This function returns the name of the class from which the current function/method was called from.ide
function fix_string($a)
echo "Called @ ".
" from ".
$ret = fix_string(array('Derick'));
Called @ /home/httpd/html/test/xdebug_caller.php:12 from {main}
This function returns the filename that contains the function/method that called the current function/method.
For an example see xdebug_call_class().
This function returns the name of the function/method from which the current function/method was called from.
For an example see xdebug_call_class().
This function returns the line number that contains the function/method that called the current function/method.
For an example see xdebug_call_class().
Returns whether code coverage has been started.
bool(false) bool(true)
This function displays structured information about one or more variables that includes its type, value and refcount information. Arrays are explored recursively with values. This function is implemented differently from PHP's debug_zval_dump() function in order to work around the problems that that function has because the variable itself is actually passed to the function. Xdebug's version is better as it uses the variable name to lookup the variable in the internal symbol table and accesses all the properties directly without having to deal with actually passing a variable to a function. The result is that the information that this function returns is much more accurate than PHP's own function for showing zval information.
此方法顯示一個,或者多個變量的包括類型,值,引用計數的相關信息,數組遞歸打印(探索,沒找到對應的中文詞,語境翻譯)的值,這個方法實現方式和debug_zval_dump()不一樣,是爲了解決變量變自己傳遞給函數的顯示變量改變信息, Xdebug的版本是更好,由於它使用的變量名稱查找變量在內部符號表並訪問直接全部屬性,而沒必要處理與實際傳遞變量的函數。其結果是,這個函數返回的信息比PHP本身的函數來顯示zval的信息更加準確。
Support for anything but simple variable names (such as "a[2]" below) is supported since Xdebug 2.3.
$a = array(1, 2, 3);
$b =& $a;
$c =& $a[2];
a: (refcount=2, is_ref=1)=array ( 0 => (refcount=1, is_ref=0)=1, 1 => (refcount=1, is_ref=0)=2, 2 => (refcount=2, is_ref=1)=3) a[2]: (refcount=2, is_ref=1)=3
This function displays structured information about one or more variables that includes its type, value and refcount information. Arrays are explored recursively with values. The difference with xdebug_debug_zval() is that the information is not displayed through a web server API layer, but directly shown on stdout (so that when you run it with Apache in single process mode it ends up on the console).
$a = array(1, 2, 3);
$b =& $a;
$c =& $a[2];
a: (refcount=2, is_ref=1)=array ( 0 => (refcount=1, is_ref=0)=1, 1 => (refcount=1, is_ref=0)=2, 2 => (refcount=2, is_ref=1)=3)
Disable showing stack traces on error conditions.
This function dumps the values of the elements of the super globals as specified with the xdebug.dump.* php.ini settings. For the example below the settings in php.ini are:
Query string:
Dump $_SERVER | ||||
string '' (length=9)
Dump $_GET | ||||
$_GET['var'] = |
string 'fourty two' (length=10)
$_GET['array'] = |
'a' => string 'a' (length=1) 9 =>string 'b' (length=1)
Enable showing stack traces on error conditions.
Returns a structure which contains information about which lines were executed in your script (including include files). The following example shows code coverage for one specific file:
function a($a) {
echo $a * 2.5;
function b($count) {
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
a($i + 0.17);
array '/home/httpd/html/test/xdebug/docs/xdebug_get_code_coverage.php' => array 5 =>int
1 6 =>int
1 7 =>int
1 9 =>int
1 10 =>int
1 11 =>int
1 12 =>int
1 13 =>int
1 15 =>int
1 16 =>int
1 18 =>int
This function returns all errors from the collection buffer that contains all errors that were stored there when error collection was started withxdebug_start_error_collection().
By default this function will not clear the error collection buffer. If you pass true as argument to this function then the buffer will be cleared as well.
This function returns a string containing all collected errors formatted as an "Xdebug table".
Returns an array where each element is a variable name which is defined in the current scope. The setting xdebug.collect_vars needs to be enabled.
class strings {
static function fix_strings($a, $b) {
foreach ($b as $item) {
strings::fix_strings(array(1,2,3), array(4,5,6));
0 =>
'a' (length=1) 1 =>string
'b' (length=1) 2 =>string
'item' (length=4)
In PHP versions before 5.1, the variable name "a" is not in the returned array, as it is not used in the scope where the function xdebug_get_declared_vars() is called in.
Returns an array which resembles the stack trace up to this point. The example script:
class strings {
function fix_string($a)
function fix_strings($b) {
foreach ($b as $item) {
$s = new strings();
$ret = $s->fix_strings(array('Derick'));
array 0 => array 'function' =>string
'{main}' (length=6) 'file' =>string
'/var/www/xdebug_get_function_stack.php' (length=63) 'line' =>int
0 'params' => array empty 1 => array 'function' =>string
'fix_strings' (length=11) 'class' =>string
'strings' (length=7) 'file' =>string
'/var/www/xdebug_get_function_stack.php' (length=63) 'line' =>int
18 'params' => array 'b' =>string
'array (0 => 'Derick')' (length=21) 2 => array 'function' =>string
'fix_string' (length=10) 'class' =>string
'strings' (length=7) 'file' =>string
'/var/www/xdebug_get_function_stack.php' (length=63) 'line' =>int
12 'params' => array 'a' =>string
''Derick'' (length=8)
Returns all the headers that are set with PHP's header() function, or any other header set internally within PHP (such as through setcookie()), as an array.
返回全部已設置使用PHP header()函數,或任何其餘頭在PHP內部設置(如經過setcookie()函數)的標題,做爲一個數組
header( "X-Test", "Testing" );
setcookie( "TestCookie", "test-value" );
var_dump( xdebug_get_headers() );
array(2) { [0]=> string(6) "X-Test" [1]=> string(33) "Set-Cookie: TestCookie=test-value" }
Returns a structure which contains information about where the monitored functions were executed in your script. The following example shows how to use this, and the returned information:
/* Start the function monitor for strrev and array_push: */
xdebug_start_function_monitor( [ 'strrev', 'array_push' ] );
/* Run some code: */
echo strrev("yes!"), "\n";
echo strrev("yes!"), "\n";
/tmp/monitor-example.php:10: array(2) { [0] => array(3) { 'function' => string(6) "strrev" 'filename' => string(24) "/tmp/monitor-example.php" 'lineno' => int(6) } [1] => array(3) { 'function' => string(6) "strrev" 'filename' => string(24) "/tmp/monitor-example.php" 'lineno' => int(8) } }
Returns the name of the file which is used to save profile information to.
Returns the stack depth level. The main body of a script is level 0 and each include and/or function call adds one to the stack depth level.
Returns the name of the file which is used to trace the output of this script too. This is useful when xdebug.auto_trace is enabled.
Return whether stack traces would be shown in case of an error or not.
Returns the current amount of memory the script uses. Before PHP 5.2.1, this only works if PHP is compiled with --enable-memory-limit. From PHP 5.2.1 and later this function is always available.
返回腳本使用的當前內存容量。 PHP5.2.1以前,若是PHP使用--enable-memory限制編譯這僅適用。從PHP5.2.1和此功能後始終可用。
Returns the maximum amount of memory the script used until now. Before PHP 5.2.1, this only works if PHP is compiled with --enable-memory-limit. From PHP 5.2.1 and later this function is always available.
返回的最大內存使用量直到如今腳本。 PHP5.2.1以前,若是PHP使用--enable-memory限制編譯這僅適用。從PHP5.2.1和此功能後始終可用。
Displays the current function stack, in a similar way as what Xdebug would display in an error situation.
The "message" argument allows you to replace the message in the header with your own. (Introduced in Xdebug 2.1).
消息」的說法可讓你用本身的頭更換信息。 (在2.1 Xdebug的引入)。
function foo( $far, $out )
xdebug_print_function_stack( 'Your own message' );
foo( 42, 3141592654 );
( ! ) Xdebug: Your own message in /home/httpd/html/test/xdebug/print_function_stack.php on line 5 | ||||
Call Stack | ||||
# | Time | Memory | Function | Location |
1 | 0.0006 | 653896 | {main}( ) | ../print_function_stack.php:0 |
2 | 0.0007 | 654616 | foo( 42, 3141592654 ) | ../print_function_stack.php:7 |
3 | 0.0007 | 654736 | xdebug_print_function_stack ( 'Your own message' ) | ../print_function_stack.php:5 |
The bitmask "options" allows you to configure a few extra options. The following options are currently supported:
was called from.
(Introduced in Xdebug 2.3).
若是這個選項被設置,那麼打印的堆棧跟蹤不會有一個標題。若是您想從本身的錯誤處理打印堆棧跟蹤,不然打印的位置是Xdebug的print_function棧()從所謂的,這很是有用。 (在Xdebug的2.3引入)。
This function starts gathering the information for code coverage. The information that is collected consists of an two dimensional array with as primary index the executed filename and as secondary key the line number. The value in the elements represents whether the line has been executed or whether it has unreachable lines.
The returned values for each line are:
: this line was executed-1
: this line was not executed-2
: this line did not have executable code on it-1
is only returned when the
is enabled and value
is only returned when both
are enabled.
This function has two options, which act as a bitfield:
You can use the options as shown in the following example.
xdebug_start_code_coverage( XDEBUG_CC_UNUSED | XDEBUG_CC_DEAD_CODE );
When this function is executed, Xdebug will cause PHP not to display any notices, warnings or errors. Instead, they are formatted according to Xdebug's normal error formatting rules (ie, the error table with the red exclamation mark) and then stored in a buffer. This will continue until you callxdebug_stop_error_collection().
This buffer's contents can be retrieved by calling xdebug_get_collected_errors() and then subsequently displayed. This is really useful if you want to prevent Xdebug's powerful error reporting features from destroying your layout.
該緩衝區的內容能夠經過調用的XDebug get_collected_errors(檢索),隨後顯示。若是你想阻止破壞你的佈局的Xdebug強大的錯誤報告功能,這是很是有用的。
This function starts the monitoring of functions that were given in a list as argument to this function. Function monitoring allows you to find out where in your code the functions that you provided as argument are called from. This can be used to track where old, or, discouraged functions are used.
xdebug_start_function_monitor( [ 'strrev', 'array_push' ] );
You can also add class methods and static methods to the array that defines which functions to monitor. For example, to catch static calls to DramModel::canSee and dynamic calls to Whisky->drink, you would start the monitor with:
xdebug_start_function_monitor( [ 'DramModel::canSee', 'Whisky->drink'] );
The defined functions are case sensitive, and a dynamic call to a static method will not be caught.
Start tracing function calls from this point to the file in the trace_file parameter. If no filename is given, then the trace file will be placed in the directory as configured by the xdebug.trace_output_dir setting. In case a file name is given as first parameter, the name is relative to the current working directory. This current working directory might be different than you expect it to be, so please use an absolute path in case you specify a file name. Use the PHP function getcwd() to figure out what the current working directory is.
開始從該點到跟蹤文件中的參數的文件跟蹤函數調用。若是沒有文件名給出,而後跟蹤文件將被放置在目錄中配置由xdebug.trace OUTPUT_DIR設置。若是一個文件名做爲第一個參數,該名稱是相對於當前的工做目錄。這個當前工做目錄可能會有所不一樣和你但願的,因此請使用你指定一個文件名的絕對路徑。使用PHP函數 getcwd()找出當前工做目錄是什麼
The name of the trace file is "{trace_file}.xt". If xdebug.auto_trace is enabled, then the format of the filename is "{filename}.xt" where the "{filename}" part depends on the xdebug.trace_output_name setting. The options parameter is a bitfield; currently there are three options:
跟蹤文件的名稱爲「{跟蹤文件}.xt」。若是xdebug.auto_trace被啓用,那麼文件名格式爲「{文件名}.xt」,其中「{文件名}」部分取決於xdebug.trace output_name中設置。選項參數是一個位域;目前有三種選擇:
This function stops collecting information, the information in memory will be destroyed. If you pass "false" as argument, then the code coverage information will not be destroyed so that you can resume the gathering of information with the xdebug_start_code_coverage() function again.
中止全部注意,警告和錯誤的記錄做爲發起者的XDebug start_error_collection()
When this function is executed, error collection as started by xdebug_start_error_collection() is aborted. The errors stored in the collection buffer are not deleted and still available to be fetched through xdebug_get_collected_errors().
This function stops the function monitor. In order to get the list of monitored functions, you need to use the xdebug_get_monitored_functions()function.
Stop tracing function calls and closes the trace file.
Returns the current time index since the starting of the script in seconds.
echo xdebug_time_index(), "\n";
for ($i = 0; $i < 250000; $i++)
// do nothing
echo xdebug_time_index(), "\n";
0.00038003921508789 0.76580691337585
This function displays structured information about one or more expressions that includes its type and value. Arrays are explored recursively with values. See the introduction of Variable Display Features on which php.ini settings affect this function.
ini_set('xdebug.var_display_max_children', 3 );
$c = new stdClass;
$c->foo = 'bar';
$c->file = fopen( '/etc/passwd', 'r' );
array(TRUE, 2, 3.14, 'foo'),
'object' => $c
array 0 => array 0 =>boolean
true 1 =>int
2 2 =>float
3.14 more elements... 'object' => object(stdClass)[1] public 'foo' =>string
'bar' (length=3) public 'file' => resource(3, stream)