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</head> <body> <h3>Mysql數據庫</h3> <p>命令:<br /> show databases; 打印全部數據庫<br /> use database;切換到數據庫<br /> show tables; 打印數據庫中的表 desc 表名;打印表的信息,表結構<br /> select * from 表名\G; 打印表中所有數據 show columns from 表名 與desc同樣<br /> create database 數據庫名 建立新的數據庫<br /> drop database 數據庫名 刪除數據庫<br /> create database 數據庫名 charset &quot;utf8&quot; 建立數據庫支持中文 </p> <h5>Mysql建立數據庫語法</h5> <p>CREATE TABLE table<em>name (column</em>name column<em>type);<br /> create table student( stu<em>id INT NOT NULL AUTO</em>INCREMENT, name CHAR(32) NOT NULL, age INT NOT NULL, register</em>date DATE, PRIMARY KEY ( stu_id ) );</p> <h5>mysql插入數據語法</h5> <p>INSERT INTO table<em>name ( field1, field2,...fieldN )VALUES( value1, value2,...valueN );<br /> insert into student (name,age,register</em>date) values (&quot;alex li&quot;,22,&quot;2016-03-4&quot;)</p> <h5>mysql改</h5> <p>UPDATE table_name SET field1=new-value1, field2=new-value2 </p> <h5>mysql刪除語法</h5> <p>DELETE FROM table<em>name [WHERE Clause]<br><br>delete from student where stu</em>id=5; </p> <h5>排序</h5> <p>order by</p> <h5>分組</h5> <p>group by<br /> SELECT column<em>name, function(column</em>name) FROM table_name WHERE column<em>name operator value GROUP BY column</em>name; </p> <h5>Mysql alter命令</h5> <p>咱們須要修改數據表名或者修改數據表字段時,就須要使用到MySQL ALTER命令。<br /> 添加列 alter table student add sex enum(&quot;M&quot;,&quot;F&quot;); </p>

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