1~3題組 編程
有A、B、C、D、E五個來自不一樣國家的人想要溝通,其中A能夠說中文和法語,B能夠說英語和中文,C能夠說俄語和中文,D能夠說法語和俄語,E能夠說俄語和英語。 安全
1. 請問哪兩我的之間的溝通,須要翻譯人員 bash
(1)B和D (2)D和E (3)A和B (4)B和Csession
2. 請問這五我的最經常使用的語言是ide
(1)中文和法語 (2)中文和俄語 (3)法語和俄語 (4)英語和法語函數
3. A和E溝通是,哪些人能夠當翻譯?工具
(1)B、C、D皆可 (2)B、D皆可 (3)只有B (4)只有Cpost
4~7題組 ui
4. 分數按降序排列多是
5. 分數按降序排列不多是
6. 若是M第三,則下列說法正確的是
(1)D第二 (2)F第二 (3)L第五 (4)D第四
7. 若是E第四,則下列說法錯誤的是
(1)M第二 (2)F第三 (3)D第五 (4)F的成績比L高
8. 下列哪組搭配,知足上述條件
9. 若是K和T都展出,則下列必定會展出的是
(1)L (2)M (3)N (4)R
10. 若是N和O都沒有展出,則必定不會展出的是
(1)T (2)M (3)R (4)U
例:01011011,01000101 -> 01011111
1. 01010101,10101010 ->
(A)00000000 (B)10101010 (C)01010101 (D)11111111
2. 11011011,00100100 ->
(A)00000000 (B)10101010 (C)00100100 (D)11111111
3. 01111110,00000000 ->
(A)10000001 (B)00000000 (C)01111110 (D)11111111
例:11010110 -> 00101001
4. 01100110 ->
(A)01100110 (B)01100111 (C)10011000 (D)10011001
5. 01010011 ->
(A)01010011 (B)01010100 (C)10101101 (D)10101100
6. 10111011 ->
(A)10111100 (B)10111011 (C)01000100 (D)01000101
7. 3,7,19,____,163
(A)133 (B)26 (C)57 (D)55
8. 18,16,15,11,6,____
(A)0 (B)1 (C)11 (D)15
9. ADGJMP____
(A)S (B)R (C)T (D)V
10. ZVRNJ____
(A)H (B)I (C)G (D)F
11. 小華用五元的紙幣一張,向水果店買水果,水果店找不出,便向旁邊蔬菜攤的老陳換5個一元硬幣。當小華拿走水果和3個一元硬幣以後,老陳發現那張五元紙幣是假的,便向水果店交涉要回五元。這樣一來,水果店損失多少?
(A)7 (B)5 (C)3 (D)2
12. 4對夫婦圍圓桌而坐,夫婦相鄰的坐法的種數是
(A)12 (B)24 (C)36 (D)48
13. 投擲兩個骰子,獲得點數7的機率是
(A)1/4 (B)1/6 (C)1/7 (D)1/8
14. A、B兩齒輪相互咬合,A的半徑是B的通常,當A轉動了60度,B轉動了多少度
(A)60 (B)45 (C)30 (D)25
15. 某水果店購入桃子50 kg,爛掉5 kg,其他加價20%零售,問賠率?
(A)2% (B)1% (C)5% (D)不賠
16. 2輛汽車前面有2輛汽車,2輛汽車後面有2輛汽車,2輛汽車中間有2輛汽車。問共有最少汽車?
(A)10 (B)8 (C)6 (D)4
17. 甲乙兩船,甲船從A地開往B地,與此同時,乙船從B地開往A地,甲船時速15海里,乙船時速10海里,當兩船相遇時,哪艘船距離A更近?
(A)甲 (B)乙 (C)不必定 (D)距離相等
18. 有一工做,甲單獨幹須要15天,乙單獨幹須要18天,丙單獨幹須要24天,則三人合做須要幾天?
(A)9 (B)72/13 (C)79/15 (D)7
19. 正整數n,被2除餘1,被3除餘2,被4除餘3。則n最小多是:
(A)17 (B)15 (C)13 (D)11
20. 甲、乙、丙買蘋果,甲買3個,乙買2個,丙因沒有帶錢沒買,3人均分了5個蘋果。後來丙還給甲24元。則蘋果每一個多少元?
(A)24 (B)20 (C)18 (D)16
1. 描述對純虛函數的理解。
2. 重載(overload)與重寫(override)的區別。
3. 寫出在以下操做系統下,對應數據類型的長度
OS | CPU | int | long | void* | long long |
Linux | x86 32-bit | ||||
Linux | x86 64-bit | ||||
Windows |
x86 32-bit |
Windows |
x86 64-bit |
1. 下列哪些系統屬於 Linux,哪些屬於 Unix?簡述它們之間的從屬關係或聯繫。
RedHat,SUSE,Mac OS X,Solaris,Ubuntu,FreeBSD,Debian,CentOS,Raspberry Pi。
2. 經常使用命令:
(a)哪一個命令和參數能夠列出 Linux 系統下詳細的進程信息?哪一個命令能夠列出詳細的線程信息?
(b)若是查看 date 命令位於 Linux 的哪一個目錄下?
(c)RedHat 和 Ubuntu 下用來完成軟件安裝卸載的經常使用工具備哪些?
(d)Linux 系統下兩個用來加載驅動的經常使用命令是什麼?兩者區別?
3. 描述對 Linux 啓動過程的瞭解。簡述從開機到進入系統提示符的系統流程。
4. Linux 內核版本號2.6.26.4,每一個數字分別表明什麼含義?
5. 在 shell 命令行,經過以下4種方式執行 script01.sh 的區別是?
bash script01.sh
. script01.sh
source script01.sh
1. 編寫程序,建立一個包含5個節點(id = 1,2,3,4,5)的單向鏈表;編寫刪除指定id號節點的程序。
2. shell
3. 設計一個類(C++),要求:
1. Wall Street seesawed through this ____ session, trying to stabilize its lows of the day.
A. erratic B. stable C. solid D. upbeat
2. The nation's service sector expanded at a slower-than-expected rate that economists are relieved may help ____ inflation.
A. heat B. kick start C. cool D. drive
3. China's government announced ____ spending increases Monday to boost incomes and improve social services for the urban poor.
A. minuscule B. hefty C. weathering D. molten
4. The U.S. economic expansion suddenly seems more fragile than thought just weeks earlier following a sharp ____.
A. upswing B. leap C. slump D. bound
5. The Treasury Secretary tried to reassure investors the U.S. economy is ____, despite last week's stock market plunge.
A. robust B. quivering C. weakening D. dipping
6. Worries ____ mortgage defaults, a strengthening yen and tumbling stock markets abroad gave the market its biggest jitters in years.
A. for B. with C. of D. in
7. Japanese stocks ____ in early trade on bargain hunting; countering a week-long slide in world markets.
A. showered B. nosedived C. rebounded D. plummeted
8. Holdings PLC, The U.S.' second largest bank by market value, reported that profit rose five perce in 2006 ____ losses in its mortgage operation.
A. due to B. causing C. gearing D. despite
9. Nexus Motor Co. ____ about 155000 pickup trucks and sport utility vehicles to repair the cruise control systems.
A. recalled B. called C. installed D. vowed
10. Toy maker Fun In Motion Ltd's co-chief executive will give ____ the chairman's post after an internal probe.
A. for B. up C. to D. on
1. 英譯漢
Microsoft's Xbox has problems. The gaming console's owners report the steering wheel for its racing game overheats and releases smoke. Microsoft will issue replacements for 230000 steering wheels, recommending customers register online for a retrofit. This is not the first headache the console has given Microsoft, and the cost of repairing units has reached over US$1 billion thus far. And Xbox's woes don't end there.
2. 漢譯英