Jmeter 實時結果


標籤(空格分隔): Jmeter後端

從JMeter 2.13開始,經過提供實現AbstractBackendListenerClient的類,您可使用可能的任何後端(JDBC,JMS,Webservice,...)經過後端偵聽器發送到後端的實時結果。 JMeter提供了、GraphiteBackendListenerClien, 在3.2版本提供了 InfluxDBBackendListenerClien服務器



Thread metrics are the following:
<rootMetricsPrefix>test.minAT Min active threads # 最小活動線程 <rootMetricsPrefix>test.maxAT Max active threads #最大得到線程 <rootMetricsPrefix>test.meanAT Mean active threads #中位數活動線程 <rootMetricsPrefix>test.startedT Started threads #啓動線程 <rootMetricsPrefix>test.endedT Finished threads #結束線程 


<rootMetricsPrefix><samplerName>.ok.count Number of successful responses for sampler name #響應成功的數量,http200就會被視爲成功 <rootMetricsPrefix><samplerName>.h.count Server hits per seconds, this metric cumulates Sample Result and Sub results (if using Transaction Controller, "Generate parent sampler" should be unchecked) #服務器每秒點擊數 <rootMetricsPrefix><samplerName>.ok.min Min response time for successful responses of sampler name #成功返回請求的最小響應時間 <rootMetricsPrefix><samplerName>.ok.max Max response time for successful responses of sampler name 成功返回請求的最大響應時間 <rootMetricsPrefix><samplerName>.ok.avg Average response time for successful responses of sampler name . 成功返回請求的平均響應時間 <rootMetricsPrefix><samplerName>.ok.pct<percentileValue> Percentile computed for successful responses of sampler name. There will be one metric for each calculated value. 針對採樣器名稱的成功響應計算百分位數。每一個計算值將有一個度量標準。(方差) <rootMetricsPrefix><samplerName>.ko.count Number of failed responses for sampler name 失敗請求的數目 <rootMetricsPrefix><samplerName>.ko.min Min response time for failed responses of sampler name 失敗請求的最小響應時間 <rootMetricsPrefix><samplerName>.ko.max Max response time for failed responses of sampler name 失敗請求的最大響應時間 <rootMetricsPrefix><samplerName>.ko.avg Average response time for failed responses of sampler name. 失敗請求的平均響應時間。 <rootMetricsPrefix><samplerName>.ko.pct<percentileValue> Percentile computed for failed responses of sampler name. There will be one metric for each calculated value. 失敗方差 <rootMetricsPrefix><samplerName>.a.count Number of responses for sampler name (sum of ok.count and ko.count) 請求的總數 = 成功的數量+失敗的數量 <rootMetricsPrefix><samplerName>.sb.bytes Sent Bytes 發送的字節 <rootMetricsPrefix><samplerName>.rb.bytes Received Bytes 接收的字節 <rootMetricsPrefix><samplerName>.a.min Min response time for responses of sampler name (min of ok.count and ko.count) 所有請求的最小響應時間 <rootMetricsPrefix><samplerName>.a.max Max response time for responses of sampler name (max of ok.count and ko.count) 所有請求的最多響應時間 <rootMetricsPrefix><samplerName>.a.avg Average response time for responses of sampler name (avg of ok.count and ko.count) 所有請求的平均響應時間 <rootMetricsPrefix><samplerName>.a.pct<percentileValue> Percentile computed for responses of sampler name. There will be one metric for each calculated value. (calculated on the totals for OK and failed samples) 所有響應時間的方差 