#Make sure that `initmemory` is not only allocated, but committed to the process, before starting the database. This reduces memory fragmentation, increasing the effectiveness of transparent huge pages. It also reduces the possibility of seeing performance drop due to heap-growing GC events, where a decrease in available page cache leads to an increase in mean IO response time. Try reducing the heap memory, if this flag degrades performance. 確保在啓動數據庫以前,「initmemory」不只被分配,並且被提交到進程。這減小了內存碎片,增長了透明大頁面的有效性。它還減小了因爲堆增加的GC事件而致使性能降低的可能性,其中可用頁面緩存的減小致使平均IO響應時間的增長。若是此標誌下降性能,請減小堆內存。