The name "etcd" originated from two ideas, the unix "/etc" folder and "d"istributed systems. The "/etc" folder is a place to store configuration data for a single system whereas etcd stores configuration information for large scale distributed systems. Hence, a "d"istributed "/etc" is "etcd".html
etcd is a distributed key value store that provides a reliable way to store data across a cluster of machines. It's open-source and avaliable on GitHub.etcd gracefully handles leader elections during network partitions and will tolerate machine failure, including the leader.安全
your applications can read and write data into etcd. A simple use-case is to store database connection details or feature flags in etcd as key value pairs. these values can be watched, allowing your app to reconfigure itself when they change. advanced uses take advantage of the consistency guarantees to implement database leader elections or do distributed locking across a cluster of workers.架構
Use casesapp
Kubernets stores configuration data into etcd for service discovery and cluster management; etcd's consistency is crucial for correctly scheduling and operating services. The Kubernetes API server persists cluster state into etcd. It uses etcd's watch API to monitor the cluster and roll out critical configuration changes. curl
一般,一個用戶的請求發送過來,會經由HTTP Server轉發給Store進行具體的事務處理,若是涉及到節點的修改,則交給Raft模塊進行狀態的變動、日誌的記錄,而後再同步給別的etcd節點以確認數據提交,最後進行數據的提交,再次同步。微服務
場景1. Service Discovery
Service Discovery 要解決的是分佈式系統中最建立的問題之一,即在同一個分佈式集羣中的進程或服務如何才能找到對方並創建鏈接。從本質上說,服務發現就是想要了解集羣中是否有進程在監聽TCP或UDP端口,而且經過名字就能夠進行查找和鏈接,要解決Service Discovery的問題須要有下面三大支柱,缺一不可: