cas.authn.jdbc.query[0].sql=select * from user where name=?
public class QueryDatabaseAuthenticationHandler extends AbstractJdbcUsernamePasswordAuthenticationHandler {//這個是cas默認的jdbc驗證方式 private final String sql;//這個是獲取配置文件中的sql命令 private final String fieldPassword; private final String fieldExpired; private final String fieldDisabled; private final Map<String, Object> principalAttributeMap; public QueryDatabaseAuthenticationHandler(final String name, final ServicesManager servicesManager, final PrincipalFactory principalFactory, final Integer order, final DataSource dataSource, final String sql, final String fieldPassword, final String fieldExpired, final String fieldDisabled, final Map<String, Object> attributes) { super(name, servicesManager, principalFactory, order, dataSource); this.sql = sql; this.fieldPassword = fieldPassword; this.fieldExpired = fieldExpired; this.fieldDisabled = fieldDisabled; this.principalAttributeMap = attributes; if (StringUtils.isBlank(this.fieldPassword)) { LOGGER.warn("When the password field is left undefined, CAS will skip comparing database and user passwords for equality " + ", (specially if the query results do not contain the password field)," + "and will instead only rely on a successful query execution with returned results in order to verify credentials"); } }
如何修改cas 的jdbc驗證方式,作更多自定義的操做?mysql