而後,咱們須要從其發送的內容當中逆向推出其心跳包的內容。我 們先看其發送的的模塊:找到public class CommsSender implements Runnable 類,看到其有一個private MqttOutputStream out;私有字段,一看這個方法,咱們就能判斷,這個字段就是輸出流,打開public class MqttOutputStream extends OutputStream這個類,你會看到這樣一個方法:websocket
/** * Writes an <code>MqttWireMessage</code> to the stream. */ public void write(MqttWireMessage message) throws IOException, MqttException { final String methodName = "write"; byte[] bytes = message.getHeader(); byte[] pl = message.getPayload(); // out.write(message.getHeader()); // out.write(message.getPayload()); out.write(bytes,0,bytes.length); clientState.notifySentBytes(bytes.length); int offset = 0; int chunckSize = 1024; while (offset < pl.length) { int length = Math.min(chunckSize, pl.length - offset); out.write(pl, offset, length); offset += chunckSize; clientState.notifySentBytes(length); } // @TRACE 500= sent {0} log.fine(CLASS_NAME, methodName, "500", new Object[]{message}); }
protected byte[] getVariableHeader() throws MqttException { return new byte[0]; }
public byte[] getHeader() throws MqttException { try { int first = ((getType() & 0x0f) << 4) ^ (getMessageInfo() & 0x0f); byte[] varHeader = getVariableHeader(); int remLen = varHeader.length + getPayload().length;//長度爲0 ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(baos); dos.writeByte(first);//寫入一個字節 dos.write(encodeMBI(remLen));//查看encodeMBI()方法實現可知此處也是隻有一個字節 dos.write(varHeader);//new byte[0] dos.flush(); return baos.toByteArray(); } catch(IOException ioe) { throw new MqttException(ioe); } }
protected static byte[] encodeMBI( long number) { int numBytes = 0; long no = number; ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); // Encode the remaining length fields in the four bytes do { byte digit = (byte)(no % 128); no = no / 128; if (no > 0) { digit |= 0x80; } bos.write(digit); numBytes++; } while ( (no > 0) && (numBytes<4) ); return bos.toByteArray(); }
/** * Sub-classes should override this method to supply the payload bytes. */ public byte[] getPayload() throws MqttException { return new byte[0]; }