一 模塊的安裝 java
安裝pexpect模塊 python
pip install pexpect 服務器
安裝paramiko模塊 app
yum install python-devel ssh
pip install paramiko 測試
注意:若是不安裝python-devel,則會報 spa
error: command ‘gcc’ failed with exit status 1;這是由於缺乏python-dev的軟件包 線程
二 代碼示例 code
pexpect代碼示例 orm
#!/usr/bin/python # encoding=utf-8 # Filename: pexpect_test.py import pexpect def sshCmd(ip, passwd, cmd): ret = -1 ssh = pexpect.spawn('ssh root@%s "%s"' % (ip, cmd)) try: i = ssh.expect(['password:', 'continue connecting(yes/no)?'], timeout=5) if i == 0: ssh.sendline(passwd) elif i == 1: ssh.sendline('yes\n') ssh.expect('password:') ssh.sendline(passwd) ssh.sendline(cmd) r = ssh.read() print r ret = 0 except pexpect.EOF: print "EOF" ret = -1 except pexpect.TIMEOUT: print "TIMEOUT" ret = -2 finally: ssh.close() return ret sshCmd('xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx','xxxxxx','ls /root')paramiko代碼示例
unbound method missing_host_key() must be called with AutoAddPolicy instance as first argument (got SSHClient instance instead)
#!/usr/bin/python # encoding=utf-8 # Filename: paramiko_test.py import datetime import threading import paramiko def sshCmd(ip, username, passwd, cmds): try: client = paramiko.SSHClient() client.load_system_host_keys() client.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy) client.connect(ip, 22, username, passwd, timeout=5) for cmd in cmds: stdin, stdout, stderr = client.exec_command(cmd) lines = stdout.readlines() # print out for line in lines: print line, print '%s\t 運行完畢\r\n' % (ip) except Exception, e: print '%s\t 運行失敗,失敗緣由\r\n%s' % (ip, e) finally: client.close() #上傳文件 def uploadFile(ip,username,passwd): try: t=paramiko.Transport((ip,22)) t.connect(username=username,password=passwd) sftp=paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(t) remotepath='/root/main.py' localpath='/home/data/javawork/pythontest/src/main.py' sftp.put(localpath,remotepath) print '上傳文件成功' except Exception, e: print '%s\t 運行失敗,失敗緣由\r\n%s' % (ip, e) finally: t.close() #下載文件 def downloadFile(ip,username,passwd): try: t=paramiko.Transport((ip,22)) t.connect(username=username,password=passwd) sftp=paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(t) remotepath='/root/storm-' localpath='/home/data/javawork/pythontest/storm.zip' sftp.get(remotepath,localpath) print '下載文件成功' except Exception, e: print '%s\t 運行失敗,失敗緣由\r\n%s' % (ip, e) finally: t.close() if __name__ == '__main__': # 須要執行的命令列表 cmds = ['ls /root', 'ifconfig'] # 須要進行遠程監控的服務器列表 servers = ['xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx'] username = "root" passwd = "xxxxxx" threads = [] print "程序開始運行%s" % datetime.datetime.now() # 每一臺服務器建立一個線程處理 for server in servers: th = threading.Thread(target=sshCmd, args=(server, username, passwd, cmds)) th.start() threads.append(th) # 等待線程運行完畢 for th in threads: th.join() print "程序結束運行%s" % datetime.datetime.now() #測試文件的上傳與下載 uploadFile(servers[0],username,passwd) downloadFile(servers[0],username,passwd)