在centos 6.5安裝vmtools時候,解壓包,mount掛載後,安裝pl過程當中報 這個問題,半天沒有解決,google 後發現這樣就好了centos
I installed the kernel-devel package, but it turns out that the headers were for a different kernel version than the one that was running on my instance. In order to fix the problem, I rangoogle
sudo yum upgrade
and rebooted, and then vmware-tools installed without a fuss.spa
輸入 sudo yum upgrade ,以後重啓,再次從新安裝解決。 code
若是此時沒有出現全屏,則將虛擬機的【View】->【Autosize】->【Autofit Guest】,【Autofit Window】都選上。便可實現全屏。虛擬機
另外:若是上不去網,直接用:dhclient -vit