函數 是組織好的、可重複使用的、用來實現單一或相關聯功能的代碼段。python
1 def test0(): 2 "函數_文檔字符串" 3 print('函數內部') 4 5 print(test0.__doc__) # 函數_文檔字符串
1 def test1(arg1='參數一', arg2='參數二'): 2 print('arg1:'+arg1) 3 print('arg2:'+arg2) 4 5 test1() # arg1:參數一 arg2:參數二 6 7 # 默認狀況下,參數值和參數名稱是按函數聲明中定義的的順序匹配起來的 8 test1('ice', 'cream') # arg1:ice arg2:cream 9 test1(arg2='cream', arg1='ice') # arg1:ice arg2:cream
1 def test2(*args, param): 2 print(len(args)) 3 for arg in args: 4 print(arg) 5 print(param) 6 7 test2(1, 2, 3, 4, param='This is param') 8 9 10 def test3(param, *args): 11 print(param) 12 print(len(args)) 13 for arg in args: 14 print(arg) 15 16 test3('This is param', 1, 2, 3, 4)
1 def test4(mylist): 2 print(mylist) 3 mylist.clear() 4 print(mylist) 5 6 mylist = [1, 2, 3, 4] 7 test4(mylist) 8 print(mylist) 9 10 # 輸出: 11 # [1, 2, 3, 4] 12 # [] 13 # []
1 def test5(): 2 return (1, 2, 3, 4) 3 4 5 def test6(): 6 return 1, 2, 3, 4 7 8 9 def test7(): 10 return [1, 2, 3, 4] 11 12 result = test5() 13 print(result) # (1, 2, 3, 4) 14 15 result = test6() 16 print(result) # (1, 2, 3, 4) 17 18 result = test7() 19 print(result) # [1, 2, 3, 4]
1 def outerFunc(): 2 print('Outer Funtion') 3 def innerFunc(): 4 print('Inner Function') 5 innerFunc() 6 7 outerFunc() 8 9 # 輸出: 10 # Outer Funtion 11 # Inner Function
1 temp = 'ice cream' 2 3 def test8(): 4 "全局變量能夠在整個程序範圍內訪問" 5 print(temp) 6 7 8 def test9(): 9 inner_temp = 'ice' 10 print(inner_temp) 11 12 print(temp) # ice cream 13 test8() # ice cream 14 test9() # ice 15 16 17 # 局部變量只能在其被聲明的函數內部訪問 18 print(inner_temp) # 報錯 name 'inner_temp' is not defined 19 20 def test10(): 21 print(temp) # 報錯 local variable 'temp' referenced before assignment 22 temp = 'ice' 23 print(temp)
1 def FuncX(x): 2 def FuncY(y): 3 return x * y 4 return FuncY 5 6 tempFunc = FuncX(3) 7 result = tempFunc(5) 8 print(result) # 15 9 10 result = FuncX(3)(5) 11 print(result) # 15
python 使用 lambda 表達式來建立匿名函數
lambda函數的語法只包含一個語句: lambda [arg1 [,arg2,.....argn]]:expression
1 square = lambda x : x**2 2 print(square(3)) # 9 3 4 sum = lambda x, y : x + y 5 print(sum(2, 3)) # 5
filter(function, iterable)
Construct an iterator from those elements of iterable for which function returns true. iterable may be either a sequence, a container which supports iteration, or an iterator. If function is None, the identity function is assumed, that is, all elements of iterable that are false are removed.
若function參數爲函數或lambda表達式:返回 將元素做爲函數參數、函數返回值爲True 的元素
1 reslut = filter(None, [1, 0, False, True]) 2 print(list(reslut)) # [1, True] 3 4 def odd(num): 5 return num % 2 6 7 reslut = filter(odd, range(10)) 8 print(list(reslut)) # [1, 3, 5, 7, 9] 9 10 reslut = filter(lambda num: num % 2, range(10) ) 11 print(list(reslut)) # [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]