<bean id="multipartResolver" class="org.springframework.web.multipart.commons.CommonsMultipartResolver"> <property name="maxUploadSize"> <value>5120000</value> </property> <property name="maxInMemorySize"> <value>1024</value> </property> </bean>
# spring-boot自帶的文件上傳配置。 # 容許上傳 spring.http.multipart.enabled=true # Threshold after which files will be written to disk. Values can use the suffixed "MB" or "KB" to indicate a Megabyte or Kilobyte size. spring.http.multipart.file-size-threshold=0 # 上傳文件的臨時目錄 # spring.http.multipart.location= # 單個文件的大小限制 spring.http.multipart.max-file-size=1MB # 整個請求的大小限制 spring.http.multipart.max-request-size=10MB # 不懶加載 spring.http.multipart.resolve-lazily=false
/** * 文件上傳 * * @param file * @return * @author wei.ss */ @RequestMapping(value = "/fileUpload", method = RequestMethod.POST, produces = { MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN_VALUE }) @ResponseBody public String fileUpload(@RequestParam("file1") MultipartFile file, String name) throws Exception { LOG.info("fileUpload file={}, name={}", file, name); if (null == file) { return "file not found"; } name = file.getOriginalFilename(); LOG.info("{}={}", name, file); if (file.getSize() == 0) { LOG.warn("文件沒有內容:{}", name); } LOG.info("{} file's length is {}", name, file.getBytes().length); return "ok"; }